Saturday, January 10, 2015

Jobs at Good Neighbors Tanzania - 1/9/2015

Jobs at Good Neighbors Tanzania - 1/9/2015
Good Neighbors International (GNI) is an international humanitarian and development organization which its headquarters is based on Seoul, Republic of Korea. It is in general consultative status with United Nations Economics and Social Council (UNECOSOC). The mission/vision of GNI is based on the Christian spirit, works to transform the world to a peaceful and secure world where no one suffers from starvation, where no one falls victim to preventable diseases, where everyone is comforted and respected with no alienation for any reason.

Good Neighbors Tanzania (GNTZ) was established in 2005 and its activities have been carried out in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Dodoma and currently has established new office in Shinyanga.

Good Neighbors Shinyanga Office is looking for highly motivated individuals for the following positions:

Job Responsibilities
·         Develop work plans/schedules and procedures related to production of health education materials, pricing and distribution of medical equipment, medicines, and other materials for implementation of MCH project in Kishapu District
·         Monitor and analyze MCH project performance, resources, spending, and efficiency to make improvements and solve problems whenever needed
·         Assign tasks, supervise, and support the activities of OD coordinators and officers and determine their priorities
·         Receive and evaluate weekly and monthly reports from the logistics officer, OD coordinators, and OD officers and make comprehensive final report for submission to Project Medical Officer, Managing Director
·         Create and maintain working relationships with government officials, health personnel, and community leaders at the regional, district, village levels
·         Work closely with staffs and managers in other departments for successful implementation and execution of MCH project
·         Perform any other related tasks as assigned by Managing Director
·         Bachelor's Degree in social science or equivalent with demonstrated ability and willingness to learn. Post-graduate training, particularly a Master's degree in community health/public health, will be an added advantage
·         5 years  work experience in a related field (community health, community development, public health)
·         Extensive skills and experience in project planning and management
·         Excellent communication skills, fluency in English (written and verbal)
·         Have computer skills in MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Internet, E-mail
·         Ability to deliver assigned duties on time and with accuracy
·         Excellent writing skills, especially monitoring and evaluationreports for health-related projects
·         Ability to work as part of a professional team
·         Hard-working and committed to the work assigned
·         Show excellent level of competence and integrity in work

Job Responsibilities
·         Manage health facility mapping and facility 'Situational Analysis' for upgrading of health centres and dispensaries
·         Manage coordinate and execute BEmONC training activities such as liaising with facilitators, securing of venues, selection and invitation of trainees, and other related logistical issues
·         Supervise day-to-day operations and activity evaluation of health centres and dispensaries
·         Manage engage and work with government officials to ensure monthly supervision of health centres and dispensaries
·         Manage work with nurses for weekly technical supervision of health centres and dispensaries
·         Ensure prompt distribution of medical equipment and medicines to health centres and dispensaries
·         Ensure prompt distribution and installation of materials such as solar panels, generators, and water containers at health facilities
·         Ensure prompt distribution of materials for renovation of health facilities within the district
·         Document and submit BEmONC training, government official/GN staff supervision, health facility strengthening (Electricity, water facilities, medical equipment, medication, health facility renovation) plans and final report
·         Coordinate and report BEmONC training and implementation activities together with health facility improvement activities, including schedule plans, training materials, and deployment of trained staffs to the facilities
·         Work closely with RHO/DHO for selection of BEmONC trainees and their eventual deployment to upgraded facilities after training
·         Engage government officials to plan and ensure monthly supervision of MCH project activities in the health facilities
·         Work closely with project medical staff for effective technical and supportive supervision of BEmONC activities in the facilities
·         Develop health facility monitoring tool, to monitor and analyze BEmONC and all other health facility improvement activities, performance, resources, spending, efficiency in making improvements and solving problems whenever needed
·         Supervise and support Operations Officers, assigning job tasks and reporting their activities (health improvement services, BEmONC services, and health facilities improvement)
·         Prepare weekly and monthly reports and submit to Operations Manager, Project Medical Officer, and Managing Director
·         Perform any other related tasks as assigned by immediate supervisor and Managing Director
·         Bachelor's Degree in social science or equivalent with demonstrated ability and willingness to learn. Post-graduate training, particularly a Master's degree in community health/public health, will be an added advantage
·         At least 4 years of work experience in a related field (community health/community development/public health)
·         Extensive skills and experience in project planning and management
·         Excellent communication skills, fluency in English (written and verbal)
·         Advanced skills in using MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Internet, E-mail
·         Ability to deliver assigned duties on time and with accuracy
·         Excellent writing skills, especially monitoring and evaluation reports for health-related projects
·         Ability to work as part of a professional team
·         Hard-working and committed to the work assigned
·         Show excellent level of competence and integrity in work

