Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Consultancy : Graphic Design and Layout for Sanitation Toolkit

Consultancy : Graphic Design and Layout for Sanitation Toolkit
The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) is a program funded by bilateral donors and administered by the World Bank, with a mission to help poor people gain sustained access to water supply and sanitation services. WSP operates in Africa, East Asia, Latin America, and South Asia. The WSP Tanzanian country office is based in Dar es Salaam.
WSP Tanzania seeks to recruit a Consultancy Firm for Graphic Design and Layout of Sanitation Toolkit handbook to support activities relating to the Scaling-up of Rural Water and Sanitation Service Deliveries in Tanzania.
The firm will design the Sanitation Toolkit along with the graphics and layout, provide the finalized PDF document for an e-handbook format for on-line publishing and printing. The designed Toolkit, developed for the facilitators of rural sanitation activities to assist in their day-to-day role of improving sanitation in rural areas and making villages open defecation free, should be user-friendly, fresh, and target this external audience in a clear and concise way.
The successful consultancy firm will be a strategic expert in graphic design, communications, and visual arts. Overall, the following qualifications and expertise will be demonstrated within the team:
The team leader: Must have a minimum of an advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in the area of communications and a minimum of ten (10) years of relevant professional working experience, in graphic design, multimedia, visual arts, as well as conducting communications needs analysis and developing strategic plans for similar organizations; Previous experience in designing highly visible products for International NGOs and/or UN agencies; Ability to work efficiently under tight deadlines; Proven ability to work with latest designing software (such as: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Illustrator). All other team members shall possess a Master's degree in relevant field and at least five years' experience in communications, design and dissemination strategies related to development initiatives.

The technical proposal should include: 2 samples of previous work, plus 1 proposed design of the toolkit (cover page and 1 inside page); detailed curriculum vitae of the team members; other references deemed to be useful in demonstrating the firm's capacity for this kind of assignment.
The financial proposal – in a separate sealed envelope to be marked: 'Financial bid – to be opened after conclusion of technical proposal evaluation';
Overall Weightage
TheTechnical andFinancial proposals will be given theweight age in the ratio of 60:40.
Evaluation of Technical Bid
  1. Team and skills /30 2. In-house previous experience /20
  2. Quality of previous work and other references /20
  3. Sample toolkit design /30
For the draft digital version of the document in DOC or DOCX format send a request to Helena Goldon at: hgoldon@worldbank.org.
Interested applicants should apply by February 18, 2015. The technical proposal should be sent to:wspaf@worldbank.org. The financial bid in a sealed envelope should be sent to:
Water and Sanitation Program
The World Bank Country Office
50 Mirambo Street
2nd floor
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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