Thursday, October 11, 2012

Consultant Peace Education and Psychosocial Support Training

Revise existing materials: Based on feedback received and in collaboration with Education Cluster partners, revise and update existing 'Skills for Life' teaching and learning materials.
2) Select new modules to be developed and create a contents plan for new toolkit: Based on previous assessments undertaken and existing prioritisation processes, finalise the selection of new modules to be developed;
3) Design and develop modules and monitoring and evaluation tool: In collaboration with the communications for development consultant, and in consultation with Education Cluster partners and health and protection actors, conceptualize, organize and manage the formative design and development of culturally relevant graphic teaching and learning aides (comprising a training of trainers guide; teachers' guide; visual flipbook; posters), corresponding to each of the Emergency Life Skills and Psychosocial Support Teacher Training Modules. Each module should include a monitoring and evaluation tool.
4) Plan and conduct consultative review workshops: Together with the communications for developmentconsultant, plan and conduct consultation workshops with partners, children and youth to review materials. Revise draft materials accordingly.
5) Plan and conduct training of trainers workshops: Together with the training consultant, design, plan and conduct trainings of Master Trainers in the three State-level 'hubs' (Juba, Wau and Malakal) for government, teacher trainers and NGO staff, with the aim of enabling them to roll out trainings of trainers in a subsequent phase.
6) Prepare and submit final report: Together with the communications for development consultant, prepare and submit a short final report, highlighting lessons learned and recommendations. Include quotes and stories from children and young people who fed into the project as well as a photo library. Submit both hard and soft copies.
How to apply: 
Complete application, including CV and cover letter, should be emailed to by 20 October 2012.

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