Friday, November 6, 2015

Risk Officer , National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)

Risk Officer , National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)
The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) is a statutory Health Insurance Scheme established by Act of Parliament NO.9 of 1999, to undertake the responsibility of insuring medical care services to its members.
The Fund commenced its operations in 2001. Its head office is located at, Kurasini (Bendera Tatu) Dar es Salaam, and has branch offices in /lala, Temeke, Kinondoni, Moroqoro, Dodoma, Moshi, Arusha, Tanga, Iringa, Mbeya, Rukwa, Ruvuma, Mtwara, Mwanza, Mara, Tabora, Kigoma, Lindi, Sing ida, Shinyanga, Kibaha, Kagera Manyara, and Zanzibar; and will soon open other offices in Geita, Njombe, Katavi, and Simiyu.

NHIF now seeks to recruit dynamic, intelligent and result - oriented
Tanzanians with high integrity, to fill the following vacancies:

Risk Officer - 1 POST

i. Duties and Responsibilities
Communicates the risk management policy , risk
Management strategy and risk management implementation plan to all 'Stakeholders in the Fund;
Continuously conducts risk management process towards best practice;
Coordinates risk assessment at corporate/directorates/ department/division business unit on a regular basis:
Assists in developing and implementing risk responses for each identified material risk;
Participates in the development of the combined assurance plan for the institution, together with internal audit and management;
Provides information to facilitate overall risk management improvement within the Fund;
Continuously transfers risk management principles and practices, through training interventions to all stakeholders within the Fund;
Advises in the development of financing structures;
Collating and consolidating the results of the various assessments;
Analyzing the results of the assessment process to identify trends, within the risk control profiles and develop the necessary control interventions to manage these trends;
Assists in compiling the necessary reports to the Risk
Oversight Committee;

ii. Qualifications and Experience
University Degree in majoring in Risk Management from a recognized institution
Work experience in risk management field in a reputable institution is added advantage.

All applicants must be able to speak, read and write in both
English and Kiswahili.
All applicants must have proven skills of computer applications.
Applicants should be ready to work in any of NHIF offices in the

All applicants must be of the age below 36 years old by

Attractive and competitive remuneration package shall be offered to the right candidates. -


Handwritten applications attached with current coloured passport size photograph of the applicant, copies of relevant certificates, CV and names and addresses of two referees should reach the undersigned not later than 30th November 2015. Applications should be submitted by post or physically at NHIF Head office located at Kurasini Bendera
Tatu, near Tanzania Habours Authority Headquarters, Dar es Salaam.
NHIF is an equal opportunity employer.
Director General
National Health Insurance Fund
P.O. Box 11360

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