Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mining Governance Specialist , Transparency International

Mining Governance Specialist , Transparency International
Transparency International (TI) is inviting expressions of interest to develop a corruption risk assessment tool for the mining sector.

The expert(s) is/are expected to develop a risk assessment tool to diagnose corruption risks in the awarding of mining sector permits, licences and contracts at the national level. The tool should be applicable in a variety of country contexts. The consultancy will run from April to June 2016. The expert(s) is/are also expected to be available in August/September to incorporate any changes to the tool following a "dry" pilot run. 


TI is the global civil society coalition against corruption. Through more than 100 national chapters worldwide, and an international Secretariat in Berlin, Germany (TI-S), TI raises awareness about the devastating impact of corruption and works with partners in government, the private sector and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle it.

TI and others have been advocating for improvements in the governance and accountability policies and practices of the mining sector for the last two decades. Much valuable work has been undertaken, especially on revenue transparency, but to date relatively less attention has been paid to the need for transparency and accountability in the licensing and contracting phase of mining operations. To fill this gap, TI is embarking on a new multi-stakeholder 'Mining for Sustainable Development' Programme aimed specifically at strengthening transparency and accountability in the award of mining sector permits, licences and contracts. The first phase of the programme will focus on identifying the corruption risks at this critical phase of the mining value chain in approximately 20 countries around the world.

Description of Tasks & Timeline

The expert(s) will develop a risk assessment tool to diagnose corruption risks in the awarding of mining sector permits, licences and contracts at the national level. The resulting tool will be applied by TI national chapters at the national level in approximately 20 countries[1]. The tool should therefore be generic and flexible enough to be applied in both developed and emerging market contexts with only minimal adaptation. Ultimately, it should serve the purpose of providing robust evidence to support national-level advocacy on identified corruption risks.

The expert(s) is/are encouraged to draw on existing TI research methodologies to inform the development of the tool[2] as well as a "Diagnostic Framework on Corruption Risks in Mining Sector Licencing" developed by TI Australia[3]. The tool should provide step-by-step guidance for TI national chapters to conduct participatory research that combines desk reviews, expert interviews, roundtables and/or focus groups, legal/policy analysis and field visits. It should facilitate the collection of information against a set of indicator questions to assess levels of transparency, accountability and discretion in the licensing and contracting phase of national-level mining operations, both in law (de jure) and in practice (de facto).

The work of the expert(s) will involve:

a review of relevant risk assessment tools and relevant literature on corruption in the mining sector
consultations with participating national chapters and relevant research and industry experts from within and outside the TI movement (including potentially a global expert meeting at TI-S)
development of a draft corruption risk assessment tool, incorporating input from TI and relevant experts
refinement of the tool based on a "dry" pilot run.

It is expected that the expert(s) will complete the following tasks:

produce an outline of the corruption risk assessment tool by mid-April
produce a full draft tool for piloting by mid-June
incorporate feedback on the tool from TI and experts in the field by end-June
produce a final tool incorporating feedback from the dry pilot in August/September.

The total budget available for this assignment is 20,000 Euro.

TI will support the work of the expert(s) by providing access to relevant research and industry experts, existing corruption risk assessment tools and lessons learned from implementing them at country-level. TI will also be available to answer any questions that may arise during the tool development process.

Profile & Experience

Applicants are expected to have the following profile:

significant experience in, and understanding of, permitting and licencing processes and frameworks in the mining sector across a range of jurisdictions, including developed and developing country contexts
demonstrated interest in addressing governance and corruption challenges in the mining sector
experience with risk assessment methodologies and approaches
familiarity with participatory research methods and consultative action-research processes
experience in designing applied qualitative research projects in the field of governance and anti-corruption
university degree in a relevant field (e.g. Political Science, Public Administration, Development Studies, Natural Resource Management, Mining Engineering, Geology).

Application process

Applications must be sent to amcdevitt@transprency.org by 20 March 2016, with the following elements attached:

Curriculum Vitae(s) with full description of the applicant's profile and expertise
a brief summary proposal on how the applicant(s) intend(s) to take on the assignment, including proposed work plan/time schedule, deliverables, composition of team and division of roles (if applicable) and key aspects of research design, including key challenges envisaged
a sample of work on a relevant topic
contact details for at least two independent referees with in-depth and proven knowledge of the applicant's expertise and relevant work experience.

Please indicate "Expression of interest – Mining Risk Assessment" in the subject line of your email application. Applications from consultancy companies or groups of consultants are also accepted, provided that the consultants who would work on this assignment are clearly identified in the application package.

For more information on Transparency International, please visit www.transparency.org.

[1] DR Congo, Liberia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines and Armenia

[2] Such as National Integrity System Assessments, the Forestry Governance Initiative, the Climate Finance Integrity Initiative

[3] http://im4dc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Corruption-Risks-in-the-Mining-Chain-Final-Completed-Report.pdf

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