Job Responsibilities of Operations Officer
  • Define the scope of the project in collaboration with senior management
  • Plan and manage projects with multiple stakeholders, delivering expected benefits in challenging contexts on tight deadlines
  • Ability to build effective working relationships, strong influence to inspire confidence and credibility with employees at all levels
  • Monitor and manage budget
  • Plan, develop, and implement an appropriate advocacy strategy for maternal health project
  • Assist with resource mobilization, including project design and proposal writing
  • Coordinate development and implementation of maternal health project activities
  • Collect and analyze data, prepare scheduled and special reports, maintain program/project records and statistical information
  • Develop good working relationshipswith local governments and district personnel
  • Visit job sites, field with other Operations staff
  • Prepare and submit various project reports to meet deadlines
  • Work with internal and external partners on assigned projects or tasks
  • Prepare project-related documents as assigned by supervisor
  • Communicate and supervise all activities related to projects
  • Design recording systems with the OperationsCoordinator, OperationsManager, and team for use in weekly/monthly reports on inputs, activities, and outputs
  • Gather and analyze statistical data and general reports
  • Monitor and evaluate project activities
  • Assist Operations Coordinator/Operations Manager with overall management of project
  • Ensure effective communication with community
  • Plan and manage projects with multiple stakeholders, delivering expected benefits in challenging context on tight deadlines
  • Perform any other tasks as assigned by immediate supervisor
Specific Job Responsibilities of Operations Officer (Health Service Improvement)
·         Health facility mapping and facility 'Situational Analysis' for upgrading of health centres and dispensaries
·         Coordinate and execute BEmONC training activities such as liaising with facilitators, securing of venues, selection and invitation of trainees, and other related logistical issues
·         Supervise day-to-day operations and activity evaluation of health centres and dispensaries
·         Engage and work with government officials to ensure monthly supervision of health centres and dispensaries
·         Work with nurses for weekly technical supervision of health centres and dispensaries
·         Ensure prompt distribution of medical equipment and medicines to health centres and dispensaries
·         Ensure prompt distribution and installation of materials such as solar panels, generators, and water containers at health facilities
·         Ensure prompt distribution of materials for renovation of health facilities within the district
·         Document and submit BEmONC training, government official/GN staff supervision, health facility strengthening (Electricity, water facilities, medical equipment, medication, health facility renovation) plans and final report
·         Prepare weekly and monthly reports to submit to the OD Coordinator of Health Service Improvement 
·         Perform any other related tasks as assigned by immediate supervisor and Managing Director
·         Bachelor's degree or diploma in social sciences, clinical sciences, community health/development, nursing or related field with demonstrated ability and willingness to learn
·         At least 2 years of work experience in a related field (community health/community development/health-related jobs) will be an added advantage
·         Excellent communications skills, fluency inEnglish (written and verbal)
·         Advanced skills in using MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Internet, E-mail
·         Ability to deliver assigned duties on time and with accuracy
·         Excellent writing skills, especially monitoring and evaluation reports for health-related projects
·         Ability to work as part of a professional team
·         Hard-working and committed to the work assigned
·         Show excellent level of competence and integrity in work

