Sunday, July 27, 2014

Area Safety Coordinator

Area Safety Coordinator
Area Safety Coordinator
DRC is an international non-governmental organization that promotes and supports durable solutions to the problems faced by refugees and internally displaced people all over the world.
DRC has been operating in the Horn of Africa and Yemen for over a decade, running a combination of livelihood, protection, advocacy and relief programmes. DRC has programme offices in various areas in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Yemen, with a regional office in Kenya. There are numerous sub-offices, and also plans for new offices and programmes throughout the region. There are plans to increase activities in Yemen and Ethiopia.
DRC's Safety Risk Management system in the HoAY area has been developed to a robust level over the past three years. Procedures, protocols and policies are in place and largely implemented throughout the region. Training modules have been standardized and delivered on a regular basis, and safety management receives strong support and attention from managers at all levels. In the HoAY region, DRC's safety management structure currently includes a Regional Safety Advisor, one international Area Safety Coordinator for Yemen and Ethiopia, one national Safety Coordinator for Kenya and one international Safety Coordinator for Somalia.
Overall Objective
The Area Safety Coordinator (ASC) will advise and assist Country Directors and Area Managers to develop and implement the DRC Safety Risk Management (SRM) system for DRC. The ASC's area of operations will be a sub-regional portfolio, consisting of Yemen and Ethiopia.
Specific Objectives
The ASC, in consultation with local safety staff and programme managers, is expected to pursue the following objectives in his/her daily work:
  • Oversee the Safety Risk Management (SRM) process
  • Develop area and country safety management policies, protocols and procedures
  • Facilitate Safety Risk Assessments (SRAs) and support the implementation of mitigation measures
  • Analyze, manage and report relevant information at the area, country and sub-regional level
  • Maintain relevant safety documentation, data and records for the areas of concern
  • Support and deliver safety-related training
  • Mentor and provide technical supervision to local safety staff
  • Develop the capacity of, and coordinate, relevant Incident Management Teams (IMTs)
  • Provide surge support to IMTs and the Regional CMT as required
  • Act as Regional Safety Advisor in the RSA's absence
Responsibilities and Tasks
To achieve the position objectives, the ASC will perform the following tasks and undertake the following responsibilities:
  • Oversee the development and implementation of the SRM process. Specific tasks include:
  • Assist and monitor the development of area-specific SRAs; supervise the assessment of Safety Levels and provide recommendations to the RSA for approval.
  • Advise Programme and Area Managers on available safety management strategies, including the transfer, avoidance, acceptance and/or control of risks.
  • Assist in the development of area-specific safety plans, including Local Safety Rules (LSR); Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); Contingency Plans (CPs); mitigation action plans; and Minimum Operating Safety Standards (MOSS).
  • Support the implementation of safety management plans and other related functions; and assist in the implementation of staff capacity training plans, including the delivery and prioritization of training modules.
  • Monitor and evaluate the SRM process throughout the Ethiopia and Yemen regions, providing regular updates on the quality and progress of SRM implementation.
  • Facilitate programme access and continuity through the provision of dependable advice, including:
  • Provision of regular analysis, statistics and reporting on key developments within the region
  • Tailored analysis and assessments, including RAs, on specific areas, themes, issues or scenarios
  • Maintain a register of negotiations and developments related to access and humanitarian space
  • Establish and maintain a list of contacts throughout the region
  • Maintain and update the incident tracker for Yemen and Ethiopia, and provide trend/pattern analysis
  • Provide advice on programme development and implementation, including programme assessments
  • Identify potential scenarios, indicators of change and key decision points
  • Represent the country programmes within inter-agency forums as related to safety issues, including:
  • Focal point for safety co-ordination between relevant actors within the area of operations
  • Attend ISAO, UN, and other relevant external forums
  • Establish a network of contacts and represent DRC at security meetings
  • Capacity building of all staff, consultants and implementing partners, including:
  • Provide operational safety briefings and orientation to all new and visiting staff
  • Brief new international and non-local staff on specific cultural norms and behaviours
  • Train local safety staff in the delivery of establish safety training modules
  • Organize and coordinate the delivery of Personal Awareness and Safety Training (PAST) on a bi-annual or as needed basis
  • Incident and crisis management and response, including:
  • Support the establishment of Area and Country IMTs
  • Coordinate the Country IMT in the event of a critical incident or crisis
  • Develop the country level Critical Incident Management Plan and support area-specific CPs
  • Brief IMT members on their responsibilities and ensure alternate members are available and briefed
  • Assist in the management of safety incidents and provide timely and accurate incident reports
  • Quality assurance of safety-related policies, protocols, procedures and regulations, including:
  • Regular MOSS audits of all programme areas
  • Monitoring of armed guards, watchmen, and SPUs
  • Assess the implementation of physical and asset protection protocols and regulations
  • Ensure that appropriate access controls are in place for all DRC facilities
  • Conduct regular site assessments and advise on mitigation measures
  • Act as the focal point for the procurement and installation of safety-related equipment, facilities and other resources, including:
  • Maintain a list of vendors and prices for safety-related equipment
  • Assist logisticians and administrators with the procurement, delivery and control of safety equipment
  • Act as the focal point for telecommunications systems, including radios and satellite phones
The ASC will report to the Yemen Country Director, work directly with the Ethiopia Country Director in addition to senior programme staff in the relevant areas of operations. The ASC will have technical oversight from the Regional Safety Advisor.
  • University or higher degree in relevant discipline
  • At least 3 years' experience working with NGOs and/or other International Organizations
  • At least 2 years' INGO or IO Security Management experience with a proven ability to develop and implement effective and contextualized protocols and systems
  • Demonstrated experience with critical incident management
  • Demonstrated experience with delivering safety-related and/or first aid training
  • Proven ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines
  • Proven ability to work effectively with minimal supervision
  • Stable and robust character, team-player with a good sense of humor
  • Medically fit and ability to adapt to isolated and potentially insecure environments
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Fluent in written and spoken English
  • Experience with the Yemen and/or Ethiopian contexts
  • Knowledge of Arabic
  • Prior programming experience would be an asset, particularly in such fields as refugees, protection, mixed migration, capacity building, or mine action
Duty Station: Aden, Yemen with frequent travel
Area of Operation: Yemen & Ethiopia
Contract: 1 year renewable contract.
The salary and conditions are in accordance with the Danish Refugee Council's Terms of Employment for Expatriates (available at under Vacancies). This position is graded as A11 or the DRC national staff salary scale, as applicable.
For general information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult
DRC has a Humanitarian Accountability Framework, outlining its global accountability committments. All staff are required to contribute to the achievement of this framework
About DRC
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a private, independent, humanitarian organization working on all aspects of the refugee cause in more than twenty five countries throughout the world. The aim of DRC is to protect refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) against persecution and to promote durable solutions to the problems of forced migration, on the basis of humanitarian principles and human rights. DRC works in accordance with the UN Conventions on Refugees and the Code of Conduct for the ICRC and NGOs in Disaster Relief.
The protection and assistance to conflict affected population is provided within a long-term, regional and rights-based approach in order to constitute a coherent and effective response to the challenges posed by today's conflicts. Assistance consists of relief and other humanitarian aid, rehabilitation, support to return and repatriation as well as promotion of long-term solutions to displacement and its causes. In addition, support and capacity building of local and national authorities and NGOs form an integral part of DRC's work.
How to apply:
Qualified candidates are invited to access the full job description and the requirements for this position under vacancies at Please submit applications online using this link by 31 July 2014.
If you have questions or are facing problems with the online application process, please

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