Thursday, December 11, 2014

Media consultancy, BBC Media Action ,Tanzania

Media consultancy, BBC Media Action ,Tanzania
Location: Tanzania
Our team in Tanzania are recruiting a media consultant to review and develop a manual by The Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) 'Reporting on elections in Tanzania – A manual for journalists' (2009). The manual ensures the media is exposed to an intervention to demonstrate improved editorial standards during election periods; notably provision of more trusted, accurate and balanced information that meets audience needs during the electoral process.
The consultant will also ensure that BBC Media Action in Tanzania and MCT have the necessary plans and tools to conduct journalists training and provide support to media partners in the run up to, during, and after the Tanzanian electoral process.
Further information about the consultancy can be found in the terms of reference available to download.
Application instructions: 
Please submit a consultancy tender, including your full budgeted proposal, your CV, and 3 references for similar work. The proposal must include a description of the scope of work, timing of the assignment, as well as a detailed composition of the team, and breakdown of the fees and charges.
Please submit you proposal for the attention of: Happiness Paul
Application deadline: Monday 15 December 2014 by 5pm

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