Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Assistant Secretary- (Regional Secretary) at RAAWU

Assistant Secretary- (Regional Secretary) at RAAWU RAAWU is a registered Trade Union, affiliate of Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) with the principle objective of improving and safeguarding the working conditions of its members in their working lives and after retirement. The Union is looking for personalities to fill the following positions. 

Assistant Secretary- (Regional Secretary) - 2 POSTS 

Key result areas/Responsibilities 
(i) Coordinating Union activities in the Region. 
(ii) Disseminating workers education, participation, and formulation of Workers' councils at 
(iii) To formulate and implement workers participation policies at workplaces in the Region. 
(iv) Evaluating all available information on members and participates in recruiting new members. 
(v) Participates effectively in collection of membership contributions in the region. 
(vi) Defends the interests of members before courts of law and facilitates arbitrations between members and their employers. 
(vii) Performing any other duties as may be assigned by Zonal Secretary .. 

Holder of Diploma in Industrial Relations, Education Public Administration and Human Resource 
Management from institutions recognized by NACTE or TCU. 
Age 25 - 45 years. 


NB. General Conditions 
Applicants must attach their detailed relevant certified copies of Certificates. 
Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date of interview 

All applications should be submitted to address below not later than April 2015 15:00hrs 
The General Secretary, 
RAAWU Headquarters 
P.O. Box 22532, DAR ES SALAAM 

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