The University of Dar es Salaam invites applications from suitably qualified Tanzanians to be considered for immediate employment to fill the following vacant posts:
1. (a) Job Title: Auxiliary Police Inspector (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Holder of a Form IV or form VI certificate who has obtained a Certificate from Moshi Police Training School and a Certificate in Law from a recognized institution.
• At least four (4) years relevant working experience serving in a similar position plus 6 months training at sub-Inspector level or a Criminal Investigation course.
(c) Main Duties:
• Supervises junior auxiliary police;
• Assists in planning and assigning duties to subordinate staff;
• Carries out investigations of complicated cases;
• Investigates cases and takes people to police as directed by management;
• Reports occurrences to seniors and advise them on how to improve security in the University; and
• Performs any other duties as assigned by one's reporting officer.
2. (a) Job Title: Office Management Secretary II (2 posts)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Form IV certificate with credit passes in Kiswahili and English, plus a Diploma in Secretarial Studies from a recognized Institution. Possession of a Form VI certificate with passes in English and Kiswahili will be an added advantage.
• Applicants must have advanced training in modern office technology including computer application with office administration.
• At least six (6) years working experience serving as Office Management Secretary in a reputable organization.
(c) Main Duties:
• Types confidential matters;
• Works with head of Sections, Units and Departments;
• Co-ordinates all office needs and requirements;
• Receives and distributes letters to respective officials;
• Receives and directs visitors;
• Receives telephone calls and take messages;
• Handles travel arrangement on duty for senior officers and other members of the unit/department;
• Ensures expedient, accurate and clean execution of duties;
• Ensures that copies of letters are filed in relevant files;
• Ensures cleanliness of the office(s) she/he works and those of the officers he/she works with;
• Takes proper care of facilities and equipment under his/her charge; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
3. (a) Job Title: Chief Technician (1 post)
Department: College of Information and Communication Technologies
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Holder of a Diploma in relevant field.
• A minimum of ten (10) years of working experience, five years of which must be at senior position in a reputable Institution.
• Possession of an Advanced Diploma in a relevant field will be an added advantage
(c) Main Duties:
• Liaises with academic and administrative staff on matters pertaining to smooth operation of students practical, research and consultancy activities in the respective Laboratory;
• Assists in students projects and practical research and consultancy work under supervision of laboratory engineers/scientists and academic staff;
• Is responsible for purchasing and control of Laboratory materials;
• Advises on laboratory practical, research and consultancy related to the respective laboratory;
• Is responsible for the proper planning and implementation of all facilities in the respective laboratory; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
4. (a) Job Title: Higher Clerical Officer II (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Form VI certificate with two principal passes in Arts subjects and must have a credit pass in English at "O" level plus a Diploma in records management.
• A minimum of four years relevant working experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Maintains file movement record cards;
• Looks for files and collects them whenever required;
• Returns files to the cabinets and arranges them in proper order
• Keeps ready files marked B.U. for the Supervisor;
• Weeds out inactive files i.e. old closed volumes, files for people who have died, resigned, retired and those who have been dismissed or terminated;
• Checks files in the cabinets periodically and ensures order and neatness; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
5. (a) Job Title: Senior Driver III (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• The candidate must have successfully completed Form IV Secondary Education with passes in Kiswahili and English. He/She must have a valid Class C Driving License and working experience of not less than four years. Possession of Trade Test Grade II or Competence Based level VETA will be an added advantage.
(c) Main Duties:
• Drives institutional vehicles;
• Maintains logbooks;
• Responsible for safe-keeping of the vehicle and tools entrusted to him/her;
• Maintains disciplined behaviour and proper conduct in rendering services to his/her assignees;
• Carries out diagnoses of minor problems requiring immediate repair;
• Assists in repairing minor defects in the vehicle requiring attention;
• Reports promptly any defect or problems detected in the vehicle;
• Keeps record of movement of vehicles;
• Maintains cleanliness of the vehicle and tools;
• Performs messengerial duties such as dispatching documents/letters collecting mail, photocopying of documents; and
Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
6. (a) Job Title: Senior Artisan II - Carpentry (1 post)
Unit: School of Education
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Holder of Form IV certificate plus Trade Test Grade I and a relevant working experience of at least four years in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs with minimum supervision, large technical jobs requiring high level of skills/craftsmanship;
• Maintains, overhauls, and installs relatively sophisticated equipment;
• Participates in repair and maintenance of facilities; and
• Performs any other duties as assigned by one's reporting officer.
7. (a) Job Title: Office Management Secretary I (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Form IV certificate with credit passes in Kiswahili and English, plus a Diploma in Secretarial Studies from a recognized Institution. Possession of a Form VI certificate with passes in English and Kiswahili will be an added advantage.
• Applicants must have advanced training in modern office technology including computer application with office administration.
• At least eight (8) years working experience serving as Office Management Secretary in a reputable organization.
(c) Main Duties:
• Types confidential matters;
• Works with head of Sections, Units and Departments;
• Co-ordinates all office needs and requirements;
• Receives and distributes letters to respective officials;
• Receives and directs visitors;,
• Receives telephone calls and takes messages;
• Handles travel arrangement on duty for senior officers and other members of the unit/department;
• Ensures expedient, accurate and clean execution of duties;
• Ensures that copies of letters are filed in relevant files;
• Ensures cleanliness of the office(s) she/he works and those of the officers he/she works with;
• Takes proper care of facilities and equipment under his/her charge;
• Performs any other duties as assigned by one's reporting officer.
