Monday, June 1, 2015

Town Planner

Town Planner
Capital Development Authority is a Parastatal Organization under the Prime Minister's Office
whose main functions include;
Implementing the decision to transfer the Capital of Tanzania to Dodoma.
Prepare plans for the development of Dodoma as the Capital of Tanzania.
Carry out and effect necessary development so as render Dodoma suitable for the Capital of Tanzania.
Wish to immediately fill the following vacant posts:-

Town Planner II - 5 Posts


A holder of Bachelors Degree/Advanced Diploma in Town and Regional Planning, Urban Design or any other related field from a reputable University/Institution.

Duties and Responsibilities
(i) Assist in development of methodologies for data collection on various aspects of Authority's operational programmes.
(ii) Assist in designs and reviews of data collection instruments.
(iii) Assist in the collection of necessary planning data;
(iv) Assist in analysis and evaluation of information gathered.
(v) Assist in all Regional and physical planning work;
(vi) To perform any other duties as may be assigned to them by the Immediate Supervisor from time to time.

Salary Scale: CDASS 7

1.All applicants must be citizens of Tanzania and not above 45 years old.
2.Applicants must attach updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) with reliable contact postal address, e-mail address and telephone numbers.
3.The title of the position applied for should be written in the subject of the application letter and marked on the envelope.
4.Applicants must attach their detailed relevant certified copies of academic certificates.
5.Form IV and Form VI results slips, Testimonials and Partial transcripts are not accepted.
6.Applicants who have retired from public service for whatever reason should not apply.
7.Applicants should indicate three referees with their reliable contacts.
8.Applicants must be computer literate (conversant with G.I.S)
9.Certificates from foreign universities should be verified by Tanzania
Commission for University (TCU)
10.Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview.
11.Dead line for application is 11/06/2015 at 3:30 p.m
12.Application letters should be posted to the address below;

The Director General,
Capital Development Authority,
P.O. Box 913

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