Saturday, November 14, 2015



Good Neighbors Shinyanga Office has received funds from KOICA under
the Maternal and Child Health project to support installation of solar
power, generators, construction of underground water tanks and
renovation of health facilities in Kishapu District for year 2015/16.

2.About Good Neighbors
Good Neighbors Tanzania is a non-profit organization based in Dar es
Salaam and is currently implementing various projects in several
regions throughout the United Republic of Tanzania, including Dar es
Salaam, Dodoma, Mbeya, Mwanza, Shinyanga and others. Good Neighbors
Shinyanga office began operations on March 23, 2015 focusing on
Maternal Health Improvement in Kishapu District, a four-year project
(January, 2015 – December, 2018) that aims at reducing the maternal
deaths. The Project's implementation consists of activities that will
ultimately work towards:
Improving the availability and quality of Maternal Health services at
47 government-owned health centers and dispensaries.
Empowering Community Health Workers and training them in the area of
Maternal Health.
Increasing the demand for Maternal Health services within our targeted
communities and local governments.

3. Planned activities for the year 2015/16
Good Neighbors Shinyanga Office is supporting installation of Solar
power to Negezi, Magalata, Ngeme and Mwamanota dispensaries,
Generators to Bunambiyu and Nhobola health centers, Underground water
tanks to Negezi, Bulekela, Ngeme, Mwamanota dispensaries and Nhobola
health center, Extension of KASHWASA water pipe from Bunambiyu center
to Bunambiyu health center, and Renovation of Negezi and Magalata

3.1 nstallation of solar panels.
Good Neighbors Shinyanga Office is supporting installation of solar
power in Negezi, Magalata, Ngeme and Mwamanota dispensaries with
following prefered features.
Capacity: 200 watts
Buildings to be supplied: Maternity Blocks
Equipments to be supplied: solar panels, batteries, lightings, inventors etc
Note: installation requirements may differ from one facility to another.

3.2 Installation of generators.
Good Neighbors Shinyanga Office is supporting installation of
generators in Bunambiyu and Nhobola health centers. In Bunambiyu
health center, the generator is expected to supply power to maternity
and theater buildings. In Nhobola health center, the generator is
expected to supply power to only maternity building.
Capacity: At least 5,000KV
Building to be supplied: Maternity Block with 3 rooms (Nhobola),
Maternity and Theatre with a total of 7 rooms (Bunambiyu)
Equipments to be supplied: Generator, cables, wires etc.
Note: installation requirements may differ from one facility to another.

3.3 Construction of underground water tanks for rain water harvesting
Good Neighbors Shinyanga Office is supporting construction of
underground water tanks to Negezi, Bulekela, Ngeme, Mwamanota
dispensaries and Nhobola health center.
Capacity: At least 30,000litres (similar for all target facilities)
Construction may include water tanks, chambers, pipes, gutters etc
Note: Construction requirements may differ from one facility to another.

3.4 Extension of KASHWASA water pipe in Bunambiyu health center.
Good Neighbors Shinyanga Office is supporting extension of water pipe
from Bunambiyu center to Bunambiyu health center which covers distance
ranging between 1-2 Kms. The following materials may be required;
plastic pipe 3/4inch, pipe connectors, water taps etc.

3.5 Renovation of Health facilities
Good Neighbors Shinyanga is supporting renovation of maternity blocks
in Magalata and Negezi dispensaries. The followings may be
required;-Repair/Replacement of ceiling boards, floors, walls, windows
and doors and extension of room(s) and construction of placenta pit,
incinerator, generator shed and toilet. Materials required may
include but not limited to building materials, windows and door frames
and tops

4.Field visits
Good Neighbors Shinyanga Office offers all suppliers and constructors
an opportunity for field visit during which quantity survey(s) may be
undertaken. Good Neighbors will facilitate transport ONLY from
Shinyanga Office to targeted facilities. Also, Suppliers/Contractors
are allowed to use their personal/company transport for field visit on
scheduled date at their own cost. The field visit is expected to be
conducted between 23rd November and 30th November 2015 as per the
following schedule;-

Table 1: Field visit schedule for Quantity Survey

Good Neighbors Shinyanga is committed to ensuring that every
suppliers/contractors gets an opportunity to take part in the field
visit. However, the organization may adjust the scheduled date(s) to
accommodate all pre-qualified suppliers/contractors.

5.Submission guidelines
All interested suppliers/contractors should submit an official letter
to the address below, specifying the followings;
The title on envelope should specify the activities
suppliers/contractors are expressing interest for.
For example, "Expression of interest for installation of solar power
in Kishapu District"
Briefly, explain the capability and resources available to undertake
the tasks mentioned.
Express commitment to undertake the project timely.

Submission Deadline: 18th November 2015

All letters should be delivered by hand or post to
Good Neighbors Tanzania
Shinyanga Area Office
P.O. Box 605, Shinyanga, Tanzania

or e-mail to

After submission, all pre-qualified suppliers/contractors will be
invited to take part in field visit by phone as per schedule above.

For further inquiries, Please contact one of HSI Officers:

6.Expectations after field trip
After field visit, the suppliers/contractors are expected to submit
tendering documents. The details for submission will be provided

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