Friday, May 30, 2014

Teaching Skills Facilitator

Teaching Skills Facilitator
VSO is the world's leading independent international development organization that works through volunteers to fight poverty in developing countries.

This placement will be in Tanzania. Tanzania has recorded good progress in achieving universal education for all children targets in line with the Government of Tanzania's education policy. Yet despite increasing enrolment rates, the quality of education remains weak, retention is poor, and less than half of students pass the Primary School Leaving Exam (BEST, 2010). In the project area, Muleba district, the pass rate is even lower: only 26%!

Employer: Rise Income for School Education - RISE Project
Start date: September
Length: 24 months

What does the role involve?
In this project, it is expected that volunteers with relevant skills will build the capacity of schools (supply side). Volunteers with expertise in agricultural production and small business entrepreneurship will work with community members (parents) to enhance their livelihoods to better afford basic health care and education for their children (demand side). VSO and its local partners will also work to change the attitudes of parents to increase willingness to invest resources in the education of their children. Special attention will be given to create awareness of the importance of girl's education. At the same time, the project will promote sports and reproductive health education to reach more students (boys and girls) and build up their life skills in a supportive environment in which they can take advantage of increased opportunities for education.

Specifically, your job will consist of:
  • Support school teachers to review and agree on criteria for quality teaching and learning.
  • Train, coach and advise teachers on different teaching strategies, appropriate learning methodologies.
  • Advise on the development and consistently use the new teaching and learning material and aids;
  • Introduce qualitative assessment of girls students on life skills, including HIV/AIDS and reproductive health awareness;
  • Advise on library set up which will be located at one of the targeted school compounds.
  • Advise on the development of individual learning assessment of all children in their class and apply strategies to meet these;
  • Advise on the development of effective time tabling and monitoring to maximize pupil learning time;
  • Identify motivational support for teachers (e.g. participate in exchange visits, attend refresher courses, upgrade skills and award 'teacher of the year certificates');
  • Motivate teachers to identify, praise and share good practice among each other
Skills, qualifications and experience required
  • Qualified Teacher Status, with at least 5 years of Primary teaching
  • Possess at least 3 years experience of coaching and training other
  • Experience in teaching in a development
  • Experience in setting up reviewing curriculums, teaching plans
Personal Qualities:
Able to adapt to different work environments and 
Able to work with different cultures and accept different 
A self-starter who can work creatively on their own 
Confident and able to create positive professional 
Happy to travel for long periods to support different 
Good organizational and interpersonal skills
And the rest...
We'll ask you to commit 24 months to make a sustainable contribution to development goals and in return we'll provide you with invaluable training before your placement, a local living allowance, return flights, accommodation and insurance.
In terms of donor relationship there is preference for a Dutch speaking applicant
For more information please call Hans Voerman at 030 - 23 49 012. For more information about VSO please look at

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