Thursday, May 14, 2015

Medical Internship in Arusha

Medical Internship in Arusha

Mount Meru Hospital

The history of Mt. Meru Hospital goes back to the First World War when it was initially established as a camp for treating casualties of the war. Over the years it evolved into a hospital.
At present the hospital has a capacity of 450 beds and several clinical departments which include internal medicine, surgical, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, dentistry, radiology, pathology, mental health, anesthesia, physiotherapy and pharmacy.
In total there are 430 staff employed at this hospital, which is fully owned by the government. Situated in the city center of Arusha, the hospital is very busy serving more than 200 patients per day. Joining this project will surely develop your medical skills, no matter which specification.

Ngarenaro Health Centre

Ngarenaro Health Centre originally started as a women's health centre. Currently it is an exclusively women's reproductive health centre located in the city centre and occupies 8 doctors, 40 nurses, a laboratory service, an outpatient department, a maternity and children clinic and a labor ward.
Because of the high number of patients, the centre is very busy and can hardly meet the demands for its services, which include comprehensive breastfeeding, antenatal care and pregnancy, prevention of mother to child transmission, care treatment and counseling for HIV positive mothers, delivery, early infant diagnosis, family planning, general maternity, counseling and testing for HIV/AIDS. All these services are available 24 hours.
The clinic accepts volunteers who are medical students or medical professionals (CV needed before). The main tasks of the volunteers are assisting local nurses in the labor room, giving vaccinations to newborns and treating mothers and their children who come to the centre. Sometimes they might even be given administrative works.

Themi Hospital

Themi Health Centre started in 1994 and today occupies one assistant medical officer, four clinical officers and 27 nurses. It has an outpatient department, laboratory, labor ward, a children clinic and offers various services concerning family planning, maternity, antenatal care, pregnancy and delivery. Also counseling and testing for HIV/AIDS and TB are carried out.

How to apply

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