*The Simons Foundation announces the Africa Mathematics Project*
The Africa Mathematics Project is a new initiative in support of mathematical research in Africa's institutions of higher learning. The program is designed to enhance the mathematical capacity and productivity of recipient research groups. It is expected that the researchers' own results, as well as their work with advanced students and other researchers, will benefit the African continent as a whole. The Africa Mathematics Project will strive to coordinate its programs with those of other mathematics research and advanced education programs and initiatives on the African continent, and elsewhere in the world.
The project will focus on mathematicians and their graduate students at institutions of higher learning in sub-Saharan Africa. The Foundation will make competitive awards that, taken together, will total approximately 400,000 USD per year for each of the next 10 years.
A planning committee has been appointed to oversee the initial stages of the project. Members are Herbert Clemens (Chair), Ohio State University, USA; Wandera Ogana, University of Nairobi, Kenya; Marie-Françoise Roy, Université de Rennes-1, France; and Hamidou Touré, Université de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The Africa Mathematics Project is now requesting concept papers <https://simonsfoundation.org/mps-amp-request-for-concept-papers> with a deadline of December 15, 2011.
Questions or comments may be addressed to mps@simonsfoundation.org <mailto:mps@simonsfoundation.org>.
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