8. (a) Job Title: Principal Administrative Officer II (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Possession of Masters Degree in Human Resources Management, Public Administration, Business Administration, Law or any other relevant field.
• A minimum of eight (8) years of working experience, five years of which must be at high managerial position in a reputable Institution.
(c) Main Duties:
• Organizes, supervises and manages the operations of a large unit of the University, e.g., a College, School or an Institute;
• Administers and maintains the salary administration and staff benefit programmes;
• Prepares annual budget proposals for approval by the Dean/Director/Head of the Department;
• Organizes and supervises supporting staff services for the Unit. This includes recruiting, selecting and appointing candidates to vacant positions in liaison with the personnel office;
• Participates in performance appraisals of supporting staff;
• Reviews and develops existing and new programs;
• Provides and interprets policy statements on the above programmes,
• Monitors and evaluates salary increase requests received by the personnel office during the annual merit review;
• Directs the work of salary administration and benefits through subordinate officers;
• Plans, develops and directs administration of schemes of service, compensation and staff benefit programmes to ensure maintenance of integrity of the schemes of service and active worth of jobs in the University
o By reviewing and recommending for approval new schemes of service, compensation and benefits administration policies;
o By reviewing existing programmes to determine their adequacy and recommending changes where necessary;
o By providing a consultative service to management on the interpretation and application of schemes of service and their policy, and other government directives.
• Performs any other duties as assigned by one's reporting officer.
9. (a) Job Title: Chief Workshop Instructor - Mechanical (Machine
Tools) (1 post)
Department: Training Workshops - CoET
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Holders of M.Sc. In Mechanical Engineering from a recognized institution Specializing in Production or Manufacturing and at least ten (10) years related working experience in workshop instruction in a similar position in related or allied institution.
(c) Main Duties:
• Instructs undergraduate students in the College Workshop;
• Plans and carries out consultancy and service jobs;
• Designs and constructs research equipments;
• Trains on the job, junior instructors;
• Carries out any other duties requiring high degree of competence and technological expertise; and
• Performs any other duties assigned by one's reporting officer.
10. (a) Job Title : Senior Library Officer II (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• First Degree in Library Studies.
• Masters in Library/ Information Studies/ Computer Science or any other relevant field.
• At least four years relevant work experience.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs routine professional and supervisory duties;
• Administers Library records;
• Administers reference and readers services;
• Undertakes bibliographical searching;
• Heads sub-sections such as compilation of legal deposits, cataloguing with NVC etc;
• Administers routine ordering and processing of books; and
• Performs any other duties assigned by one's reporting officer.
11. (a) Job Title: Chief Laboratory Scientist (1 post)
Department: Zoology & Wildlife Conservation
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Bachelor degree from a recognized institution with at least ten (10) years experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Instructs undergraduate students in the College Workshop;
• Plans and carries out consultancy and service jobs;
• Designs and constructs research equipments;
• Trains on the job, junior instructors;
• Carries out any other duties requiring high degree of competence and technological expertise.
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
12. (a) Job Title: Principal Laboratory Assistant II (1 post)
Unit: College of Information and Communication Technologies
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Form IV certificate plus Trade Test Grade I in a relevant field with a relevant working experience of at least four years in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs independently, laboratory jobs requiring high level of skills and techniques;
• Performs maintenance and service work on relatively sophisticated laboratory equipment;
• Participates in preparation of practical classes and performs consultancy activities in collaboration with a qualified technician;
• Supervises and conducts on-the-job training for junior laboratory Assistants; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
13. (a) Job Title: Principal Administrative Officer I (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Masters Degree in Human Resources Management, Public Administration, Business Administration, Law or any other relevant field.
• A minimum of ten(10) years of working experience, five years of which must be at high managerial position in a reputable Institution.
(c) Main Duties:
• Assists and advises management in the development and modification of basic personnel policies and procedures;
• Monitors decentralized personnel and administrative activities to Departments to ensure compliance with approved policies and procedures;
• Monitors personnel action such as performance appraisals, promotion, merit increases, internal transfers and termination of services and provides advice and other assistance as required to achieve equitable treatment of employees and consistency in the application of the University's Personnel Policies;
• Maintains constant review and appraisal of the current policies and procedures and cognizance of good practice elsewhere and initiates and conducts studies to develop improved plans, policies and procedures and to resolve problems;
• Participates directly in critical staffing, compensation and other personnel action as required;
• Provides direction to the personnel function in Colleges/ Schools/Institutes/Departments and other Units of the University; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
14. (a) Job Title : Senior Library Officer I (1 post)
Unit: Institute of Marine Sciences - Zanzibar
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• First Degree in Library Studies
• Masters in Library/ Information Studies/ Computer Science or any other relevant field
• At least six years relevant work experience.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs routine professional and supervisory duties;
• Administers Library records;
• Administers reference and readers services;
• Undertakes bibliographical searching;
• Heads sub-section such as compilation of legal deposits, cataloguing with NVC etc;
• Administers routine ordering and processing of books; and
• Performs any other duties assigned by the Head of Section.
