Thursday, February 12, 2015


National Project Coordinator

The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (UTA) on behalf of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) invites.
Applications for the position of a National Project Coordinator to support the implementation of Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) agenda on Climate services in East Africa .

ILRI works to enhance the roles livestock play in pathways out of poverty in developing countries. ILRI is a member of the CGIAR Consortium, a global research partnership of 15 centers working with many partners for a food-secure future. ILRI has two main campuses in East Africa and other hubs in East, West and Southern Africa and South, Southeast and East Asia:

CGIAR is a global agricultural research partnership for a food-secure future. Its science is carried out by 15 research centres that are members of the CGIAR Consortium in collaboration with hundreds of partner organizations.
Duty Station: This is a Nationally Recruited Position and the incumbent will be based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Key Responsibilities:
Manage CCAFS' work components under the Norway-funded Global Framework for Climate Services project for Tanzania. Plan and oversee activity implementation on each of the activities CCAFS is committed to, working with national partners in Tanzania, as per programme work plan.
Coordinate communication with all project partners (WFP, WHO, WMO, MoR, MoA, TMA, CICERO, UoDar, TRC, FRI,
ICRISAT, UoR, FRI, ICRA.-F) and stakeholders, and serve as CCAFS project liaison to the National Project Delivery Committee on
Climate Services
Support planning, coordination and organization of2015 & 2016 GFCS project activities in Tanzania, with detailed budgets.
Document CCAFS research and innovations within the project (on key topics such as: evaluation, scalable communication mechanisms, addressing social equity considerations in .climate services. delivery, governance framework for national climate services, etc.)
Document successful methods to bridge the gap between forecasters and users of climate services
Facilitation of National Framework for Climate Services consultation workshops + support for follow-up process (with WMO and TMA). Participate in the workshops and all PDT meetings (expected to be monthly/quarterly in Tanzania)
Plan for CCAFS/GFCS national stakeholders workshop 2015 M&E: Participate in inventory, lead development of M&E framework to assess impact of climate services for farmers & oversight of evaluation activities on the ground (with ICRAF, CICERO and PDT Tanzania) .Development of Co-production Guidelines to inform project process (with UoDar)
Train agricultural extension staff in how to access, interpret, tailor and package climate information to produce relevant weather-based rural advisories to support management of climate risks, communicate as part of existing agricultural extension schemes (with WFP Tanzania, UoR&MoA) "
Synthesize and avail best practice tools for training Met Service staff on forecast packaging and tailoring to serve end user needs (with UoR, UoDar, TMA)
Training red cross volunteers and media (rural radios) for delivery of climate services at scale for farmers (with TRC & FRI)
Identification of cost-effective pathways for Scaling up Sustainable Delivery of Climate Services for Farmers through ICTs (with ICRISAT, WFP Tanzania). Review of effectiveness (including cost-effectiveness) strategies to reach farmers with information services through cell-phone based communication technologies (e.g. SMS, voice recordings, etc.) that enable 2-way communication between farmers and information providers.
Lead project reporting- reporting to CCAFS and to the donor and WMO .

Key requirements: . .' .
MSc in an agricultural sciences, an earth and atmospheric science or a closely related discipline
Atleast three year experience in implementing climate services applied research and/or development activities in-East African countries. .
Demonstrated understanding of smallholder farming systems in East Africa, climate related risks, and the role of research for development processes
Demonstrated strong oral and written communication skills, and ability to document good practices for upscaling climate services for smallholder farmers
Demonstrated project management and M&E skills
Other desirable skills:
Experience working in a multi-cultural setting will be an added advantage.
Self-motivated and able to work with minimal supervision. ' '.
Excellent written and spoken English

General information:
The initial contract for the position is for two years: renewable subject to performance and. availability of funds. This is a nationally recruited position and lITA offers a competitive remuneration package.


Applications: Applications including curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, telephone number, email address, and names and addresses of two referees should be sent to the

Country Representative IITA-Tanzania, Plot No. 25, Mwenge - Coca-Cola Road, Mikocheni Industrial Area P.O. Box 34441, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania .

Applicants are requested to please indicate the reference number for the position as indicated on the heading of the announcement in your application as well as on the subject of your email if sending by email. If sending by post or hand delivery, please indicate the reference number on your application as well as on the left hand side of your envelope. Please note that any applications without the reference number indicated will be automatically disqualified.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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