Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Grants for open applications development

Call for Proposals


The IDS Knowledge Services Open Application Programming Interface (API) provides easy programmatic access to tens of thousands of thematically organised resources, primarily academic research, on development issues that are freely available online.


IDS Knowledge Services invites your organisation to apply for a small technical grant. These grants are available to application developers in developing countries wishing to use information and communication technologies to repurpose, and contextualise research on development issues and so inform evidence based policy making.


Individual grant maximum: GBP £3000

Implementation period: 5 weeks

Application deadline: 13 February 2012


We are currently offering two types of grant:


1) Plug in grants

These grants are allocated to design and build plug-ins/modules/add ons to existing content management systems and web platforms. The plug-ins will import or display a user defined selection of data from the KS data sets. There are two grants currently available, for developing a Wordpress plug-in and an HTML embeddable "widget".


2)            Innovation grants

These grants are allocated to design and build applications or services that use innovative ways of combining data and information from different sources, to create new tools, applications and systems which are useful, meaningful and relevant for informing development policy and practice.


Preference will be given to proposals that focus on the programme's key thematic or technological areas, as follows:


•             Climate Change

•             Food and Agriculture

•             Health

•             Governance

•             Gender



•             Mobile

•             Mapping

•             Applications supporting people in areas of limited connectivity


Full details visit:

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