Monday, July 28, 2014


NGO : Friend Indeed Tanzania(FIT)
Job level 4-Mid level
Reporting to : Chief Program Coordinator
Deadline: 30/07/2014
location: Dar es salaam
Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition, Public Health, or Education related field.
Master degree will be much preferred.
Academic background or previous work experience in nutrition.
Candidate must have a valid driver license.

Job Descriptions

This position will be given responsibility for implementing plans and carrying out objectives and performing duties as necessary. The Program Coordinator will be able to work autonomously, yet inform supervisor of all activities. This person will be given fiscal and reporting responsibilities. This position is expected to work in collaboration with partner sites representing and advocating for these sites. This person will also supervise staff that will assist the coordinator to implement the FRIEND INDEED TANZANIA(FIT) program's goals.

Main Duties

Coordinate and supervise activities of dietetic interns and field staff.
Train partners in necessary (FIT) activities including programming, policies, procedures, and data recording.
* Assist in planning and developing new or revised program goals and objectives for the FIT.
*Develop and schedule program plans in accordance with specifications and funding limitations of the FIT.
*Coordinate ordering, distribution, and tracking of expenditures for partnering sites within budget restrictions.
*Prepare/assist in preparation of proposals for funding and/or funding continuation.
*Confer with and advise staff, students, program leaders to provide technical and problem-solving assistance with program goals and policy interpretation.
*Coordinate FIT activities with interrelated activities of other outside/community or internal programs to ensure efficiency and compliance with appropriate policies, procedures and goals and objectives of the FIT.
*Prepare periodic reports, financial statements and records on program activities, progress, or other special reports for management or outside agencies.
*Evaluate program effectiveness to develop improved methods; analyze results and recommend and/or take appropriate action.
*Recruit and retain program participants and volunteers utilizing the most appropriate promotional or marketing methods, such as individual letters, brochures or presentations at meetings.
*Develop communications and promotional literature for distribution such as newsletters, brochures or flyers; coordinate process from development through printing and distribution.
*Develop and facilitate trainings, workshops, meetings or conferences; coordinate logistics, scheduling and participant communications.
*Develop and facilitate nutrition education classes and demonstrations for food stamp eligible audiences at approved FIT sites.
*Research nutrition education Trainings and determine age appropriateness and effectiveness of .
*Assist in developing and providing quality assurance measures to programming of the FIT.

Send your CV to

Deadline ; 30/07/2014

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