15. (a) Job Title : Principal Inspector of Works II (1 post)
Unit: Estates Department
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Holder of a B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture, or equivalent qualifications with M.Sc. (Eng.) or in Architecture and must have been registered as professional Engineer with the relevant Board.
• At least eight years relevant working experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Provides specialized advice on building maintenance related issues to senior staff;
• Plans, coordinates, controls and supervises building maintenance activities;
• Participates in relevant consultancy and service activities;
• Installs and maintains sophisticated building equipment;
• Prepares sketches and designs for major modifications to existing buildings;
• Prepares various types of estimates;
• Participates in on-the-job training of junior staff;
• Supervises and assists junior staff;
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
16. (a) Job Title: Security Guard I (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Form IV certificate with passes in English, Kiswahili, History or Civics plus National Service Training and/or People's Militia Training Phase II and/or any other form of military training. The candidate must be vetted by the police.
• At least four years relevant working experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Assists in the daily routine beats around the campus so as to maintain peace and order;
• To guard the property of the University;
• Performs any other duties assigned by one's reporting officer.
17. (a) Job Title: Principal Technician II - Electrical (1 post)
Unit: Estates Department
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Ordinary Diploma in Electrical with relevant working experience of at least four years in a similar position and must have obtained an Advanced Diploma in relevant field.
(c) Main Duties:
• Implements maintenance and rehabilitation plans for laboratory/workshop facilities;
• Conducts routine repairs and regular maintenance of equipment in the respective area;
• Supervises and orients junior technicians and artisans; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
18. (a) Job Title: Accountant Trainee - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Holder of B.Com/ADA/Professional Level II or its equivalent plus CPA with at least four years working experience in accounting field.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs variety of accounting tasks including receiving and paying out cash and cheques;
• Prepares financial statements;
• Maintains fuel and accurate accounts records;
• Prepares monthly trial balances and Bank reconciliation Statements;
• Maintains debtors and creditors;
• Checks the correctness of claims and retirements ensuring that they are supported by appropriate authority/evidences;
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
19. (a) Job Title: Administrative Assistant I - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Form IV certificate with credit passes in Kiswahili and English, plus a Diploma in Secretarial Studies from a recognized Institution. Possession of a form VI certificate with principal passes in English and Kiswahili will be an added advantage.
• Applicants must have advanced training in modern office technology including computer application with office administration.
• At least ten (10) years working experience in secretarial duties four years of which must be at the position of Administrative Assistant in a reputable Institution.
(c) Main Duties:
• Provides assistance to top executives of the University;
• Undertakes routine correspondence with prior approval of one's reporting officer;
• Deals with confidential matters in the office of the executives;
• Arranges meetings and appointment schedules for the senior executives;
• Assists in drafting and proof-reading speeches and write-ups for the executives; and
• Performs any other duties that may be assigned to her/him from time to time.
20. (a) Job Title: Sen. Janitor II - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
• Diploma in Education or Home Economics or equivalent qualification with at least four years relevant working experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• In-charge of the maintenance of the entire hall including rooms, offices and compound;
• Orders facilities needed for executing duties in the halls of residence;
• Keeps record of the stores in halls of residence;
• Enforces students' rules and regulations;
• Assists in answering questions from students, delegates and other visitors who may require certain information; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
21. (a) Job Title: Technician II- (Health Records) - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
• Diploma in Health Records Technology or its equivalent with at least four years relevant working experience in a similar position
(c) Main Duties
• Opens patients files and index cards;
• Retrieves and maintains an up-to-date files and file index books;
• Protects the security of medical records to ensure that confidentiality is maintained;
• Processes patient medical bills, admission and discharge documents;
• Enter data, such as demographic characteristics, history and extent of disease, diagnostic procedures and treatment into computer;
• Plans, develops, maintains and operates a variety of health record indexes and storage and retrieval systems to collect, classify, store and analyse information;
• Prepares statistical reports, narrative reports and graphic presentation of information such as tumor registry data for use by hospital staff, researchers and other users; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
22. (a) Job Title: Chief Internal Auditor - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
• Holder of a good first degree/Advanced Diploma majoring in Accounting and CPA (T) or its equivalent and must have been registered by NBAA as an Authorized Accountant.
• Possession of an MBA or an equivalent post graduate qualification will be an added advantage.
• At least ten (10) years working experience, five (5) years of which must be at high managerial position in a reputable Institution.
• The applicant must be computer literate and should not be more than fifty (50) years of age.
