Thursday, August 28, 2014


SNV, Netherlands Development Organisation is a not-for-profit international development organization. Founded in the Netherlands nearly 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organizations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development. We aim to achieve inclusive growth and development which are essential for lasting development success. SNV focuses on three sectors: agriculture, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and renewable energy.
SNV has worked in Tanzania since the 1971 and currently has offices in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha and satellite offices in Morogoro and Iringa.
SNV Tanzania is currently implementing a portfolio of agricultural projects with various partners and donors to strengthen value chain actors in dairy, edible oilseeds and staple foods as well as promoting inclusive business arrangements between smallholder farmers and large enterprises. The objective is to enhance food security, improve the livelihoods of smallholders, and strength the environmental sustainability of agricultural production in the face of a changing climate.
The overall goal of SNV Tanzania Renewable Energy sector is to contribute to improve the livelihoods of the rural and peri-urban people in Tanzania by accelerating the dissemination and use of renewable energy products and services. SNV Tanzania is involved in three renewable energy sub-sectors including Domestic Biogas; Improved Cook Stoves; and Solar Energy. Throughout these sub-sectors, SNV looks for market-based solutions to spur access to lighting and cooking energy at domestic level and for productive use.
The WASH program in Tanzania contributes to increasing access to water and sanitation and improving hygiene with a focus in 4 sub-areas: Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) in rural areas, Functionality of Rural Water Supply Services (FWSS), Sustainability of Water Supply Services in Small Towns and WASH in schools.
SNV Tanzania and her partners CRDB Microfinance Services Company Ltd (CRDB Bank), Ruvuma Commercialization and Diversification of Agriculture (RUCODIA) and African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT) in a consortium received funding from The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) to implement integrated project to increase agricultural productivity in the breadbasket area of southern Tanzania. The goal for this project is to contribute to the increase in incomes and food security for the smallholder farmers in the Southern Highlands in Tanzania
SNV in Tanzania is inviting a consultant (firm) to conduct a project baseline study, mapping and profiling of farmers organizations, agro dealers, Agro inputs, Agro dealers networks, extension services and microfinance institutions in the project districts (Mbeya, Mbozi, Momba, Mbalari, Kyela and Sumbawanga).
Candidates interested to apply are invited to submit an application in accordance with the above application requirements
Deadline: 31st August 2014
For any questions, you can send an email to or call +255 22 2600340/397/398
Interested applicants are requested to download the Term of reference from the following link:
1.0 Introduction: SNV-Netherlands Development Organisation is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 36 of the poorest countries worldwide, including 17 countries in Sub Saharan Africa. We focus on achieving impact in Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. By sharing our specialist expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, we contribute to solving some of the leading problems facing the world today – helping to find local solutions to challenges regarding food, energy and water and sowing the seeds of lasting change.SNV started working in Tanzania in 1971 and was locally registered in 2007 under NGOs Act, 2002, registration number 00NGO/1377. SNV Tanzania operates in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). Its operations cover 16 out of the 25 regions in mainland Tanzania. SNV country headquarters are located in Dar es Salaam, with field offices in Arusha, Mwanza and Morogoro. SNV Tanzania currently employs 23 national and international advisory staff, supported by a team of support staff. In addition we work with local service providers and short term consultants. Within the agriculture sector, SNV Tanzania is currently implementing a number of projects aiming at: i) increased production (productivity), income & employment for small holders by widening market access & employment opportunities for small holder farmers and processors, and ii) national and regional food security through increased income for poor and promotion of staple food value chain alongside non staple chains. What we do to meet these impact aims includes: value chain development, impact investment, inclusive business, inclusive public policy development and climate responsive agriculture
2.0 Background
SNV Tanzania and her partners CRDB Microfinance Services Company Ltd (CRDB Bank), Ruvuma Commercialization and Diversification of Agriculture (RUCODIA) and African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT) in a consortium received funding from The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) to implement integrated project to increase agricultural productivity in the breadbasket area of southern Tanzania. The goal for this project is to contribute to the increase in incomes and food security for the smallholder farmers in the Southern Highlands in Tanzania. This initiative seeks to achieve the following specific objectives of the project: (i) To strengthen the capacity and efficiency of farmer organizations in the target districts
(ii) To increase smallholder market led agricultural production
(iii) To enhance smallholder farmers' access to structure produce markets
(iv) To improve access to extension and advisory services among smallholder farmers and the private sector
SNV Tanzania and her partners have developed a set of key performance indicators for the integrated project to increase agricultural productivity in the breadbasket area of southern Tanzania against which progress will be assessed. SNV Tanzania is looking to procure a firm (the consultant) to conduct a project baseline study and mapping and profiling exercise for farmers organizations, agro dealers, extension services and microfinance in the project districts (Mbeya, Mbozi, Momba, Mbalari, Kyela and Sumbawanga).
3.0. Objective of the study: Objective 3.1: To provide a status analysis of the target indicators prior to the implementation of the project, against which progress will be assessed.
