Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Announcement for Research Assistants



Dear All,


Tanzania Transparency Forum (TRAFO) in collaborating with Transparency International Kenya (TI-Kenya) is planning to build (create) a National Database of Research Assistants in Tanzania. The database will support TRAFO and TI-Kenya to recruit Research Assistants on need basis for different short term projects.  We invite applications for interested persons.  The minimum requirements for those interested their names to be included in the database are as follows:-

·         Second or third year university student in a recognized local university studying Arts / Social Sciences;

·         Able and willing to be deployed on various research projects by TRAFO and TI-Kenya sometimes on short notice;

·         Generally conversant with the geography of the areas around the university/ college and / or region of residence;

·         Good communication skills; and

·         Willingness and ability to travel widely across the area allocated.


Inclusion into the database does not create liability on the part of TRAFO or TI-Kenya to provide opportunity during any research assignment. Any engagement will be based on tasks available, number of research assistants required and general suitability of the research assistant.


Interested students are required  to forward their applications indicating their geographical regions and C.Vs by January 24th, 2012 to the following address:



Ms. Juliette Kingalu,

Assistant Programme - TRAFO

Off University Road, Survey Area, Kawe/Mlalakuwa Plot # 301-304, House # 250

P.O. Box 32505,

Dar es Salaam -TANZANIA

Tel:  +255 22 2701890

        +255 22 2701895-6

Cell: +255 784 410 939

Fax: +255 22 2701890

E-mail: Tanzaniatransparencyforum-TRAFO@fordia.org/juliette.kingalu@fordia.org/ info@fordia.org 

Website: www.fordia.org 


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