Monday, March 9, 2015

SPX Profiling Specialist

SPX Profiling Specialist
SPX Programme Context:
The SPX Centre in Tanzania, hosted within the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA), aims at extending the local supplier base of major buyers (large multi-national enterprises, state owned enterprises, national procurement, etc).
The SPX Centre in Tanzania, established in 2010, interacts with respective main buyers, captures their procurement needs and plans, benchmark the capabilities of domestic enterprises in relation to these needs and assess their upgrading and investment requirements. The SPX Centre employs the extensive SPX methodologies and is increasingly becoming major service provider to both large buyers (for identifying potential local suppliers and developing local supply chains) and local suppliers (identifying their development needs and assisting them in realizing their development plans) in their respective countries. SPX Tanzania is integrated in selected framework programmes undertaken at the country level, especially those initiatives focusing on investment promotion efforts aimed at equipping national stakeholders, with more in depth analysis and empirical evidence of investment impact and performance.
Duties and Responsibilities for SPX profiling specialist:
• Identify and market the Programme to relevant suppliers in Tanzania mainland;
• Meet with companies and gather relevant information from the profiling tool;
• Input information onto SPX MIS;
• Regularly update and verify quality of information in the system;
• Meet the targets and deliverables in terms of number and quality of suppliers to be entered into the profiling application;
• Maintain confidentiality of the suppliers;
• Identify and involve relevant stakeholders including buyers and other support institutions;
• Facilitate matchmaking process with buyers;
• Benchmarking companies with potential for matchmaking;
• Identify suppliers constraints hindering their supply performances and assist companies with solutions;
Qualification and Experience
• Engineering or technical background;
• At least 2 years of technical experience in Manufacturing or processing Industry;
• University degree is advantageous but not strictly required;
• Good understanding of the key industrial terms and production processes;
• Attentive to detail and quality;
• Confident and comfortable with databases and web applications;
• Must participate in the SPX Trainings and must be authorized to access the Benchmarking tool by SPX Technical Expert.
• A pleasant and engaging personality with excellent interpersonal skills;
• Strong team spirit and confidence and ability to motivate survey companies;
• Ability to engage stakeholders at all levels;
• Honesty and passionate. Language: Fluency in spoken and written English Date required: Starting as soon as possible


The applications should be sent via email; and; . Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews. Interested candidates should submit their applications with detailed Curriculum Vitae to reach TCCIA by 18th March 2015 and addressed to: Executive Director and copy to
Executive Director TCCIA HQ P. O. Box 9713 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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