Thursday, December 3, 2015

Clinician , RMO Rukwa

Rukwa Region through PEPFAR funding is among the beneficiaries of Walter Reed HIV Project in the Southern Highlands with centre for excellence stationed at Mbeya Region. As from the first contractual agreement in year 2004/2005, Walter Reed HIV & AIDS Project operated from Mbeya to cover three regions with high prevalence regions in Tanzania. Rukwa is one of them and has to ensure that project deliverables and other requirements are met within specified time, quality and quantitatively as measured on pre-set project targets of the project implementation period. The RMO Rukwa on the other hand, still requiring providing health care services in response to HIV&AIDS by seeking qualified candidates.

Job Title: Clinician (1 position)
Report to: Regional Medical Officer/Regional AIDS Control Coordinator
Location: Mazwi CTC in Sumbawanga MuniEipal Council

Role Definition:
The purpose of this position is to provide the overall leadership, service organizations and clinical support to CTC as well as RCH at Mazwi Health Centre. The HIV Clinician will be responsible for the quality of clinical services delivered and effectively work with the team to provide routine services while adhering to the national guidelines for HIV management. She/he will support the hospital
In-charge in the development of annual work plans and budgets based on the country' strategies and operation plans. HIV Clinician will be physically located at Mazwi CTC.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Organize HIV related clinical services at CTC and RCH.
Ensure HIV Quality Improvement Team meets and deliberate on the most important issues identified at the site level.
Represent hospital In-charge to the Technical forums addressing HIV AIDS as called by the partners, CHMT and RHMT.
Collaborate with Hospital In-charge to continuously identify service delivery gaps and communicate with relevant authorities to address them. This may include hospital management team, CHMT, Rukwa RMO or HJFMRI.
Ensure service delivery data are captured well on the source document-s as well on CTC 2 Database.
Collaborate with intra-facility focal from various service areas such as Pharmacy, Laboratory, Social services and
Administration to ensure proper HIV services are delivered at the CTC and RCH.
Work with CTC Nurse, RCH In-charges and HBC focal to monitor the activities carried out by the Expert Clients and Mother to Mother Mentors.
Coordinate facility based multi-displinary team meetings; invite the approved participants, ensures the meeting proceedings are documented and actions agreed are followed up.
Responsible for generating quality HIV related CTC and PMTCT reports. (Monthly, Quarterly, SAPR and APR)
Ensure identification of patients suspicious of failing first line ART and work with the CTC team to develop individualized treatment plan.
Ensure constant availability and use of all HIV service delivery guidelines, protocols and SOPs.
Develop a plan for Chart reviews to identify gaps and areas of service delivery improvements.
Provide clinical care to pre-ART and ART eligible patients including clinical assessments, ordering investigations, use the results for proper treatment.
Collaborate effectively with facility In charge District Pharmacist, MSD and Supply Logistics Chain Management System to ensure un interrupted availability of HIV /AIDS commodities including Testing Kits at Mazwi Health center
Other duties assigned by Higher Management

Advanced Diploma or Degree in Doctor of Medicine from a recognized institution and-must be registered with the relevant professional body in Tanzania.
3 years' experience providing HIVIAIDS clinical care in Tanzania
Fluency in English and Kiswahili
Basic Competency with Computer Applications (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint and Access)
Key personal competences: independent, yet still a team player
Strong communication skills
Proven ability for data-driven decision making
Self- motivated and able to demonstrate high initiative


RMO Rukwa is seeking qualified candidate to fill the positions above. Cover letters and resumes should be sent to the Regional
Medical Officer  P.O. Box 413, SUMBAWANGA

To be considered, applicants must put the TITLE OF THE JOB in the SUBJECT LINE. Deadline for submission of the application is December 7th 20'1 S. Those who do not meet the minimum requirements as detailed should not submit applications
RMO Rukwa is an equal opportunity employer; women are highly encouraged to apply.

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