POSITION – OPERATION OFFICER (Community Health Worker Empowerment) 2 POSTS
Job Responsibilities of Operation Officer
  • Define the scope of the project in collaboration with senior management
  • Plan and manage projects with multiple stakeholders, delivering expected benefits in challenging contexts on tight deadlines
  • Possess the ability to build effective working relationships, strong influence to inspire confidence and credibility in employees at all levels
  • Monitor and manage budget
  • Plan, develop, and implement an appropriate advocacy strategy for maternal health project
  • Assist with resource mobilization, including project design and proposal writing
  • Coordinate development and implementation of maternal health project activities
  • Collect and analyze data, prepare scheduled and special reports, maintain program/project records and statistical information
  • Develop good working relationshipswith local governments and district personnel
  • Visit field sites with other Operations staff
  • Prepare and submit various project reports to meet deadlines
  • Work with internal and external partners on assigned projects or tasks
  • Prepare project-related documents as assigned by supervisor
  • Communicate and supervise all activities related to projects
  • Design recording systems with the OperationsCoordinator, OperationsManager, and team for use in weekly/monthly reports on activity inputsand outputs
  • Gather and analyze statistical data and general reports
  • Monitor and evaluate project activities
  • Assist Operations Coordinator/Operations Manager with overall management of projects
  • Ensure effective communication with community
  • Plan and manage projects with multiple stakeholders, delivering expected benefits in challenging context on tight deadlines
  • Perform other tasks as assigned by immediate supervisor
Specific Job Responsibilities of Operations Officer (Community Health Worker Empowerment)
·         Work with community, staff, and other partners such as Ministry of Health, Regional and District health offices to develop/secure CHW training materials
·         Plan and execute TOT, supervisor, and CHW training activities such as execution of scheduling, securing of venues, liaising with trainers, and other related logistical issues
·         Ensure maternal health training for CHWs are planned and conducted once a year
·         Coordinate and conduct household visits with CHWs, dispensary and health centre staffs for family health education delivery
·         Facilitate and strengthen linkage between CHWs and health facilities
·         Develop a comprehensive CHW activity log book which includeshealth-related information of individual clients, communities, and CHW activities
·         Ensure all activities of CHWs are well documented through CHW activity log book and well reported to health centres and dispensaries in charge
·         Ensure timely distribution of CHWs work-related materials such as vouchers, bicycles, shirts, and bags
·         Supervise and support the work of CHWs on regular basis in close association with the project medical team
·         Document and report CHWs'activity performance, resources, spending, and efficiency to make improvements and solve problems whenever possible
·         Prepare weekly and monthly reports and submit to the Operations Coordinator for community health worker empowerment
·         Prepare weekly and monthly reports and submit to the Operations Coordinator of community health worker empowerment
·         Perform any other tasks as assigned by immediate supervisor and Managing Director
·         Bachelor's degree or diploma in social sciences, clinical sciences, community health/development, nursing or equivalent with demonstrated ability and willingness to learn
·         At least 2 years of working experience in a related field (community health/community development/health-related jobs) will be an added advantage
·         Excellent communication skills, fluency in English (written andverbal)
·         Advanced skills in using MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Internet, E-mail
·         Ability to deliver assigned duties on time and with accuracy
·         Excellent writing skills, especially monitoring and evaluation reports for health-related projects
·         Ability to work as part of a professional team
·         Hard-working and committed to the work assigned
·         Show excellent level of competence and integrity in work

Job Responsibilities of Operations Officer
  • Define the scope of the project in collaboration with senior management
  • Plan and manage projects with multiple stakeholders, delivering expected benefits in challenging contexts on tight deadlines
  • Possess the ability to build effective working relationships, strong influence to inspire confidence and credibility in employees at all levels
  • Monitor and manage budget
  • Plan, develop, and implement an appropriate advocacy strategy for maternal health project
  • Assist with resource mobilization, including project design and proposal writing
  • Coordinate development and implementation of maternal health project activities
  • Collect and analyze data, prepare scheduled and special reports, maintain program/project records and statistical information
  • Develop good working relationships with local governments and district personnel
  • Visit field sites with other Operations staff
  • Prepare and submit various project reports to meet deadlines
  • Work with internal and external partners on assigned projects or tasks
  • Prepare project-related documents as assigned by supervisor
  • Communicate and supervise all activities related to projects
  • Design recording systems with the Operations Coordinator, Operations Manager, and team for use in weekly/monthly reports on activity inputs and outputs
·         Gather and analyze statistical data and general reports
  • Monitor and evaluate project activities
  • Assist Operations Coordinator/Operations Manager with overall management of projects
  • Ensure effective communication with community
  • Plan and manage projects with multiple stakeholders, delivering expected benefits in challenging context on tight deadlines
  • Perform other tasks as assigned by immediate supervisor
Specific Job Responsibilities of Operation Officer (Community Demand Creation)
·         Work with community, staff, and project partners to develop MCH awareness campaign
·         Perform participatory action research, "Photovoice," together with community members, staff,and project partners to recognize and prioritize maternal health problems and develop appropriate community-based solutions
·         Plan schedule for meetings, secure venues, and liaise with attendee, and any other related logistical issues
·         Organize advocacy campaigns such as meetings, clubs, and media according to community's maternal health goals and strategies
·         Organize community leaders' meetings according to community's maternal health goals and strategies
·         Ensure timely development and distribution of MCH awareness campaign and health education materials to community and community health committees
·         Track and report CHCs' maternal health-related meetings, proceedings, and recommendations, ensuring proper documentation and follow-upof proposedchanges in community health policies
·         Prepare weekly and monthly reports to submit to the Operations Coordinator for Community Demand Creation
·         Perform any other related tasks as assigned by immediate supervisor and Managing Director
·         Bachelor's degree or diploma in social sciences, clinical sciences, community health/development, nursing or related field with demonstrated ability and willingness to learn
·         At least 2 years of work experience in a related field (community health/community development/public health) will be an added advantage
·         Excellent communications skills,fluency in English (written and verbal)
·         Advanced skills in using MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Internet, E-mail
·         Ability to deliver assigned duties on time and with accuracy
·         Excellent writing skills, especially monitoring and evaluation reports for health-related projects
·         Ability to work as part of a professional team
·         Hard-working and committed to the work assigned
·         Show excellent level of competence and integrity in work

