Friday, January 16, 2015

Chief Fiscal Policy Officer

Chief Fiscal Policy Officer
  • Position title: Chief Fiscal Policy Officer
  • Grade: PL3
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/15/009
  • Publication date: 13/01/2015
  • Closing date: 01/02/2015


The African Natural Resources Centre (ANRC) is an entity of the African Development Bank established in 2014. The Center's mandate is two-fold. Externally, it supports Regional Member Countries (RMCs) improve  development outcomes through effective management of natural resources wealth by delivering practical solutions on policy, legislative and investment decisions in the sector. Internally, it brings cohesion to the Bank's activities in the sector by providing a single lens through which the institution views and tackles sector development opportunities and challenges. As and when the need arises, the Center also offers the lending arms of the Bank sector expertise support to improve delivery of country strategies and adds to the pipeline of investment opportunities.
The Center's scope of work includes both renewable and non-renewable resource resources. The program of works focuses on capacity building for RMCs and covers policy advice, technical assistance, advocacy work and knowledge building. Program content is informed by the Bank's Ten Year Strategy, the Center's Strategy and Business Plan, demand form RMCs and partnership initiatives with regional and global organizations.

Duties and responsibilities

The primary purpose of this job is to lead the coordination of the delivery of advisory services to RMCs on gas sector policies, laws and institutional frameworks to build institutional and skills capacity of RMCs to regulate the sector. The scope will cover the oil, minerals and gas sector. He or she will lead programs of advice to RMCs on policy, legal and institutional reforms as relate to regulatory issues. The incumbent will be the Center's focal point in managing relations with consultants and institutional partners as well as relations with relevant arms of the Bank and regional governments. The incumbent will also lead advocacy initiatives and coordinate knowledge building programs in the stated areas of focus.
The incumbent will achieve this by;
  • Leading the delivering of advisory services on capacity building, regulating, licensing as relates to fiscal regimes,
  • Designing strategies for supporting RMCs in negotiating fiscal regimes, commercial arrangements and promoting sustainable development policies throughout value chain,
  • Identifying and designing relevant case studies to support the extractives advisory services work,
  • Advising the Director on advisory services strategies for policies issues as relates to fiscal regimes,
  • Recommending subject for research, designing and coordinating works with other units of the Bank,
  • Maintaining a database of up-to-date reference materials on the relevant areas to support programs,
  • Enhancing the credibility of ANRC by continuously contributing to in-house knowledge and strengthening relations with stakeholders and clients,
  • Establishing a network of professionals and academic institutions to rely on for expertise and specialist  advice,
  • Ensuring that ANRC meets the Bank's commitment with respect to program agreed with governments and donors,
  • Keeping abreast of global and regional conventions which reflect global trends and representing ANRC at regional fora,
  • Identifying potential areas of support to RMCs and collaborative opportunities with donors,
  • Supporting resources mobilization efforts,
  • Managing all resources allocated for carrying the function.

Selection Criteria

  • A minimum of a Master's degree in fiscal policy or resources economics with a focus on fiscal policy,
  • At least 7 years relevant work experience in fiscal policy formulation and/or research of advisory programs at regional level,
  • Comprehensive knowledge of fiscal policy and economic development challenges facing resources rich countries,
  • Experience mutating fiscal policy for natural resources sector development,
  • Skills in research and report writing,
  • Principles and options for fiscal systems policy and structures for implementation,
  • Implementing fiscal policy and administering tax laws,
  • Principles of taxation land tax agreements,
  • Coordinating bilateral and multilateral programs of support,
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English/French and a working knowledge of the other language,
  • Competency in the use of standard Microsoft software (Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint).

Apply online

To apply for this position, you need to be national of one of AfDB member countries.
  • Submitted by: Division Manager, CHRM.1
  • Approved by: Director, CHRM

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