Call for Proposals
Blacksmith Institute Small Research Grants
Accepting applications now on a rolling basis. Applications will not be accepted after December 31, 2012.
Blacksmith Institute announces Small Research Grants 2012. The program seeks to understand scope, effects and remediation of toxic pollution in countries belonging to WHO Mortality Strata B, C, D and E[1]. The program will fund small research projects in 2012, with an emphasis on publishing findings.
Blacksmith Institute invites research proposals encompassing point source pollution, related health impacts, environmental control and/or remediation technology. Pollutants of interest include heavy metals, pesticides, radionuclides, dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), air particulates (PM10 and PM2.5), and other severe and persistent toxins. Proposals focusing on lead, chromium, cadmium, mercury, radionuclides or arsenic are particularly encouraged.
Projects relating to the following will NOT be funded:
- greenhouse gases or climate change impacts, adaptation or vulnerability,
- sewage and non-toxic municipal waste,
- biological or chemical oxygen demand (BOD and COD),
- noise pollution,
- pollution which has no potential human health impact, or for which there is no pathway to humans.
Research must relate to countries that belong to WHO Mortality Strata B, C, D or E1.
All types of institutions are eligible to apply. Individuals are eligible to apply. Small Research Grants are open to all nationalities and disciplines. Doctoral and postdoctoral candidates, and applicants from countries that belong to WHO Mortality Strata B, C, D or E1 are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants seeking to write up existing research, or complete partially completed research are eligible to apply. Applicants who intend to publish findings are especially encouraged to apply. In all cases, applicants must show proof of sufficient research capacity.
Awards for Small Research Grants are up to USD2,500. Projects must be completed by February 28, 2013. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, beginning May 11, 2012. Applications will not be accepted after December 31, 2012.
Application Requirements:
Applications for Small Research Grants should be no longer than 4 pages and include:
Administrative information (details of applicants, including past experience, research and qualifications)
Research proposal (study rationale, objectives/testable hypotheses, design, methods and data, expected outcomes and results dissemination, including plans for publication)
Proposed budget
Review Criteria:
Grant selection will be based on:
- Relevance and originality of the research questions
- Public health significance
- Internal validity, methods and data
- Ethical considerations
- Budget and value for money
- Potential for publication
Conditions of Grant:
For institutional applicants, evidence of approval from the host institution is required. Both project and financial reports will be required at the end of the funding period. Awardees are responsible for ensuring that ethical issues relating to the research project, if any, are identified and brought to the attention of Blacksmith Institute. In particular, if the proposed research involves human subjects (see U.S. definition of human subjects research at, applicants must demonstrate proof of approval by the appropriate human subjects ethical review authority in the host country. Applicants are also responsible for disclosing any potential conflict of interest at the time of application.
Application Submission:
Questions may be directed to, and proposals may be submitted electronically to Sandy Page-Cook at ">
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