Monday, October 10, 2011

UCT's Harry Oppenheimer Scholarship Guidelines


1. The Harry Oppenheimer Institute for African Studies at the University of Cape Town awards a Scholarship designed to assist post-Honours students in undertaking research in any field with application to African Studies.  Students will be required to register and complete the postgraduate degree at the University of Cape Town.

2. The Scholarship is a prestigious award and selection is based on:
(i) Academic merit
(ii) The same kinds of principles spelt out in the University's Equal Opportunity Employment Policy.   These include the principles of affirmative action and the goal of developing the careers of black  students to prepare them to become equal competitors and significant role models at UCT in  general and in the field of African Studies in particular.  Given that black people are currently  underrepresented in the postgraduate student body, the Centre for African Studies encourages  them to apply for this Scholarship as we are committed to helping redress the under- representation.

3. The value of the Scholarship is up to R20 000.

4. Applications should be made on the prescribed forms and accompany a full curriculum vitae.

5. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to request two persons familiar with their work to prepare a referee's report.  The reports must be submitted directly to the Institute.

6. The Scholarship may be deferred for a maximum of one year.

7. The proposed degree must be completed at UCT, failing which the full scholarship award must be refunded.

8. Applications and referee's reports must be received before 15 November each year.

9. The Committee of Management reserves the right not to make an award.


1 Full Name:

2 Address:

3 Tel. No.
4 Degree or qualification for which applicant is currently registered

Student No.
5 Academic qualifications: Attach full academic transcripts
DEGREE                 UNIVERSITY                      YEAR ATTAINED

6 Previous research and publications (if any), please give titles, name of publisher, journal and date

7 Have you applied to any other organisation (s) for a scholarship, bursary or grant to assist you in research? (Yes/No). If yes, state the name of the organisation and the amount applied for

8 Other scholarships, bursaries or grants held previously and at present. Give name of grant, amount and dates held

9 Date of commencement of research and anticipated duration

10 Name, address and academic position of two referees who have agreed to support your application.  Applicants are required to ask their referees to e-mail confidential reports directly to by the closing date

11 Attach a concise statement of the problem to be investigated in your research, the methodology to be employed and the field in which your study is to be based.
12 A full curriculum vitae outlining all activities that could be relevant to the Selection Committee must accompany this application.


E-mail all supporting documents to:, Centre for African Studies, Harry Oppenheimer Institute Building, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701.


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