Objective 3.2: To Map and profile Farmers organisations, Agro dealers and agro inputs, Microfinance institutions, Extension services, Warehouse receipts practitioners, Farmer households and village storage facilities
4.0. Scope of work: The Consultant will design and conduct a gender sensitive multi-dimensional baseline and mapping study. The study will include qualitative and quantitative approaches with a variety of primary and secondary data sources including participatory methods. The data sources could include research reports, primary household interviews, focus groups, key informant interviews, desk-top analysis, historical data and trends to cover all the different dimensions of the project.
The Consultant will be expected to work closely with the SNV- AGRA Project manager and the consortium leaders who have oversight responsibilities for this project. The Consultant will also be expected to liaise with Government information systems and other development partners in obtaining some of the already available data.
For the baseline, the study proposal should elaborate the methodology or combination of methodologies to be used, and ensure that sample sizes and the structure for quantitative surveys will generate statistically significant information. The overall sample size calculation and sample selection should follow acceptable statistical procedures to help achieve the objectives of the study. Qualitative information should be accorded equal importance. It is important that the study is designed taking into account project objectives, strategy, activities, outputs and outcomes as spelled out in the project document. The study will cover the project intervention districts, Mbozi, Momba, Mbeya, Sumbawanga, Mbalali and Kyela.
The consultant will collect and analyze information on Farmers organisation (Using Capacity performance index tool), MFI (Microfinance institutions) Agro-input agro dealers, Agro dealer's networks, Warehouse receipts practitioners, and village based storage facilities, extension services providers, and Farmer households in the project area, Integrated Soil Fertility Management, seed production and distribution and the use of improved seeds by the smallholder farmers. The area of focus will include (but not limited to): A) Farmer's organizations (FOs)
  • Registration status
  • Number and distributions of FOs
  • Organization capacity(Type/number of service offered)
  • Governance and management
  • Access to input and structured output market
  • Gender composition and membership dynamic
B) Farmer households
  • Structure, activities and sources and level of income of households
  • Use and tenure of agricultural land
  • Knowledge (on), attitude (towards) and use of agricultural inputs (improved seed, fertilizer, herbicides/pesticides, etc.)
  • Agricultural productivity and production of key crops
  • Output markets and access to financial services
C) Agro dealers and Agro inputs
  • Number and distribution of agro dealers and agro inputs
  • Supply
  • Marketing arrangement
  • Access to credit
  • Cost, sales and profit
D) Agro dealers networks
  • Members and registration
  • Governance and management
  • Services offered
E) Micro Finance Institutions
  • Number and distribution of MFI in the district
  • The type of services offered
  • Capacity
  • Financial literacy capacity
F) Warehouse receipts practitioners
  • Number of warehouse and distribution in a district
  • Capacity
  • Operational modalities
  • Any formal link with buyers (traders)
G) Village based storage facilities
  • Number of storage facilities and distribution Capacity
  • Operational modalities
  • Any formal link with buyers (traders)
  • Availability of quality control equipment's
H) Extension services
  • Availability of extension agents
  • Opportunities and challenges
  • Farmers satisfaction towards extension services offered
5.0. Key Milestones, Deliverables, and Time Frame
The Consultant will meet with the SNV Tanzania project team and her Partners to clarify the study objectives, design and approach for the baseline study. The Consultant (firm) shall submit an inception report containing the agreed study points, the approach and plan to cover the Study within a 7- day period after signing the contract
5.1 Deliverables
5.1.1 Inception Report should be delivered not later than 5 days from the date of signing the contract
5.1.2 Draft reports on project baseline, Mapping and profiling
5.1.3 Final reports on project baseline, Mapping and profiling
5.1.4 Oral presentation to the SNV and her Partners teams may be required;
5.1.5 A master copy of the final report suitable for reproduction
5.1.6 Soft copies of the final report
5.2 Time Frame
The study is expected to be completed within a 40 - day period.
5.0 Budget and Proposed Payment Schedule: The Consultant will submit a budget breakdown. The budget presented should include fees, travel and subsistence, reproduction charges, and taxes. Unit costs should be calculated as a per day tariff (e.g. fees). Payments will be made as per the schedule to be agreed
6.0. Management Arrangement
The Consultant will report to the Project Manager, SNV Tanzania.
7.0 Submission of proposal
The proposals shall be submitted in two parts, i.e. Technical and Financial. The technical proposal should include the firm's profile detailing the experience, CVs of the proposed team members and the methodology to be used. The financial proposal should indicate a detailed budget.
Interested consultants or consulting firms are requested to submit hard and soft copy of the proposals to the address below
Country Human Resources Manager
P.O. Box 3941
Dar es Salaam
Email: and by August 30th 2014.
8.0 Specifications of the Consultant Team
The consultant will be selected on the basis of their proven experience, qualifications and ability to deliver a quality product in time and in efficient manner. Minimum qualifications and experience of the team members will include:
  • MSc in Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, or related field and at least 5 years of relevant experience (leader);
  • 5 years' experience in survey fieldwork (data collection, validation, entry and analysis)
  • Proven track record in conducting agriculture related studies;
  • Experience in leading teams in field (training, field logistics, human relations, teamwork)
  • Demonstrable ability, experience and the capacity to undertake the study in project area;
  • Excellent writing skills, with publication record in one discipline related to assignment
  • Demonstrable analytical skills; and
  • Excellent English communication skills
Closing date: Saturday, August 30, 2014
Type of contract: Consultancy

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