Friday, January 16, 2015

Finance and Administrative Officer - ADD International Tanzania Programme

Finance and Administrative Officer - ADD International Tanzania Programme
ADD International is a UK based International Organisation working in 3 countries in Africa and 3 countries in Asia. It started working in Tanzania in 1997. The Organization's current strategic objective focuses on ending exclusion, poverty and discrimination facing people with disabilities in developing countries.
ADD International Tanzania Country Office is seeking to recruit highly qualified, self-motivated and experienced individuals to strengthen its country programme delivery:

Position: Finance and Administrative Officer
Reporting line: Reporting to Finance and Administrative
Tenure: open-ended contract

Key duties and responsibilities include:

Finance Management and Accounts
Preparation of Payment Vouchers by ensuring their accuracy and authenticity in terms of completeness of accounting information and documE1ntation and submit the same to the next level manager(s) for verification/approval prior to authorization prior to effectiveness, of payments
Process Petty cash payments within the Internal Control System and in conformity with approved budget
Daily posting of approved and/or authorized transactions arising from Petty Cash Fund and cheque payments in PS Financial Accounting package. Do transaction back-up on daily basis and keep the back-up device safe-locked
Effect funds disbursement (both hard Cash and Cheques) solely, upon approval and authorization and ensure that payments are effected in accordance with ADD International financial guideline and procedures
Manage and track all programme staff advances/payment requests- travel advances, training/meetings/workshop advances and raise Journal Vouchers against them upon liquidation with the view of capturing such liquidated expenses in the system in a timely manner upon approval .Follow-up long outstanding staff advances and ensure that such advances given to staff are being liquidated on a timely fashion
Undertake banking activities including checking of balances, prompt cash and cheque deposits, collecting bank statements periodically as may be required. Act as a bank agent for the organisation
Perform Bank Reconciliation and produce Bank Reconciliation Statements on monthly basis and make follow-up on reconciling items
Effective management of Petty Cash Funds by ensuring disbursement of funds vide Petty Cash Fund is done upon approval and lor authorization by the responsible official. Ensure timely replenishment of Petty Cash Fund
Participate in in Budget preparation and Budget revision
Preparation of staff payroll in a timely manner, submit the same to Finance and Admin Manager for verification and/or approval.
Ensure timely filing of statutory dues to avoid penalties
Prepare transactions schedules and submit the same to the
Finance and Administrative Manager in a timely manner to facilitate preparation of monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual financial reports and participate fully in the entire exercise
Participate in annual external Audit by availing needed documents and provide explanations to the external Auditors when needed to ensure smooth audit exercise
Ensure daily filing of finance related documents in an orderly manner and as per ADD International standards

Administrative-related functions:

Ensure that both incoming and outgoing document are properly filed in accordance with ADD standards
Maintain staff leave cycle by keeping them updated
Ensure proper management of office assets including the generator, computers, IT System and their efficient repair and maintenance. Supervise Office Administrative Assistant to ensure office and office surroundings cleanliness
Work closely with the Finance and Administrative Manager, to ensure appropriate human capital management and establish good relationship with staff .
Oversight all logistic and office fleet management under the supervisor, co-ordinate effectively all office logistic matters in relation to both field and town errands, ensure effective utilization of manpower, vehicles, fuel and accessories, ensure timely renewal of motor vehicle insurance coverage and report and follow-up of road accidents incidents if any
Facilitate Hotel reservations for both staff accommodation, seminars/workshop
Prepare and maintain contracts for service providers' worth maximum of 500,000/=
Identify training needs for supervisees and provide appropriate suggestions to management for decision
Facilitate deployment of ADD International assets and ensure effective use of them by DPOs
Ensure both internal and external communication, both one-to-one and in teams is effective and consistent with ADD International's culture and values
Preparation and review Job Descriptions for Administrative staff under your supervision conduct coaching session to the respective staff with the view of building their capacity, setting staff performance objectives and do both semi-annual and annual performance appraisal for staff under your supervision and providing feedback to the management
Maintain and update fixed Assets Register and ensure that it \ always kept updated

Procurement and stores- related functions
Prepare Purchase Orders upon receipt of the quotes and submit the same to senior officials for approval and/or authorization
Liaise with bidders and other service providers to ensure timely delivery of goods and/or services as per either contract or order.
Receive goods upon delivery, raise Goods Received Note against suppliers' Delivery Note, assist goods/services inspection team during inspection of delivered goods and lor rendered services and acknowledge receipt of the same by signing vendors' Delivery Note
Maintain and update stores records per inventory item per respective stores ledger and bin cards

Qualification and experience.
Education: Bachelor degree or Advanced Diploma in Certified
Accountancy from recognized higher learning Institution(s)
Experience: At least 3 years' experience in finance and accounting in a multi donor- funded Programme.

Proper knowledge of funds management, ability to prepare
Financial Statement and reports,
Proper knowledge of MS Office applications including Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook e.t.c .'
Knowledge and experience of using computerized Accounting
Packages such as Sun would be an asset,
Understanding and experience in (manual ledgers) Double Entry Bookkeeping,
Ability to work independently under minimum supervision
Excellent interpersonal skills, excellent command in both
English and Swahili is a prerequisite
Knowledge of Tanzania's extant Labour Laws and other' industrial relations would be an added advantage
Commitment to equality and diversity, knowledge of disability rights

Interested candidates who meet the above outlined criteria should apply in writing through the postal or e-mail address indicated below, specifying which post you are applying for, and enclosing the following:

Typed application letter stating why you think you are be best candidate for the post
Typed detailed CV with three names of referees with their contact details including telephone numbers and/or e-mail address
Copies of relevant certified certificates and testimonial to support application(s)
Deadline for submitting applications is January 24th, 2015 at 4.30pm.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
ADD International is an equal employer and offers competitive packages to right candidates. Persons with disabilities or persons with experience in working with persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply

The Country Director
ADD International Tanzania Programme
P.O.Box 33659, Dar-es-Salaam
E-mail: copy to

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