Thursday, December 17, 2015

Recruitment at Higher Education Students Loan Board

The Higher Education Students' Loans Board (HESLB); was established under the Act No. 09 of 2004 (as amended)
and started operations in July, 2005. The main functions of the HESLB, among others, include the following:-
(i) To issue Loans, Grants and Scholarships to Eligible and NeedyTanzanian Higher Education Students;
(ii) To keep Records of beneficiaries of those funds and amounts issued to them;
(iii) To collect Repayments for all Loans issued to Students since 1994 so as to Re-Iend the collected funds to
, other Eligible and Needy Tanzanian Students;
(iv) To Maintain collaboration and Networking with Key-Stakeholders including Higher Education Institutions
(HEls), Employers and Loans Beneficiaries; ,
(v) To advise the Government on matters relating to issuance of Loans, Grants, Scholarships and Recovery of
Loans; .
The Board now invites applications from qualified Tanzanians to fill the vacant position mentioned below:
1.1 Qualifications and Experience:
(i) Holder of Bachelors Degree or Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Finance;
(ii) Holder of CPA (T) or ACCA;
(iii) Holder of Masters Degree in Finance or Masters Degree in Business Administration (Finance);
(lv) At least eight (8) years work experience in a Senior Management position in a reputable Organization.
1.2 Duties and Responsibilities:
To formulate polkies guiding the investment of Board's funds;
To oversee all matters related to Financial, Human Resource and Administrative affairs of the Board;
To translate Policies relating to Financial, Human Resource and Administrative affairs;
To plan short and long term human resource requirement of the Board;
To formulate and evaluate implementation of annual work plans for the Directorate;
To establish smooth linkages and exchanqe of Financial information between the Board and its stakeholders;
To establish smooth linkages and exchange of information relating to financial matters within the Board;
To oversee staff recruitments, confirmations, induction, training and development, appraisals, motivation,
promotions, compensation and disciplinary matters;
To establish a data base in respect of market interest rates and foreign exchange rates for informed investment
To submit annual financial statements of the Board in time to the External Auditors of the Board;
To manage and coordinate Human Resources and Administrative functions including personal administration
and payroll; .
To provide leadership and direction to Finance and Administration staff to ensure efficient use of human.
To make sure that finance are managed according to Legislation, Policies, Procedures and generally accepted
accounting Principles;
To recommend disposal of damage and obsolete items
To oversee timely and economic investment of idle funds;
To take custody of all assets of the Board;
To oversee and ensure timely collection of all revenues due to the Board;
To oversee timely reconciliation of the Board's Bank accounts;
To put in place and regularly review operational manuals of the Directorate;
To provide strategic direction of the Directorate;

Personal Attributes
• A good Team Player with ability to work independently and committed to deliver High Quality work at the
agreed timeframe;
• Ability to Administer and Supervise subordinates;
• Excellent interpersonal Communication Skills in both English and Swahili;
• Demonstrated Excellent Personal Integrity and Confidence;
• Fully Computer literate.


Competitive and attractive Remuneration package will be offered to the Right Candidate as per HESLB Salary

Mode of Application:
Candidates meeting the above Requirements should submit their Applications with two (2) Passport size
photographs glued on the front page at the top of the Application letter, along with the followingattachments:-
(i) Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) showing Names of three (3) Referees, their Contact Addresses, E-mails and
Telephone Numbers
(ii) Photocopies of Birth Certificates;
(iii) Copies of Academic Transcripts and Certificates to:

The Executive Director,
Higher Education Students' Loans Board,
Plot No. 08 Block No. 46 Sam Nujoma Road - Mwenge,
P'O.Box 76068,

NB: The Envelopes containing Application documents, should be Marked with the Title of the Post being applied
for, any un-marked envelope will automatically be disqualified. This is intended to facilitate identification and
distinguishing of letters of application for this post from other ordinary inward mail.
2.3 Deadline for Applications:
Closing date will be 15th January, 2016 at 17.00hrs. For applications being submitted through Post Office,
only those stamped by the Post Office between the dates of this Advertisement and the closing date will be
opened for consideration. .
2.4 Non-Shortlisted Applicants:
Only short-listed Applicants will be contacted.
2.5 Those who had already applied:
Those who have previously applied and appeared for interviews for this post should not re- apply

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