POSITION – Logistics Officer 2 POSTS
Job Responsibilities
·         Ensure all requests made by MCH project teams are fulfilled on time
·         Purchase goods and services up to the limits laid out in the MCH project
·         Identify and select the most appropriate suppliers to fulfill purchase requests to increase efficiency and achieve greater cost-effectiveness
·         Oversee the procurement and store management functions within MCH project in the KishapuDistrict e.g. oversee all aspects of store management such as access, stock control systems, and paperwork, ensuring that stock is available for rapid fulfilment of purchase requests, and emergency response and needs assessment kit items
·         Oversee the MCH project Asset Register, ensuring that all information (i.e. quantity, tracking numbers) is up-to-date and coherent with project logistics asset lists
·         Ensure asset management and disposal procedures are followed in accordance with MCH project and donor requirements
·         Monitor, advise, promote, and train staff in supply chain management, including development of improved logistics systems and systems compliance
·         Monitor and enhance procedures in operations through field visits, giving advice and training, ensuring that staff follow project and donor rules, guidelines, and good practices
·         Prepare weekly and monthly reports to submit to the Operation Manager, the Project Medical Officer, and the Managing Director
·         Perform any other related activity as assigned by the Operation Manager and Managing Director
·         Bachelor's degree in procurement or diploma in procurement with experience working with Public sector/NGOs and a demonstrated ability to learn
·         Experience in field-based logistics role, particularly in procurement and bidding, store management, asset and personnel management
·         Extensive skills and experience in project planning and management
·         Excellent communication skills, fluency in English (written and verbal)
·         Advanced skills in using MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Internet, E-mail
·         Ability to deliver assigned duties on time and with accuracy
·         Excellent writing skills, especially monitoring and evaluation reports for health-related projects
·         Ability to work as part of a professional team
·         Hard-working and committed to the work assigned
·         Show excellent level of competence and integrity in work

Job Responsibilities
·         Support and supervise all nursing and midwifery-related activities in the health facilities such as recording patients' medical information and measurements, examinations, procedures, and deliveries
·         Support and supervise medical-related activities ofCHWs such as but not limited to community outreach and family health education
·         Provide facility-based health education and counseling to mothers and their families through instruction to individuals, families, and other groups on topics such as antenatal care, knowledge of pregnancy danger signs and appropriate actions to take, and postnatal care
·         Work with healthcare team members in health facilities to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate patient care plans
·         Work with healthcare team members in health facilities in a clinician capacity by providing supportive care to patients, drug dispensing, counseling, monitoring, recording, and reporting symptoms and changes in patients' conditions, determining when appropriate actions such as referral should be taken
·         Handle and take care of all equipment and drugs in the MCH project and health facilities and conduct weekly and monthly inventories and reporting
·         Maintain weekly and monthly accurate, detailed reports and records for all technical activities (facility-based and CHW-related) performed to present in weekly and monthly meetings
·         Support other project activities like advocacy campaigns, workshops, trainings to carry out and accomplish overall project goal
·         Observe general medical staff standards of practice
·         Perform related responsibilities as assigned by the Project Medical Officer and the Managing Director
·         Diploma in Nursing with experience working in resource poor/field settings, particularly managing maternal and/or child health conditions. Midwifery training is mandatory
·         Additional training in community/public health will be an added advantage
·         Recommendable professional and work ethics and registered with Nursing Council of Tanganyika or any other recognized legal board
·         Extensive skills and experience in project planning and management
·         Excellent communication skills, fluency in English (written and verbal)
·         Advanced skills in using MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Internet, E-mail
·         Ability to deliver assigned duties on time and with accuracy
·         Excellent writing skills, especially monitoring and evaluation reports for health-related projects
·         Ability to work as part of a professional team
·         Hard-working and committed to the work assigned
·         Show excellent level of competence and integrity in work

