Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Good Neighbors International (GNI) is an international humanitarian and development organization with GNI Headquarters based in Seoul, Korea. The Mission of GNI works to transform the world to a peaceful and secure place, where no one suffers from starvation; where no one falls victim to preventable diseases; where everyone is comforted and respected with no alienation for any particular reason.

Good Neighbors Tanzania (GNTZ) was registered in 2005 in Tanzania, and has offices in Dar es Salaam (Head Office), Mwanza and Dodoma


1) To carry out program research and complete a baseline analysis on theCash Crop (Sesame, Groundnuts, Sunflower) Production, Storage, Quality and Market Systems in Chamwino District – Fufu, Suli and Chiboli villages (baseline research on the cash crop value chain system)

2) To design programme components to enhance marketability of cash crop products and improve the cash crop agro processing and market system in Fufu, Suli and Chiboli, Chamwino District.

Project Background

The Saemaul Zero Hunger Communities project is a World Food Programme pilot project implemented by Good Neighbors International and regional/local government authorities, and funded by the Government of the Republic of Korea. The project started implementation in Chamwino District (Fufu, Suli and Chiboli villages), Dodoma region, Tanzania in early 2014.

This call seeks to mobilize the strengths, expertise and resources of an agro processing researcher for the development of an improved cash crop value chain system in Chamwino District, and to develop and programme innovative post-harvest and cash crop marketing technology to demonstrate appropriate agro-processing technologies for adoption.

Capacities of the target groups are to be strengthened to enable them to adopt the appropriate techniques whilst their access in the acquisition of simple processing equipment will be facilitated through relevant linkages.

Only One Researcher is required, for all 3 villages

Terms for Researcher

1. To consult key partners (District Council departments and officials, WFP Programme

Officers, target communities' households, the elderly, village leaders, women and youth, input enterprises, quality control and certification agencies, CBOs,processing groups, NGOs, Extension networks)in collecting and analyzing information on the current policies, processing systems, including available technologies,equipment and major actors – for farming, harvesting, post-harvest and marketing of sesame, sunflower and groundnuts cash crops in Chamwino District.

2. To identify constraints in the promotion of marketing and processing technologies; suggest ways and opportunities for improving and promoting the technologies and cash crop marketing methods

3. To ascertain the present socio-economic status (food secure families, income status, access tocredit, markets, etc.) of the target groups.

4. To identify opportunities (technological, markets, standards and quality control) which exist inthe promotion of processing technologies and propose effective partnership or utilization of such opportunities

5. To propose strategic options (technological, approaches, partnerships and socio-economic considerations) for achieving accelerated adoption of processing and marketing technologies to improve and address gaps in the cash crop value chain system

6. To finalize a detailed report addressing the terms given above – providing analysis and proposing strategic programme components to be included in the SZHC program in Chamwino District

Duration of the Mission

GOOD NEIGHBORS TANZANIA expects that the mission should cover 100days of work to be completed by 30thDecember, 2014.
The Researcher is expected to

1) Hold planning meetings with the GNTZ Managing Director and Operations Staff every once in 10 days.

2) Submit a progress report on findings and results at the end of each 10 working days.
3) Submit a report on analysis carried out at the end of every 30 days.
4) Submit a draft report on analysis, research and baseline information of the Cash Crop

(Sesame, Groundnuts, Sunflower) Production, Storage, Quality and Market Systems in Chamwino District – Fufu, Suli and Chiboli villages – by 10th November 2014, and the final report after comments from WFP and GNTZ by 30th November 2014.

5) Submit  a  draft  report  covering  a  recommended  programmed  design  and  programme

components to enhance the value chain system and marketability of cash crop products, and improve the cash crop agro processing and market system in Fufu, Suli and Chiboli, Chamwino District by 10th December 2014, and the final report after comments from WFP and GNTZ by 30th December 2014.

Expertise required
The Researcher should have the following qualifications and expertise:

A Ph.D. or M.Sc. holder in Agricultural Economics (agro-processing systems) with at least 10 years experience in Agricultural Research, Development and Management at both the international and national levels

A proof of knowledge and operations of the agricultural system in Tanzania: networking, program and project coordination and agro-processing.

Proven track record of having worked with Agricultural Development Initiatives at national andinternational levels in Central Zone of Tanzania

Strong professional experience in analysis and identification of agro-input sub-sector, withparticular reference to sesame production and marketing

Fluency in both English and Kiswahili
Equal opportunity in gender considerations

Work-plan and Timetable

The Researcher will have a total duration of 100 working days and will be expected to propose a work-plan and timetable for the exercise to be validated at the level of the management.

Mode of Application
The application required from the prospective candidate includes the following:

1. An application letter;

2. A detailed curriculum vitae containing the complete names of candidate, complete addresses (postal, email, phone and fax);

3. The names and complete contact details of at least three of your referees.


4. The application should be addressed to Managing Director, GOOD NEIGHBORS TANZANIA, Makulu Street, House No; 8, P.O BOX 2946, Dodoma

5. E-mail:  goodneighborstz@gmail.com
6. Applications should reach the management not later than 15thAugust, 2014.
7. Only selected applicants will be contacted.

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