(c) Main Duties:
• Responsible to the Vice Chancellor for all Audit matters of the University;
• Heads the Internal Audit Unit;
• Ensures that financial procedures throughout all University departments comply with University standards and that the limits of authority on all matters involving finance are adhered to;
• Maintains a check on the accuracy of accounting records throughout the University and on the observance of standard practices and procedures;
• Carries out both regular and random investigations of academic and administrative departmental accounts;
• Verifies University income from source to bank and satisfies self that expenditure is properly incurred according to approved policy and efficiently charged to relevant heads;
• Evaluates internal controls to ensure that accounting systems provide adequate, timely and accurate information, protection against loss through negligence, dishonesty or otherwise;
• Makes recommendations to the relevant authority about checks and changes in the accounting systems and controls and the adequacy of security arrangements within the systems used by the Finance Department, particularly within computerized systems;
• Authorizes changes from time to time in passwords governing access to computerized systems within the Finance Department;
• Checks that Heads of Department maintain inventory of furniture, equipment, and other moveable assets in accordance with University policy;
• Provides information and advice to budget holders to facilitate the most efficient use of the University's financial resources;
• Advises the Vice-Chancellor/Deputy Vice Chancellors on the need to update or otherwise change of manuals of financial policies, regulations and procedures;
• Builds up an effective liaison with the external auditors;
• Reports immediately any suspected occurrence of dishonesty to the Vice-Chancellor/Deputy Vice Chancellors or in his absence, to the immediate authority; and
• Performs any other functions as may be assigned from time to time by the Vice Chancellor/Deputy Vice Chancellors.
23. (a) Job Title: Professor/ Associate Professor/Senior
Lecturer/Lecturer /Assistant Lecturer / Tutorial Assistant
• Department of Architecture - 4 positions
• Department of Electrical Engineering - 2 positions
• Department of Political Science and Public Administration - 2 positions
• Department of Statistics - 2 positions
• Department of Sociology - 2 positions
• Department of Economics - 1 position
• Department of Fine and Performing Arts - 2 positions
• Department of Economic Law - 2 positions
• Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies - 2 positions
• 1 - position
• 2 - positions
• 1 – position
(b) Qualifications and Experience:
Applicants for:
Professor /Associate Professor must have a PhD, six points from publications since last promotion and a minimum of three years since last promotion.
Senior Lecturer must possess a PhD, four points from publications and a minimum of three years since last promotion.
Lecturer must possess PhD, three points from publications and at least three years in that position.
Assistant Lecturer must possess a minimum GPA of 4.0 or a B+ average at Master's degree level and an undergraduate degree with an overall GPA of 3.8 or higher. They must be potentially good academically.
Tutorial Assistant must possess a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 3.8.
(c) Main Duties For;
Tutorial Assistants:
(i) Under-studies senior members of academic staff by attending their lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals;
(ii) Carries out seminars, tutorials and practicals;
(iii) Assists in research, consultancy and public service;
(iv) Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one's superior;
(v) Undergoes postgraduate training for the master's degree.
Assistant Lecturers:
Carries out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
(i) Sets, invigilates and marks undergraduate examinations;
(ii) Assists senior staff in lectures, seminars, tutorials, and practicals for postgraduate programmes;
(iii) Supervises projects and practical training for undergraduate students;
(iv) Conducts research and publishes results;
(v) Carries out consultancy and public service;
(vi) Undergoes postgraduate training to PhD level;
(vii) Participates in relevant workshops and conferences;
(viii) Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one's superior.
(i) Carries out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;
(ii) Sets, invigilates and marks undergraduate and postgraduate examinations
(iii) Guides junior staff in lecturing and conducting seminars, tutorials;
(iv) Supervises field work of both undergraduate and postgraduate students;
(v) Conducts research and publishes results;
(vi) Carries out consultancy and public service;
(vii) Writes teaching materials e.g. manuals;
(viii) Participates in the development of programmes and projects;
(ix) Organizes and participates in relevant workshops and conferences;
(x) Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one's superior.
Senior Lecturer:
As for Lecturers above with added responsibilities
Associate Professor:
(i) Carries out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;
(ii) Guides junior staff in lecturing and conducting seminars, tutorials;
(iii) Supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students;
(iv) Conducts research and publishes results;
(v) Carries out consultancy and public service;
(vi) Writes teaching materials e.g. manuals;
(vii) Participates in the development of new programmes and projects;
(viii) Organizes and participates in relevant workshops and conferences;
(ix) Participates in University administration and leadership;
(x) Participates in development of research and resource centres;
(xi) Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one's superior.
Professor :
As for Associate Professor above but will be required to prepare and present Inaugural Lectures.
Attractive package will be offered to the right candidate commensurate with his/her qualifications and experience in accordance with Government circulars and directives
Permanent and pensionable except for the position of Chief Internal Auditor.
NB: The appointment of Chief Internal Auditor is for an initial period of three years and is renewable based on performance following successful completion of a one year probation period.
Interested candidates should apply in confidence to the undersigned enclosing
(i) Detailed CV,
(ii) Photocopy of relevant certificates and transcripts,
(iii) Names and addresses of two referees,
(iv) Mode of communication, e.g. Telephone, fax, email, etc.
(i) Applicants currently employed in the public service should channel their application letters through their respective employers.
(ii) Candidates should indicate the permit reference number i.e (BC.10/87/012/'J'/85) in their letters.
(iii) For Academic and Technical positions candidates should indicate the Sections and Departments which they apply.
(iv) Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.
Interested applicants for Administrative and Technical posts should submit their applications to the;
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration)
University of Dar es Salaam
P.O. Box 35091
For Academic posts applicants should submit their applications to the;
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)
University of Dar es Salaam
P.O. Box 35091
Two weeks from the date of first appearance of this advertisement.