POSITION – Accounting Officer 1 POST
Job Responsibilities
  • Record and reconcile project recoveries and income recognition
  • Establish and implement financial procedures in accordance with organization's requirements
  • Timely and accurate recording of all financial transactions in accordance with organization's and donor' requirements and deadlines
  • Establish and prepare accurate and timely information for budget monitoring and progress reporting of programme funds and grants
  • Provide financial management advice on revisions of budgets, preparing periodical forecasts, and any changes as needed
  • Provide information to other departments for budgetary purposes
  • Monitor petty cash and bank balances to ensure sufficient funds are always available depending on the programme needs
  • Manage and reconcile bank and cash accounts, prepare weekly cash counts, and monthly financial records, including cashbooks, to be submitted to KOICA Headquarters, ensuring financial and resource accountability and effective management for records as required for auditing
  • Disbursecash advances and conduct reconciliation to ensure recovery
  • Administer salary payments to staff, including NSSF, PAYE, and SDL, reconciling and monitoring medical expenses, subsistence allowances, mobile phone usage, etc.
  • Collect and file regular financial reports and budget records
  • Present the budgets and finances to relevant stakeholders when requested
  • Must carry out additional duties as may be required by the Employer from time-to-time
  • Identify, establish, and manage an effective working office for project, ensuring effective security(office security and protection)
  • Manage visa applications and related residence issues for international staff, ensuring secure residence
  • Undertake any other related duties as assigned by Managing Director
  • Diploma in Accounting, finance, business administration or related field
  • At least 3 years of experience working as an accountant
  • Must have sober habits
  • Experience usingQuickBooks will be added an advantage
·         Excellent communication skills, fluency in English (written and verbal)
·         Advanced skills in using MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Internet, E-mail
·         Ability to deliver assigned duties on time and with accuracy
·         Excellent writing skills, especially monitoring and evaluation reports for health-related projects
·         Ability to work as part of a professional team
·         Hard-working and committed to the work assigned
  • Show excellent level of competence and integrity in work

Job Responsibilities
  • Drive motor vehicles with safety and consider security at all times
  • Maintain working condition of project vehicles, including cleanliness and performance, at all times
  • Conduct frequent operation maintenance
  • Ensure safe transportation of staff to and from various destinationsin the Shinyanga region and assist clients on entry and exit from vehicles as necessary
  • Provide transport to all staffs from outstations and field sites
  • Responsible for proper loading and security of freight to prevent movement and allow safe transport, andassist in loading and unloading as required
  • Report all accident and incidents involving drivers or organization equipment
  • Maintain accurate records and logs
  • Perform vehicle inspections and preventive maintenance before, during, and after all trips, including brake adjustment, tires, and minor repairs as needed while on the road
  • Follow all organization procedures and standards
  • Adhere to all safety requirements particular to the equipment including vehicle safety regulation
  • Maintain vehicle inventory
  • Prepare and ensure safety and proper parking of all organization vehicles
  • Liaise and coordinate with land transportation authority on matters related to all vehicles registration
  • Undertake any other related duties as assigned by Managing Director
  • Completion of form four-level with class C driving license
  • As least 3 years or work experience as a driver
  • Must have sober habits
  • Self-motivated with demonstrated ability to work effectively with colleaguesas a team
  • Must be fluent in verbal and written Kiswahili
  • Must be fluent in English (verbal and written)
  • Must have clean driving history
  • Experience in VIP driving will be added advantage
  • High level of integrity
  • Ability to self-manage, achieve results, and meet deadlines
  • Willingness to work beyond the call of duty

Interested and qualified candidates should submit their CVs and application letter to:
Closing date: 18/01/2015
For more information, visit our website:

Only shortlisted applicants will be called for interview.

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