The Africa Programme of the University for Peace (UPAP) has secured funding from the Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC) to build research capacity in Africa in Governance and Security Studies. This research grant cycle is a second one received from IDRC after the first one that UPEACE received in 2007 and focused on developing research capacity in Peace, Conflict and Development.
The present grant comes from two programs within IDRC, the Fellowships and Awards Program (F&A) and the Governance, Security and Justice Program (GSJ). Support from the two programs will enable UPEACE Africa programme to train a total of 30 PhD candidates registered with universities in Sub Saharan Africa.
The first category comprises Doctoral research awards. Candidates in this category are PhD candidates who are registered at universities in Sub Saharan Africa and have completed the required course work and/or other preliminary doctoral requirements as instructed by their universities. They would be in the phase of doing their field work, analyzing their data and writing their thesis. A total of 26 doctoral research awards will be granted during this project. The second category of PhD fellows is composed of PhD students who have freshly registered at universities in sub Saharan Africa and are at the very beginning of their studies. The project will grant a total of four fellowships.
Deadline: 31 March 2012
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