Sunday, July 27, 2014

Organizational Assessment Advisor, Jamaica

Organizational Assessment Advisor, Jamaica
Overall placement purpose and specific placement/partner objectives:
The overall purpose of the placement is to contribute to the development of a strategic 3 – 5 year partnership plan for new Partner organisations/agencies in the Jamaica country programme, existing partnerships that currently operate without a formal written partnership agreement as well as re-evaluate existing partnership agreements according to the Caribbean SEE framework/outcomes. The evaluation of the scope for and/or support of national volunteering initiatives is also a key objective of this placement. As such the role will interact with all current Partner agencies and organisations. In total this comprises approximately fourteen (14) organisations/agencies – Government agencies, CBOs, NGO's & Foundations.
Using the assessment tools provided by Cuso International, the OD Advisor should:
• Assist the partners to develop an appropriate plan for, and conduct a rigorous self assessment of their operations to determine their current and future needs. This may require some modifications to the base tools to tailor to differing contexts.
• Support the organisations during the OD process to consider the differing needs and approaches or responses for men and women from the perspective of the staff, the services offered by the organisations and their beneficiaries with staff ensuring that programmes are planned to address those needs.
•The OA Advisor will co-ordinate and deliver one knowledge sharing seminar on gender mainstreaming for all partner organisation within the placement period and as per agreements with Programme Office. It is expected that local expertise in the area of gender & gender mainstreaming will be included as resources/ facilitators.
• Document the assessment results for the benefit of both the partners and Cuso.
• Work with the partners and the Jamaica Programme Manager to arrive at a Capacity Development Plan covering a 3-5 year period based on the organisational assessment.
• Identify priorities for Cuso International support in accordance with Cuso strategic direction.
• Support the partner organisation in the particular needs identified.
• Suggest, if appropriate and possible, particular placement descriptions for Cuso and the partners' future work.
Key Deliverables for the OD and Baseline Study Advisor:
  1. A 3-5 year OD Plan which is clearly gender responsive for each agency/organisation with clear directions for possible Cuso interventions.
  2. Baseline statistics and a partner profile sheet for each organisation.
How to apply:
To apply, please see our job board.

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