Thursday, November 27, 2014

CALL FOR PROPOSALS “Managing in an integrating East Africa”

CALL FOR PROPOSALS "Managing in an integrating East Africa"

"Managing in an integrating East Africa"

The Africa Journal of Management (AJOM) is a peer-reviewed academic journal established by the Africa Academy of Management. It aims to advance management theory, research, education and practice in Africa by promoting the production and dissemination of high quality manuscripts.

AJOM has partnered with German development cooperation through the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit" (GIZ) for the publication of a 2016 Special Issue with the goal of understanding how managers in the private sector deal with the opportunities of an integrating East African Community (EAC).

AJOM and GIZ are inviting interested authors to submit proposals for papers to be published in two categories.

1.      Researchers/scholars interested in exploring the private sector and its management in an integrating East Africa from an academic perspective.
2.     Managers and entrepreneurs active in the region willing to share first-hand experiences about managing a company in an environment of integrating markets.
The call especially looks out for positive narratives analyzing the opportunities and best practices of managing regional integration and especially welcomes contributions from East Africa.
Possibilities for funding exist.
Interested researchers and managers should contact Tobias Bünder ( with the subject line"AJOM special issue" for more detailed information and requirements for submission.
Deadline for submissions of proposals is the 5th January 2015

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