Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Call for Expressions of Interest - Research Institutions and Experts

Call for Expressions of Interest - Research Institutions and Experts
The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunityis a major new global initiative engaging world leaders, policy makers and researchers to develop a renewed and compelling case and financing pathway for achieving equal educational opportunity for children and young people.
With the recommitment of the global community to achieve universal education in the Sustainable Development Goals, the Commission will bring together the best research and policy analysis on the actions necessary to increase investment in concrete, relevant learning outcomes that have a positive impact on economic and social development. While the entire education system will be considered starting in the early years, the Commission will pay particular attention to the provision of basic education and its role in improving life chances and generating equal opportunities for young people. The Commission will establish a compelling case for additional investment in education and an agenda for action, aiming to secure increased, more effective investments and contribute to the mobilization of new partnerships to achieve these aims, particularly in middle-income and low-income countries.
In doing so, the Commission will develop proposals which address five themes of research:
1. The Case for Investment in Education. What are the benefits? What is the impact of education on the economy and social goals, including on key SDGs? What will be the consequences of inaction?
2. The Scale of the Challenge. What are the key education challenges that need to be addressed as a matter of urgency? What factors have held back progress?
3. Reforms Needed to Deliver Effective Education. What will it take to accelerate progress? What systemic reforms, scaling up of good practices and innovations will be needed to improve the effectiveness and equity of education financing and delivery? What can be done to improve the quality of education and learning outcomes, and take these interventions and reforms to scale?
4. Financing Needs to Achieve Education Goals. What are realistic financing needs, taking into account implementation capacity? What additional costs are likely to be associated with efforts to reach marginalized children and children in conflict? How could alternative delivery models potentially help reduce costs?
5. Sources of Finance and Financing Architecture. What types of resources – domestic and external- could be mobilized in different country contexts and how could they be used to best effect?
The Commission is co-convened by Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway, President Michelle Bachelet of Chile, President Joko Widodo of Indonesia, President Peter Mutharika of Malawi and the Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova. The UN Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, serves as the Chair of the Commission. The Commission comprises of approximately 25 high-level individuals representing diverse geographical and disciplinary backgrounds. The work of the Commission will take place over an initial 12-months period with the Commission's report to be presented to the co-conveners and the UN Secretary-General at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2016. 

In the Commission's search for diverse perspectives and contributions to build the evidence base, it is issuing a global call for expressions of interest. The Commission seeks bring together the highest quality research from all corners of the globe by drawing on the experience of research institutions, expert advisors and researchers focusing on various pieces of investigation. These research "hubs" will correspond to the five themes outlined above.
The Commission seeks institutions and individuals, with expertise in one or more of the areas of thematic interest to the Commission, to: (1) conduct research and produce research reports or (2) serve as an expert contributor to the research of the Commission, or (3) convene experts and institutions to contribute to the to the research of the Commission.
To submit an expression of interest, please send a 1-2-page concept note outlining:
(1) research area(s) of expertise.
2) possible contributions to the research agenda of the commission, referencing specific research pieces in the five research areas above.
(3) timeline for research and any proposed activities.
(4) availability to engage in the Commission's research agenda, keeping in mind the majority of the background research work will take place between November 2015 and April 2016.
(5) an indication of whether the expression of interest is for an individual researcher or an institution, or a group of research partners.
Please submit this the concept note in an editable word file and attach additional CVs or supporting documentation (optional) as separate files. Research partnerships will be developed on an ongoing basis. Please submit initial expressions of interest no later than 7 November 2015 to
The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity is a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

Supporting documents


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