1. (a) Job Title: Auxiliary Police Inspector (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Holder of a Form IV or form VI certificate who has obtained a Certificate from Moshi Police Training School and a Certificate in Law from a recognized institution.
• At least four (4) years relevant working experience serving in a similar position plus 6 months training at sub-Inspector level or a Criminal Investigation course.
(c) Main Duties:
• Supervises junior auxiliary police;
• Assists in planning and assigning duties to subordinate staff;
• Carries out investigations of complicated cases;
• Investigates cases and takes people to police as directed by management;
• Reports occurrences to seniors and advise them on how to improve security in the University; and
• Performs any other duties as assigned by one's reporting officer.
2. (a) Job Title: Office Management Secretary II (2 posts)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Form IV certificate with credit passes in Kiswahili and English, plus a Diploma in Secretarial Studies from a recognized Institution. Possession of a Form VI certificate with passes in English and Kiswahili will be an added advantage.
• Applicants must have advanced training in modern office technology including computer application with office administration.
• At least six (6) years working experience serving as Office Management Secretary in a reputable organization.
(c) Main Duties:
• Types confidential matters;
• Works with head of Sections, Units and Departments;
• Co-ordinates all office needs and requirements;
• Receives and distributes letters to respective officials;
• Receives and directs visitors;
• Receives telephone calls and take messages;
• Handles travel arrangement on duty for senior officers and other members of the unit/department;
• Ensures expedient, accurate and clean execution of duties;
• Ensures that copies of letters are filed in relevant files;
• Ensures cleanliness of the office(s) she/he works and those of the officers he/she works with;
• Takes proper care of facilities and equipment under his/her charge; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
3. (a) Job Title: Chief Technician (1 post)
Department: College of Information and Communication Technologies
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Holder of a Diploma in relevant field.
• A minimum of ten (10) years of working experience, five years of which must be at senior position in a reputable Institution.
• Possession of an Advanced Diploma in a relevant field will be an added advantage
(c) Main Duties:
• Liaises with academic and administrative staff on matters pertaining to smooth operation of students practical, research and consultancy activities in the respective Laboratory;
• Assists in students projects and practical research and consultancy work under supervision of laboratory engineers/scientists and academic staff;
• Is responsible for purchasing and control of Laboratory materials;
• Advises on laboratory practical, research and consultancy related to the respective laboratory;
• Is responsible for the proper planning and implementation of all facilities in the respective laboratory; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
4. (a) Job Title: Higher Clerical Officer II (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Form VI certificate with two principal passes in Arts subjects and must have a credit pass in English at "O" level plus a Diploma in records management.
• A minimum of four years relevant working experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Maintains file movement record cards;
• Looks for files and collects them whenever required;
• Returns files to the cabinets and arranges them in proper order
• Keeps ready files marked B.U. for the Supervisor;
• Weeds out inactive files i.e. old closed volumes, files for people who have died, resigned, retired and those who have been dismissed or terminated;
• Checks files in the cabinets periodically and ensures order and neatness; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
5. (a) Job Title: Senior Driver III (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• The candidate must have successfully completed Form IV Secondary Education with passes in Kiswahili and English. He/She must have a valid Class C Driving License and working experience of not less than four years. Possession of Trade Test Grade II or Competence Based level VETA will be an added advantage.
(c) Main Duties:
• Drives institutional vehicles;
• Maintains logbooks;
• Responsible for safe-keeping of the vehicle and tools entrusted to him/her;
• Maintains disciplined behaviour and proper conduct in rendering services to his/her assignees;
• Carries out diagnoses of minor problems requiring immediate repair;
• Assists in repairing minor defects in the vehicle requiring attention;
• Reports promptly any defect or problems detected in the vehicle;
• Keeps record of movement of vehicles;
• Maintains cleanliness of the vehicle and tools;
• Performs messengerial duties such as dispatching documents/letters collecting mail, photocopying of documents; and
Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
6. (a) Job Title: Senior Artisan II - Carpentry (1 post)
Unit: School of Education
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Holder of Form IV certificate plus Trade Test Grade I and a relevant working experience of at least four years in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs with minimum supervision, large technical jobs requiring high level of skills/craftsmanship;
• Maintains, overhauls, and installs relatively sophisticated equipment;
• Participates in repair and maintenance of facilities; and
• Performs any other duties as assigned by one's reporting officer.
7. (a) Job Title: Office Management Secretary I (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Form IV certificate with credit passes in Kiswahili and English, plus a Diploma in Secretarial Studies from a recognized Institution. Possession of a Form VI certificate with passes in English and Kiswahili will be an added advantage.
• Applicants must have advanced training in modern office technology including computer application with office administration.
• At least eight (8) years working experience serving as Office Management Secretary in a reputable organization.
(c) Main Duties:
• Types confidential matters;
• Works with head of Sections, Units and Departments;
• Co-ordinates all office needs and requirements;
• Receives and distributes letters to respective officials;
• Receives and directs visitors;,
• Receives telephone calls and takes messages;
• Handles travel arrangement on duty for senior officers and other members of the unit/department;
• Ensures expedient, accurate and clean execution of duties;
• Ensures that copies of letters are filed in relevant files;
• Ensures cleanliness of the office(s) she/he works and those of the officers he/she works with;
• Takes proper care of facilities and equipment under his/her charge;
• Performs any other duties as assigned by one's reporting officer.
