Thursday, October 11, 2012

Baseline Survey for Livelihood Interventions in Gedo Region Somalia

  1. Background
Located in the Horn of Africa, Somalia has faced more than two decades of civil war following the overthrow of Mohamed Siad Barre's regime in 1991. The majority of the population in Somalia has had to suffer perennial harsh environmental conditions, further compounded by manmade disasters; which have completely eroded their coping mechanisms.
Gedo region is one of the most underdeveloped regions of Somalia with minimal infrastructure, weak economic development and only very poor basic social services available to the communities. The region is largely food insecure due to its dependence on erratic rainfall for production of crops and pasture. According to the July 2012 OCHA Crisis Report, Gedo region is expected to remain in crisis (IPC phase 3) throughout 2012. Security in the region has also been chronically unstable owing to persistent inter and intra-clan conflicts largely related to control of resources.
1.1 About the Project
GIZ has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to implement a project titled "Stabilisation of Livelihoods for Female Headed and IDP Households in Gedo Region of Somalia.
The project's overall objective is: "Vulnerable households in Gedo region have access to rehabilitated basic infrastructures and improved production potential in livestock and agriculture aimed at achieving significant livelihood improvement".
The projects expected outcomes:
I. A total of 3,500 households (emphasis on Female Headed Households) have improved access to food quality and quantity (meals eaten per day by children and adults improved and increased)
II. Agricultural production improved for a total of 3,500 female Headed Households in Gedo region
III. 2,300 women drawn from female headed households are engaged in viable and sustainable income generating activities
The above expected outcomes will be realized through implementation of a comprehensive project designed by GIZ Somalia that contributes to enhancing household incomes through sustainable community driven food security, improved farm production, creation of sustainable income generating ventures, capacity building interventions (CEFE Trainings) as well as increased household assets including livestock.
2 Objectives of the Survey
The main objective this assignment is to conduct a baseline household survey within target districts of Gedo region; Elwak, Luuq & Bulet hawa. Baseline database will be developed to identify the key issues related with the project area, generate related data and develop indicators for all components of the project to be monitored during project implementation and to be used for project evaluation.
• The Baseline Household Economic Survey would provide strategic information; enable ranking and further targeting of the most food insecure in Gedo region's amongst identified vulnerable households to include those from satellite villages.
• The Baseline Household Economic Survey will also provide baseline data for the project as benchmarks for performance that can be monitored and finally evaluated on the impact of the project at regular intervals and at end of the project.
• Data from the baseline survey will also be used for developing feasible food security interventions, training modules, identifying market driven income generating enterprises, identifying viable agricultural intervention as well as capacity building interventions.
2.1 Scope of Work
As part of project preparation for implementation, a baseline Household Economic Survey will be undertaken. The proposed survey will collect information that will aid in project planning and specifying indicators as well as provide a basis tool for monitoring and evaluating the impact.
In order to conduct the baseline survey, consultant would have to perform following tasks:
• To specify, using project design and details of intended projects activities with specific concrete indicators for which baseline data will be collected (needed) • To specify the methodologies to be used for collection of information on households demographics, income, asset ownership, literacy and access to basic infrastructure and • To develop a sample frame of the baseline survey • To develop a questionnaire for baseline survey • Together with GIZ – Somalia field staff, translation of questionnaire into local language • Field testing of the questionnaire • Incorporation of revision into the questionnaire after field testing • Documentation of completed questionnaire • To conduct survey within target regions and ensure quality control • Analyse and report the findings of the survey and final documentation • To provide data in a designed database form to GIZ Somalia
  1. Methodology
The guidelines above are indicative for the purpose of preparing the initial proposal for consultancy. The final methodology will be proposed by the consultant and finalized in agreement with GIZ-Somalia.
4.Expected Results and Deliverables
(a) Inception Report. Inception report describing proposed approach and methodology for conducting the Baseline Household Economy survey, formats and questionnaires for baseline survey of potential beneficiaries, guidelines for survey, procedures for data collection. In addition, it will briefly describe how the baseline survey will be conducted, its process and design.
The Inception Report is due within 2 days of signing of Contract.
(b) Interim Report describing methodology adopted, progress achieved summary of data collected and a table of contents and outline of final information with description of each indicator. The Interim Report is due within 3 days of signing of Contract.
(c) Draft Final Report to be prepared by the Consultant will be in the approved format. The report, including baseline data and findings, should be developed in a clear, logical and readable manner. This will include an executive summary of not more than 15 pages. The Consultant will also submit any additional material that was collected as part of the project that may be of use to the proposed project.
The Draft Report is due within 15 days after signing of Contract.
(d) Final Report. Draft final modified as per comments 17 days after signing of the Contract. It should also include base line data in database format.
5.Disclaimer The consultant shall undertake not to disclose the contents of the resulting base line survey report for any other purpose or use. The reports and data from the survey will be the intellectual property of GIZ.
During the assignment, the consultant will collaborate closely with:
• GIZ DETA Somalia, Team Leader • GIZ DETA Somalia, Deputy Team Leader • GIZ Somalia personnel • Other collaborating partners need to be identified including village development committees, women leaders, elders and such.
  1. Support/inputs to be provided by the Client
GIZ-Somalia shall provide access to all locations and related documents and interaction with related personnel to the consultant.
  1. Fees and costs estimate
Fees to be paid for the consulting assignment will depend on the technical proposal from applying consultants. A technical and financial proposal based on the Terms of Reference outlined above must be provided.
9.Expertise Required
Experts with regional/international exposure on similar assignments and who have experience of working in Somalia would be preferred. Applicants for the consultancy are expected to demonstrate experience of undertaking similar assignments in the past, particularly in the Food Security and Livelihood sectors. Experience of similar assignments undertaken in the past would be given preference.
  1. Qualification
Lead consultant should be a senior Social Scientist with Post Graduate Degree in Economics, Sociology or other relevant discipline and substantial work experience in conducting similar studies/research work in Somalia
How to apply: 
  1. Application process
Interested consultants should submit their curriculum vitae and a brief technical proposal based on this TORs. Applicants should also include a brief cover letter illustrating how their professional experience matches the skills and qualifications required.
Applications should be submitted by email to by 23rd October 2012.

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