An Exciting Leadership Opportunity with KIPPRA
The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) is an independent public Institute established to support public policy in Kenya by contributing to the formulation of medium and long-term strategic perspectives for development of the country and developing the required human and institutional capacities.
The Institute discharges this mandate by undertaking economic forecasting, policy analysis and research, and through capacity building.
KIPPRA is seeking to recruit a dynamic and result oriented individual for the position of Executive Director (ED). Reporting to the Board of Directors, the overall responsibility of the ED is to ensure that the Institute influences public policy in the country.
The ED, an ex-officio member of and secretary to the Board, is responsible for the day to day management of the Institute subject to the direction of the KIPPRA Board; implementation of the Institute's strategic plan; execution of Board decisions; provision of leadership and management; and ensuring effective overall administrative coordination, financial management, and high quality public policy research, analysis and dissemination.
Key responsibilities
- Identify emerging issues, plan and coordinate overall research programs of the Institute;
- Design work plans and disseminate findings to public policy stakeholders;
- Establish guidelines and schedules for regular updating of economic models based on research;
- Establish procedures for effective communication, dissemination, and coordination with Government and its agencies, universities and other research bodies, agencies of the private sector and civil society, donor agencies, and the general public;
- Oversee the development and implementation of Institute's overall strategy;
- Manage institutional performance within the agreed framework of the Institute strategic plan and Performance Contract;
- Prepare and present progress reports to the Board of Directors;
- Lead the resource mobilization process to ensure that the Institute diversifies and grows funding streams;
- Put in place effective financial management policies and systems and report on financial performance;
- Ensure proper management and accountability of funds in line with financial policies of government and other stakeholders;
- Oversee the Institute's procurement;
- Oversee the recruitment, training and development, reward and recognition of staff;
- Oversee the Institute's knowledge management functions;
- Represent the Institute in diverse forums; and
- Perform any other duties as may be directed by the Board from time to time.
Person Specifications:
The ideal candidate should possess the following:
- A Kenya citizen with PhD in Economics or related social science discipline;
- At least fifteen (1 5) peer-reviewed publications or ten (1 0) peer-reviewed journal papers and five (5) book chapters;
- At least ten (10) years' experience in a research institution or equivalent, five (5) of which must be post PhD and at a senior management position;
- Demonstrated management and leadership skills with clear vision, including a track history of creativity, innovation, self-drive, and results-orientation;
- Experience in a) quantitative analysis and public policy research, and b) policy formulation and procedures of the Government of Kenya;
- Clear knowledge of Kenya Vision 2030 and ability to align research agenda to the Vision;
- Familiarity with development and research issues for developing countries and economies such as Kenya's;
- Management experience in both personnel and budget control, including negotiation skills and familiarity with donor funding;
- Excellent communication and presentation skills;
- High professional and ethical standards in line with the integrity requirements of service and leadership in the Kenyan public service; and
- Familiarity with the Public Financial Management Act.
More details about KIPPRA can be accessed on the Institute's Website:
Terms and Conditions
The successful candidate will be employed on a 5-year contract, renewable based on performance.
An attractive remuneration and benefits package will be negotiated with the successful candidate.
If you believe your career objectives match this exciting position, please forward your application and detailed CV stating your current position, remuneration, contact details, names and contacts (telephone and e-mail address) of three (3) referees familiar with your qualifications and work experience, certified copies of clearance certificates from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Higher Education Loans Board (HELB), certificate of good conduct from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and quoting reference number K1P109112 on or before 15 October 2012 addressed to:
The Director
Executive Selection Division
Deloitte Consulting Limited
Deloitte Place, Waiyaki Way, Muthangari
P 0 Box 40092 00100 Nairobi
KIPPRA is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply
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