8. (a) Job Title: Principal Administrative Officer II (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Possession of Masters Degree in Human Resources Management, Public Administration, Business Administration, Law or any other relevant field.
• A minimum of eight (8) years of working experience, five years of which must be at high managerial position in a reputable Institution.
(c) Main Duties:
• Organizes, supervises and manages the operations of a large unit of the University, e.g., a College, School or an Institute;
• Administers and maintains the salary administration and staff benefit programmes;
• Prepares annual budget proposals for approval by the Dean/Director/Head of the Department;
• Organizes and supervises supporting staff services for the Unit. This includes recruiting, selecting and appointing candidates to vacant positions in liaison with the personnel office;
• Participates in performance appraisals of supporting staff;
• Reviews and develops existing and new programs;
• Provides and interprets policy statements on the above programmes,
• Monitors and evaluates salary increase requests received by the personnel office during the annual merit review;
• Directs the work of salary administration and benefits through subordinate officers;
• Plans, develops and directs administration of schemes of service, compensation and staff benefit programmes to ensure maintenance of integrity of the schemes of service and active worth of jobs in the University
o By reviewing and recommending for approval new schemes of service, compensation and benefits administration policies;
o By reviewing existing programmes to determine their adequacy and recommending changes where necessary;
o By providing a consultative service to management on the interpretation and application of schemes of service and their policy, and other government directives.
• Performs any other duties as assigned by one's reporting officer.
9. (a) Job Title: Chief Workshop Instructor - Mechanical (Machine
Tools) (1 post)
Department: Training Workshops - CoET
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Holders of M.Sc. In Mechanical Engineering from a recognized institution Specializing in Production or Manufacturing and at least ten (10) years related working experience in workshop instruction in a similar position in related or allied institution.
(c) Main Duties:
• Instructs undergraduate students in the College Workshop;
• Plans and carries out consultancy and service jobs;
• Designs and constructs research equipments;
• Trains on the job, junior instructors;
• Carries out any other duties requiring high degree of competence and technological expertise; and
• Performs any other duties assigned by one's reporting officer.
10. (a) Job Title : Senior Library Officer II (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• First Degree in Library Studies.
• Masters in Library/ Information Studies/ Computer Science or any other relevant field.
• At least four years relevant work experience.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs routine professional and supervisory duties;
• Administers Library records;
• Administers reference and readers services;
• Undertakes bibliographical searching;
• Heads sub-sections such as compilation of legal deposits, cataloguing with NVC etc;
• Administers routine ordering and processing of books; and
• Performs any other duties assigned by one's reporting officer.
11. (a) Job Title: Chief Laboratory Scientist (1 post)
Department: Zoology & Wildlife Conservation
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Bachelor degree from a recognized institution with at least ten (10) years experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Instructs undergraduate students in the College Workshop;
• Plans and carries out consultancy and service jobs;
• Designs and constructs research equipments;
• Trains on the job, junior instructors;
• Carries out any other duties requiring high degree of competence and technological expertise.
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
12. (a) Job Title: Principal Laboratory Assistant II (1 post)
Unit: College of Information and Communication Technologies
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Form IV certificate plus Trade Test Grade I in a relevant field with a relevant working experience of at least four years in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs independently, laboratory jobs requiring high level of skills and techniques;
• Performs maintenance and service work on relatively sophisticated laboratory equipment;
• Participates in preparation of practical classes and performs consultancy activities in collaboration with a qualified technician;
• Supervises and conducts on-the-job training for junior laboratory Assistants; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
13. (a) Job Title: Principal Administrative Officer I (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Masters Degree in Human Resources Management, Public Administration, Business Administration, Law or any other relevant field.
• A minimum of ten(10) years of working experience, five years of which must be at high managerial position in a reputable Institution.
(c) Main Duties:
• Assists and advises management in the development and modification of basic personnel policies and procedures;
• Monitors decentralized personnel and administrative activities to Departments to ensure compliance with approved policies and procedures;
• Monitors personnel action such as performance appraisals, promotion, merit increases, internal transfers and termination of services and provides advice and other assistance as required to achieve equitable treatment of employees and consistency in the application of the University's Personnel Policies;
• Maintains constant review and appraisal of the current policies and procedures and cognizance of good practice elsewhere and initiates and conducts studies to develop improved plans, policies and procedures and to resolve problems;
• Participates directly in critical staffing, compensation and other personnel action as required;
• Provides direction to the personnel function in Colleges/ Schools/Institutes/
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
14. (a) Job Title : Senior Library Officer I (1 post)
Unit: Institute of Marine Sciences - Zanzibar
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• First Degree in Library Studies
• Masters in Library/ Information Studies/ Computer Science or any other relevant field
• At least six years relevant work experience.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs routine professional and supervisory duties;
• Administers Library records;
• Administers reference and readers services;
• Undertakes bibliographical searching;
• Heads sub-section such as compilation of legal deposits, cataloguing with NVC etc;
• Administers routine ordering and processing of books; and
• Performs any other duties assigned by the Head of Section.
