Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Consultant for Mid-year programme review and planning workshop

Consultant for Mid-year programme review and planning workshop
Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) is a non-profit association currently consisting of 27 full-fledged members. Members of the FORUM consist of National Committees from those Asia-Pacific-Pacific countries which are members of the United Nations and its specialized agencies.
'National Committees' are voluntary forum or organization of parliamentarians working on population and development or standing committees in the parliament working on population and development. Secretariat' refers to the non-parliamentarian staff providing support to parliamentarian members and is considered a part of the National Committee.
AFPPD secretariat is aiming to develop AFPPD strategic plans, long term goals of the organizations and staff capacity building. Staff is a key determinant of an organization's success and is often the "face" of the organization to stakeholders. Maintaining a well-informed, well-trained, well-qualified workforce is a critical function of both individual staff and managements as a whole.
The AFPPD will organize a mid-year programme review and planning workshop for the AFPPD Secretariat with the following objectives: a)To pinpoint the level of implementation (quantitative and qualitative), accomplishments and issues in pursuit of the 3-year medium term program of the AFPPD b) To complete first personal evaluation of the staff c) To plan for the period of July 2014 – October, 2015 (till 11th AFPPD General Assembly), building on brainstorming on the post 2015 scenario, defining core policy issues, programmatic priorities for sub-regions, lessons learnt from previous period, priorities for internal operations, capacity building, partnerships, sustainability and resource mobilization
The primary role of the consultant is to serve as the facilitator for the AFPPD Mid-year programme review and planning workshop during 15-17 July 2014. The consultant will be working under the overall supervision of the Executive Director of AFPPD and the HRD/ Administration Manager.
The consultant will perform the following tasks:
  • Design the agenda and facilitate the workshop, including discussions on Medium Term Programme assessment, sharing knowledge and good practices, as well as lessons learnt (July 2013 – July 2014), assessing the progress and deliberating strategies to scale up achievement of the results for 2014. The facilitator will also support AFPPD in defining the plan for the upcoming period (July 2014 – October, 2015), building on the emerging programmatic priorities, strategies to strengthen operations and organizational capacity.
  • Prepare an overall process report for the workshop that assesses the implementation of the activity and highlights recommendations for improving similar workshops in the future.
Main task of consultancy:
  1. Develop a workshop agenda;
  2. Prepare relevant handouts and other facilitation materials as needed;
  3. Send all the relevant materials to AFPPD prior to the workshop and incorporate comments if any;
  4. Communication with the programme and administration team for the relevant workshop preparation matters;
  5. Facilitate the assessment and planning meeting (2.5 days) on 15-17 July 2014 in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand;
  6. Prepare and submit the relevant workshop report (process report) to AFPPD.
Deliverable and timeline:
The schedule of deliverables
The consultant submits both written (in English) and electronic copies at each stage for review and/or approval as details in the table:
TaskDeliverables Time frame Draft, Review and Comment on the draft
workshop outline including suggestions
for organization, facilitation and team
building exercises. Discuss and agree on
important tasks and roles during the retreat. Finalized programme
agenda with detailed
activities 30 June 2014 Facilitate the planning of the workshop, including
preparatory meetings with
AFPPD team, preparing documents, hand outs, etc. Material for meeting are prepared 30 June-7 July 2014 Facilitate a training during 15-17 July 2014 Successful conduct of the workshop 15-17 July 2014 Debrief AFPPD on key observations from
the workshop and prepare 1st draft of report Brief Report 22 July 2014 Review 1st draft report 1st draft report25 July 2014 Submission of the report Final report 30 July 2014
The consultancy is expected to begin by 27 June 2014 and be finalized by 30 July 2014.
Payment schedule:
In full consideration for satisfactory completion of services as provided for in these terms of reference and subject to receipt of progress reports as provided for herein, AFPPD shall pay the consultant:
-20% upon signature of contract (600 USD)
-80% upon submission of the completion of the Mid-year retreat (2,400 USD)
· 5-10 years of experience in organization management, development and capacity building training;
· Good knowledge and understanding of organization development;
· Have good technical knowledge and experience in the designing and implementing organization assessment, including monitoring and
evaluation systems;
· Facilitation and training skills;
· Familiarity of the NGO Management will be an asset.
· Excellent analytic and report writing skills.
How to apply:
All interested consultant are requested to submit CV and express of interest by providing a brief technical, proposal and sample of works to:
Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development
Phayathai Plaza Building. Suite 9-C., Phayathai Road, Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400
Tel: (66 2) 219 2903-4 Fax: (66 2) 219 2905/ Website: www.afppd.org
They must include in their application the following:
  1. Their competences to meet the requirements of the assignment including the relevant experiences related to the assignment.
  2. The detailed explanation on the methodology to be used to carry out the
  1. sample of work in the same area
  2. CV
AFPPD will only be able to respond to those applicants in whom AFPPD has a further interest.
The deadline for applications is Friday, 24 June 2014.
Duty station:
Bangkok, Thailand

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