Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monitoring Manual Editor

Monitoring Manual Editor
Monitoring Manual Editor
Location: Office of the Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice, Dili, Timor Leste
Reports to: Director General
Focal Point: Monitoring Mentor & National Technical Mentor
Period of the position: November and December 2014 – total of 12 days proofing and editing in November and 3 days layout and design in December
Languages (essential) : English
Languages (advantage): Tetum
Total budget for position: maximum USD 4,000 (actual salary to be negotiated with selected candidate, taking into account his/her salary history)
Organisational Background
The PDHJ was established through the National Parliament's Law No. 7/2004 in compliance with the 2002 Constitution of the Democratic Republic of East-Timor stipulating the establishment of "an independent organ in charge of examining and seeking to settle citizens' complaints against public bodies, preventing and initiating the whole process to remedy injustice". The PDHJ is an independent national human rights institution which has a mandate to cover human rights, good governance / maladministration. The purpose of the PDHJ is to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms of natural and legal persons throughout the national territory and prevent maladministration. The PDHJ serves therefore two different but linked mandates, namely as the National Human Rights Institution of Timor-Leste and the Ombudsman. Within its two areas, it discharges its mandate within a three activities-approach: education and promotion, Monitoring, advocacy and prevention and investigation (based on complaints or based on its own initiative).
The PDHJ has designed and implemented a new monitoring system over the last 9 months. The PDHJ's monitoring system is based on a real need to identify and systematically address human rights and good governance issues in Timor-Leste. The new monitoring system is the PDHJ's first attempt at undertaking a more thorough understanding of the human rights issues and violations prevalent in Timor-Leste. The monitoring system mixes aspects of research, legal analysis, field monitoring and report writing in order to provide state institutions with content based recommendations that they can follow to resolve issues or violations that the PDHJ has identified. At the present time PDHJ monitoring staff are undergoing mentoring on the use of the monitoring system. Some of the final outputs of the mentoring activities are:
  1. All monitoring staff are comfortable with using the system
  2. Standard Operating Procedures created that discuss all aspects of the system
  3. Monitoring Manual published that provides staff with clear guidelines on how to implement the monitoring system
Main Objective
The objective of this role is to assist the Monitoring System Mentoring team to edit and finalise the English version of the Monitoring System Manual and associated documents for use by the PDHJ.
The Manual Editor is expected to review and edit the draft to bring consistency and coherence to the document. The primary users of the manual will be PDHJ Management and PDHJ Monitoring staff. The former should be able to easily understand how the program works and be able to supervise the implementation of the system. The latter should find it logical and easy to understand to implement the program.
Summary of key functions:
q Proofread and edit the draft manual
q Condense the material and simplify the language used in the manual
q Improve readability and presentation of material in the manual bearing in mind the primary users will be reading a translated Tetum language version
q Improve/Design where necessary graphics or images which allow for easy understanding of the material in the manual
q Ensure editorial changes maintain technical consistency
q Check for duplications of material, amalgamate duplicated or similar parts where necessary
q Provide suggestions to manual writers on how to improve content
q Edit cover page
q Check all citations and hyperlinks
q Include glossary of terms
q Prepare layout of the manual for publication
q Any other necessary related task to ensure the document is edited to publication standard
Qualifications required
  1. Tertiary qualifications in international development, community development, professional writing, or equivalent in experience.
  2. Five or more years experience in writing and editing project design, project management and operational documents.
  3. Sound knowledge and experience in human rights/good governance development programs.
  4. Demonstrated ability in the preparation of English language documents that are readily comprehended by audiences with different literacy levels.
  5. Demonstrated ability to prepare English Language documents for easy translation into other languages
  6. Ability to develop and maintain positive working relationships with a diverse range of stakeholders, including senior government officials and international development partners.
27th – 31rst OctoberThe final draft of the manual will be given to the editor during the working week beginning 27thOctober Suggestions for deletion of material and general editing framework will be submitted to the PDHJ 5 working days after submission of manual Upon approval of manual framework edited and proofed chapters will be sent to the PDHJ on a chapter by chapter basis for commentary and feedback 14th November Completed edited draft will be submitted to the PDHJ for final comments 17th November Comments handed back to editor for final review 19thNovember Final draft submitted to the PDHJ 19th November – 15th December Manual Translated to Tetum, shared with staff on a chapter by chapter basis 16th December Manual approved by the KJM 17th December Tetum and English Manual versions sent to editor for design and layout formatting 22nd December Manuals sent back to PDHJ for printing
How to apply:
Those interested in this position can send an updated curriculum vitae (with list of references) and an application letter to and Only completed applications will be considered.
The PDHJ will only contact those shortlisted for an interview and assessment
Applications can be submitted until the 6th October 2014 – applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

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