15. (a) Job Title : Principal Inspector of Works II (1 post)
Unit: Estates Department
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Holder of a B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture, or equivalent qualifications with M.Sc. (Eng.) or in Architecture and must have been registered as professional Engineer with the relevant Board.
• At least eight years relevant working experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Provides specialized advice on building maintenance related issues to senior staff;
• Plans, coordinates, controls and supervises building maintenance activities;
• Participates in relevant consultancy and service activities;
• Installs and maintains sophisticated building equipment;
• Prepares sketches and designs for major modifications to existing buildings;
• Prepares various types of estimates;
• Participates in on-the-job training of junior staff;
• Supervises and assists junior staff;
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
16. (a) Job Title: Security Guard I (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Form IV certificate with passes in English, Kiswahili, History or Civics plus National Service Training and/or People's Militia Training Phase II and/or any other form of military training. The candidate must be vetted by the police.
• At least four years relevant working experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• Assists in the daily routine beats around the campus so as to maintain peace and order;
• To guard the property of the University;
• Performs any other duties assigned by one's reporting officer.
17. (a) Job Title: Principal Technician II - Electrical (1 post)
Unit: Estates Department
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications:
• Ordinary Diploma in Electrical with relevant working experience of at least four years in a similar position and must have obtained an Advanced Diploma in relevant field.
(c) Main Duties:
• Implements maintenance and rehabilitation plans for laboratory/workshop facilities;
• Conducts routine repairs and regular maintenance of equipment in the respective area;
• Supervises and orients junior technicians and artisans; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
18. (a) Job Title: Accountant Trainee - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Holder of B.Com/ADA/Professional Level II or its equivalent plus CPA with at least four years working experience in accounting field.
(c) Main Duties:
• Performs variety of accounting tasks including receiving and paying out cash and cheques;
• Prepares financial statements;
• Maintains fuel and accurate accounts records;
• Prepares monthly trial balances and Bank reconciliation Statements;
• Maintains debtors and creditors;
• Checks the correctness of claims and retirements ensuring that they are supported by appropriate authority/evidences;
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
19. (a) Job Title: Administrative Assistant I - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
Applicants should possess the following academic and professional qualifications.
• Form IV certificate with credit passes in Kiswahili and English, plus a Diploma in Secretarial Studies from a recognized Institution. Possession of a form VI certificate with principal passes in English and Kiswahili will be an added advantage.
• Applicants must have advanced training in modern office technology including computer application with office administration.
• At least ten (10) years working experience in secretarial duties four years of which must be at the position of Administrative Assistant in a reputable Institution.
(c) Main Duties:
• Provides assistance to top executives of the University;
• Undertakes routine correspondence with prior approval of one's reporting officer;
• Deals with confidential matters in the office of the executives;
• Arranges meetings and appointment schedules for the senior executives;
• Assists in drafting and proof-reading speeches and write-ups for the executives; and
• Performs any other duties that may be assigned to her/him from time to time.
20. (a) Job Title: Sen. Janitor II - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
• Diploma in Education or Home Economics or equivalent qualification with at least four years relevant working experience in a similar position.
(c) Main Duties:
• In-charge of the maintenance of the entire hall including rooms, offices and compound;
• Orders facilities needed for executing duties in the halls of residence;
• Keeps record of the stores in halls of residence;
• Enforces students' rules and regulations;
• Assists in answering questions from students, delegates and other visitors who may require certain information; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
21. (a) Job Title: Technician II- (Health Records) - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
• Diploma in Health Records Technology or its equivalent with at least four years relevant working experience in a similar position
(c) Main Duties
• Opens patients files and index cards;
• Retrieves and maintains an up-to-date files and file index books;
• Protects the security of medical records to ensure that confidentiality is maintained;
• Processes patient medical bills, admission and discharge documents;
• Enter data, such as demographic characteristics, history and extent of disease, diagnostic procedures and treatment into computer;
• Plans, develops, maintains and operates a variety of health record indexes and storage and retrieval systems to collect, classify, store and analyse information;
• Prepares statistical reports, narrative reports and graphic presentation of information such as tumor registry data for use by hospital staff, researchers and other users; and
• Performs any other duties as may be assigned by one's reporting officer.
22. (a) Job Title: Chief Internal Auditor - (1 post)
(b) Qualifications and Experience
• Holder of a good first degree/Advanced Diploma majoring in Accounting and CPA (T) or its equivalent and must have been registered by NBAA as an Authorized Accountant.
• Possession of an MBA or an equivalent post graduate qualification will be an added advantage.
• At least ten (10) years working experience, five (5) years of which must be at high managerial position in a reputable Institution.
• The applicant must be computer literate and should not be more than fifty (50) years of age.
