Sunday, May 10, 2015

Chief of Party -- Let's Read Together Activity - Tanzania

Chief of Party -- Let's Read Together Activity - Tanzania
CAMRIS International seeks a seasoned Chief of Party to serve on the upcoming USAID Tanzania's "Let's Read Together Activity". The purpose of this contract is to acquire technical assistance and instructional materials targeted at improving lifelong learning skills, defined as mastery of early grade reading, writing, and arithmetic. Technical assistance will cover: (1) improving quality of basic skills instruction at the early primary level; (2) strengthening Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT) skills delivery systems; and (3) increasing community and parental engagement in early primary education. These three components align with the Government of Tanzania (GoT)'s ten-year Education Development Sector Plan (EDSP)(see Attachment 5, item 22) and other reforms underway, such as Big Results Now (BRN), Performance4Results (P4R), and Global Partnership for Education Literacy and Numeracy Support (GPE LANES) program on 3R's (reading, writing, and arithmetic) reform.
Summary of Job:The Chief of Party (COP) will provide overall technical and administrative leadership and expertise for the Tusome Pamoja activity and serves as the primary liaison with USAID/Tanzania on management and technical matters. He/she will be responsible for the overall management and implementation of the activity.
  • S/he will supervise activity implementation and ensure the activity meets stated goals and reporting requirements.
  • The COP will take a leadership role in coordination among USAID and key stakeholders, especially DFID, and other implementing partners.
  • The COP position requires political savvy, as s/he will interact with numerous GOT institutions and senior-level officials.
  • The Chief of Party will have demonstrated ability to work in complex, politically charged environments, work across different cultures, and manage diverse teams to deliver impact within agreed timelines.
  • Requires a Master's degree in education, business, program/project management, or a related field from an accredited university.
  • A focus on curriculum, early childhood development, or early grade reading is preferred.
Skills and Experience:
  • At least 15 years of experience in relevant management, supervisory, technical experience working with programs that are of a similar scope and scale to this activity is required (at least 10 of these years must be in a management/leadership position).
  • At least ten years of experience in development in Sub-Saharan Africa is required, preferably in East or Southern Africa, with ample experience in project designs, policy dialogue, strategic planning and implementation, education reform and national-level quality improvement.
  • Demonstrated experience and knowledge of capacity development and professional development is preferred.
  • The candidate must be fluent (IELTS level 7 or above; or TOEFL 94 or above) in written and spoken English. Proficiency in Kiswahili is preferred, but not required.

If interested in this opportunity please submit a copy of your most up to date resume with three professional references to include email and phone number to

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