Monday, October 6, 2014

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Tanzania

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Tanzania
ORGUT is seeking a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for the Land Tenure Support Programme for Tanzania. The Land Tenure Support Programme aims to build a basis for resolving the issues that constrain the contribution that Tanzania's land sector can make to achieve the country's broader development goals by establishing a road map for long term support to the land sector that will contribute to implementing the revised SPILL. At the same time, the Programme will achieve concrete results during the three-year Programme period to make significant contributions to improving the transparency and efficiency of land governance and administration. The Programme envisages three areas of activities:
  • Enhancing transparency and benefits of large-scale land deals through providing information on land tenure and possible benefit-sharing models;
  • Policy and institutional development to reach consensus on interpreting and implementing the existing legal and policy framework, clarify institutional roles and mandates, improve institutional interaction and improve dispute settlement procedures, and;
  • Land Tenure Regularization (LTR) in two pilot districts, based on a refined, low cost methodology and more accurate information.
The main objective of the Programme is to deliver a road map for more transparent and accountable land governance, and effective land administration systems in Tanzania that will make a significant contribution to securing legitimate tenure rights, particularly for the rural poor, women and the vulnerable and increasing incomes and jobs.
The duties of the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist are to:
• Support the Project Management Units in all aspects related to M&E;
• Establish baseline data for measuring impact of Programme;
• Organise a system for gathering data to feed into the M&E process;
• Review and comment on the proposed log frame, including the indicators of success defined and to verify impact, outcome, outputs, activities and indicators;
• Support the Ministry in setting up and implementing an M&E systems that at any time should be capable of generating standardised, accurate and up-to-date reports on the current status of implementation of the Programme;
• Support in the regular reporting on progress against indicators for success;
• Investigate the practicality/feasibility of using modern technology for capturing and analysing spatial data for Programme reporting;
• Advice on a mechanism to feed the result of completed evaluations, reports and analyses back to the stakeholders and the providers of baseline/monitoring information; and
• Facilitate the provision of or, if necessary, provide capacity building to the Ministry and other stakeholders.
Required Qualifications
• At least Master's Degree in Economics, Administration, Social Sciences or other job related disciplines
• At least 10 years of experience from work with National or Local Government Authorities
• Experience with developing M&E systems for a wide variety of land and other natural resource related projects or programmes
• Familiarity with the application of qualitative and quantitative methodologies for assessing Programme impact and ability to apply such methodologies to strengthen knowledge and awareness of Programme interventions
• Knowledge of ongoing development of land tenure security indicators
• Experience from structured results capture and dissemination
Duty Station
The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be based at the Programme PIU office and attached to the Programme Coordinator (the Executive Office that responds directly to the Permanent Secretary), while working closely with the Directorates, Divisions and Units in the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development (MLHHSD) and other national and local government authorities.
36 months (including 6 weeks annual vacation)
Candidates are welcome to express their interest in the position by submitting their detailed CVs to as soon as possible and before October 31, 2014. Please mark your e-mail "Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Tanzania". We look forward to receiving your application and thank you for your interest in working with ORGUT.

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