Thursday, March 17, 2016

Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator

Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator
"Sometimes in life there is that moment when it's possible to make a change for the better. This is one of those moments. -Elizabeth Glaser

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation [EGPAF] supports Tanzania's Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and other stakeholders in the roll out and strengthening of a broad scale up of HIV programs through a District approach. The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) is a global leader in the fight against pediatric HIV and AIDS, working in 15 countries and at over 5,500 sites around the world to prevent the transmission of HIV to children, and to help those already infected.  The Foundation's global mission is to implement HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs; further advance innovative research; and to execute strategic and targeted global advocacy activities to bring dramatic change to the lives of millions of women, children, and families worldwide.

Position Details

Job title:                                              Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator
Location:                                             Tanzania, Dar es Salaam
Job grade:                                           6
Primary manager:                            Senior Manager Strategic Information and Evaluation
Duration:                                              Six Month

Job Summar 
The Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator will work as a key member of EGPAF's Technical team, under the leadership of the Senior Manager strategic information and Evaluation (Snr. SI&E). The MEM will work in close collaboration with other Program coordinators and other program managers to ensure that the data management system captures all data relevant for the monitoring, evaluating and reporting of the Foundations programs. The MEC will provide leadership and technical support to the Country office and Field office M&E program officers and will collaborate with Data management coordinator to support data management staff. The MEC will also play a central role in QI / QA of EGPAF's program in collaboration with PCQI.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

M&E Leadership and capacity building for the Foundation:
  • The MEC is responsible for the leadership, management, training and development of M&E program staff in the Country office and the Field offices (currently 9) and the M&E data assistant.
  • Provide technical assistant to all the M&E staffs which should include, but is not limited to: M&E techniques, data collection, data analysis, data use in decision-making and data reporting;
  • building EGPAF staff capacity to train sites in M&E techniques, data collection, data analysis, data use in decision-making and data reporting;
  • Provide technical supervisory to all field office M&E officers to be able to perform their duties accordingly.

Coordinating process of reporting and create an awareness of the rationale and importance of data collection and reporting for staff at EGPAF office and at its sites
  • Oversee and assure all programmatic reporting required by EGPAF-Tanzania, including CDC and USAID quarterly reports, MOH reports, PEPFAR semiannual reports, success stories and any request for information from CDC, USAID or other stakeholders; in doing so working closely with CDC and USAID Strategic Information Officer and EGPAF HQ to assure appropriate reporting;
  • Create an awareness of the rationale and importance of data collection and reporting for staff at EGPAF office and at its sites;
  • Coordinate and assure timely, accurate and complete data entry into the global web based database of EGPAF (called GLASER).
  •  Work with EGPAF HQ M&E to manage GLASER data base and to provide reports for EGPAF Tanzania, donors and other stakeholder from GLASER on program achievements.
  • Coordinate and support the process of critical review of data and data collection tools used at EGPAF health facility sites against the required reports that EGPAF has to produce; provide advice and assistance in improving these tools; streamline the process from data collection to the production of reports;

Monitoring & Evaluation of EGPAF programs to ensure proper and timely implementation of activities toward achieving the program goals:

  • The MEC is responsible for all monitoring and evaluation activities that need to be performed in EGPAF Tanzania's programs including, but not limited to: data collection, data cleaning, data analysis, reporting and the provision of constructive feedback (to sub-grantees, EGPAF staff and other stakeholders);
  • Coordinating the process of tracking all planned activities and make sure that they are implemented according to the work plan.
  • Ensure proper documentation of the program achievements and dissemination of information to relevant stakeholders.
  • Work with technical staff in setting, monitoring and achieving program goals and targets in each program year;
  • Assist sub grantees in setting, monitoring and achieving program goals and targets in each program year;

Ensuring that the data produced by EGPAF supported facilities is of required quality and that the information from these data is used to influence decision making:
  • Develop SOP on data quality assurance and enhance the use of these SOP at all level of information flow;
  • Develop SOP and guideline for data use at different level of information use.
  • Create awareness of using data generated at different level and coordinate the forums for data use from lower level to higher level.
  • Coordinate the dissemination of the information, lesson learnt and best practices to relevant stakeholders.
  •  Work closely with PCQI to ensure that EGPAF's efforts for QI / QA in its program, including the use of M&E data for strategic decision making and  programmatic improvement is implemented well at EGPAF and sub-grantee level;
Support and provide technical assistant on research activities within the foundation;
  • Work closely with technical staff to support research and targeted evaluations including the Program Officer Public Health Evaluations;
  • Support technical staff to design and implement qualitative or formative research to compliment quantitative data collected;

Taking representative role to represent EGPAF in different meeting and workshop;
  • Participate actively in internal or external meetings concerning M&E, QI and other project activities as delegated by the Snr. Manager SIE or Technical Director with various stakeholders, including the MOH, CDC, USAID and other stakeholders; assume representational responsibilities when asked;
  • Participate in programmatic workshop internal and external, national or international as delegated by the Snr. Manager SIE or Technical Director.

Any other responsibilities as assigned by the Snr Manager SIE/Technical Director

Required Qualifications

  • A degree in Statistics, Health Sciences or any field providing the essential skills and experience for this position, master degree in the same mentioned area is an added advantage;
  • Computer literacy, with comfortable working experience with the basic Microsoft packages (Outlook, Internet, Word, Excel & power point) and preferably knowledge of statistical packages;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills;
  • Ability and willingness to travel up to 30% in-country.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

  • Training and experience in Monitoring and Evaluation and the development of M&E tools; preferably of HIV& AIDS interventions or a related field, or otherwise the capacity and motivation to acquire an in-depth knowledge of this field in a short time;
  • Experience in developing and conducting training;
  • Previous experience in program management; preferably under US Government regulations;
  • Previous reporting experience to US Government an added advantage;

EGPAF is an equal opportunities employer and the position is open to all. Qualified candidates should submit a CV, cover letter and relevant Certificates explaining how the experience detailed in the CV will contribute to the requirements of the position and references to EGPAF.
Submissions to be sent to:

The Senior Human Resource Manager,
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation,
P.O. BOX 1628,
Oysterbay, Haile Selasie Road Plot # 8 & 10,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Closing date: March 22nd , 2016.

Only Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted.

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