Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Tanzania Cotton Board is a regulatory body established under the Cotton Industry Act No.2 l! of 2001 whose functions are provision of regulatory, development and promotion services W to the cotton industry in Tanzania. The Board is looking for qualified, young anq dynamic Tanzanians to fill in the following vacant positions.
Weights and Measures Agency.
Inspecting and ensuring that all seed cotton delivered at the ginnery is correctly graded and free from any foreign matter contamination.
Duty station: Mwanza
Qualifications and Experience Required
Holder of a Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science or equivalent qualifications from a recognized Institution. At least three years work experience in related fields.
The candidate must have good communication skills, fluent in English and Kiswahili, self-motivated individual and must be computer literate
Duties and Responsibilities:
Assist on monitoring cotton cultivation activities in a specified area.
Assist by ensuring that standard grade sample boxes approved by the Board are placed at all buying posts.
Assist on monitoring production, processing and marketing costs of cotton.
Assist by ensuring that all seed cotton delivered at the buying posts and ginneries is correctly graded and free from any foreign matter contamination.
Assist on monitoring of cotton buying activities and ensuring that rules and regulations are adhered to.
Assist by collecting and analysing data and providing reports on purchases, deliveries, and ginning and cotton grade.
Holder of agricultural diploma and/or Bachelor Degree in Agricultural or equivalent qualifications from a recognized Institution.
The candidate must have good communication skills, fluent in English artJ Kiswahili, self-motivated individual and must be computer literate
Duty station: Mwanza
Duties and Responsibilities:
Cotton Classer ll shall be assiqned to study under specific guidance of a qualified Cotton Classer I,and learn duties and responsibilities of a Cotton Classer I for a period of not less than 12 months.
Holder of a Diploma and/or Bachelor degree in Agricultural Science or its equivalent from recognized Institution.
The candidate must have good communication skills, fluent in English and Kiswahili, self-motivated individual and must be computer literate
Duty station: 1 Post Dar es Salaam, 1 Post Mwanza

Shall be according to the Board's Scheme of Service
Mode of Application
Application accompanied with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certificates and contacts of three (3) referees should be submitted to the:-
The Director General Tanzania Cotton
P.O.Box 9161
Dar es Salaam
Closing date: 14th October,2014
NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be notified on the date of an interview.

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