(c) Main Duties:
• Responsible to the Vice Chancellor for all Audit matters of the University;
• Heads the Internal Audit Unit;
• Ensures that financial procedures throughout all University departments comply with University standards and that the limits of authority on all matters involving finance are adhered to;
• Maintains a check on the accuracy of accounting records throughout the University and on the observance of standard practices and procedures;
• Carries out both regular and random investigations of academic and administrative departmental accounts;
• Verifies University income from source to bank and satisfies self that expenditure is properly incurred according to approved policy and efficiently charged to relevant heads;
• Evaluates internal controls to ensure that accounting systems provide adequate, timely and accurate information, protection against loss through negligence, dishonesty or otherwise;
• Makes recommendations to the relevant authority about checks and changes in the accounting systems and controls and the adequacy of security arrangements within the systems used by the Finance Department, particularly within computerized systems;
• Authorizes changes from time to time in passwords governing access to computerized systems within the Finance Department;
• Checks that Heads of Department maintain inventory of furniture, equipment, and other moveable assets in accordance with University policy;
• Provides information and advice to budget holders to facilitate the most efficient use of the University's financial resources;
• Advises the Vice-Chancellor/Deputy Vice Chancellors on the need to update or otherwise change of manuals of financial policies, regulations and procedures;
• Builds up an effective liaison with the external auditors;
• Reports immediately any suspected occurrence of dishonesty to the Vice-Chancellor/Deputy Vice Chancellors or in his absence, to the immediate authority; and
• Performs any other functions as may be assigned from time to time by the Vice Chancellor/Deputy Vice Chancellors.
23. (a) Job Title: Professor/ Associate Professor/Senior
Lecturer/Lecturer /Assistant Lecturer / Tutorial Assistant
• Department of Architecture - 4 positions
• Department of Electrical Engineering - 2 positions
• Department of Political Science and Public Administration - 2 positions
• Department of Statistics - 2 positions
• Department of Sociology - 2 positions
• Department of Economics - 1 position
• Department of Fine and Performing Arts - 2 positions
• Department of Economic Law - 2 positions
• Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies - 2 positions
• 1 - position
• 2 - positions
• 1 – position
(b) Qualifications and Experience:
Applicants for:
Professor /Associate Professor must have a PhD, six points from publications since last promotion and a minimum of three years since last promotion.
Senior Lecturer must possess a PhD, four points from publications and a minimum of three years since last promotion.
Lecturer must possess PhD, three points from publications and at least three years in that position.
Assistant Lecturer must possess a minimum GPA of 4.0 or a B+ average at Master's degree level and an undergraduate degree with an overall GPA of 3.8 or higher. They must be potentially good academically.
Tutorial Assistant must possess a Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 3.8.
(c) Main Duties For;
Tutorial Assistants:
(i) Under-studies senior members of academic staff by attending their lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals;
(ii) Carries out seminars, tutorials and practicals;
(iii) Assists in research, consultancy and public service;
(iv) Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one's superior;
(v) Undergoes postgraduate training for the master's degree.
Assistant Lecturers:
Carries out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
(i) Sets, invigilates and marks undergraduate examinations;
(ii) Assists senior staff in lectures, seminars, tutorials, and practicals for postgraduate programmes;
(iii) Supervises projects and practical training for undergraduate students;
(iv) Conducts research and publishes results;
(v) Carries out consultancy and public service;
(vi) Undergoes postgraduate training to PhD level;
(vii) Participates in relevant workshops and conferences;
(viii) Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one's superior.
(i) Carries out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;
(ii) Sets, invigilates and marks undergraduate and postgraduate examinations
(iii) Guides junior staff in lecturing and conducting seminars, tutorials;
(iv) Supervises field work of both undergraduate and postgraduate students;
(v) Conducts research and publishes results;
(vi) Carries out consultancy and public service;
(vii) Writes teaching materials e.g. manuals;
(viii) Participates in the development of programmes and projects;
(ix) Organizes and participates in relevant workshops and conferences;
(x) Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one's superior.
Senior Lecturer:
As for Lecturers above with added responsibilities
Associate Professor:
(i) Carries out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;
(ii) Guides junior staff in lecturing and conducting seminars, tutorials;
(iii) Supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students;
(iv) Conducts research and publishes results;
(v) Carries out consultancy and public service;
(vi) Writes teaching materials e.g. manuals;
(vii) Participates in the development of new programmes and projects;
(viii) Organizes and participates in relevant workshops and conferences;
(ix) Participates in University administration and leadership;
(x) Participates in development of research and resource centres;
(xi) Performs any other relevant duties assigned by one's superior.
Professor :
As for Associate Professor above but will be required to prepare and present Inaugural Lectures.
Attractive package will be offered to the right candidate commensurate with his/her qualifications and experience in accordance with Government circulars and directives
Permanent and pensionable except for the position of Chief Internal Auditor.
NB: The appointment of Chief Internal Auditor is for an initial period of three years and is renewable based on performance following successful completion of a one year probation period.
Interested candidates should apply in confidence to the undersigned enclosing
(i) Detailed CV,
(ii) Photocopy of relevant certificates and transcripts,
(iii) Names and addresses of two referees,
(iv) Mode of communication, e.g. Telephone, fax, email, etc.
(i) Applicants currently employed in the public service should channel their application letters through their respective employers.
(ii) Candidates should indicate the permit reference number i.e (BC.10/87/012/'J'/85) in their letters.
(iii) For Academic and Technical positions candidates should indicate the Sections and Departments which they apply.
(iv) Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.
Interested applicants for Administrative and Technical posts should submit their applications to the;
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration)
University of Dar es Salaam
P.O. Box 35091
For Academic posts applicants should submit their applications to the;
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)
University of Dar es Salaam
P.O. Box 35091
Two weeks from the date of first appearance of this advertisement.
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