Tuesday, September 20, 2011

International Climate Protection Fellowships

The International Climate Protection Fellowship Programme for prospective leaders from emerging and developing countries is entering its third round. 

Each year, up to twenty International Climate Protection Fellowships are awarded to prospective leaders from emerging or developing countries who are working on climate protection and resource conservation issues in academia, business, government or nongovernmental organisations.

They come to Germany for a year to conduct a project dedicated to the sharing of knowledge, methods and techniques together with a host. This encourages the creation of a network in which German and foreign experts collaborate on a sustainable, international basis to combat climate change and its global consequences. The fellowships are funded under the Federal Environment Ministry's International Climate Protection Initiative.

In the last selection round, the Foundation was able to grant 14 fellowships to potential leaders which will begin in September 2011. The eight female and six male fellows come from Bolivia, China, Ecuador, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Nigeria, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Syria and Uzbekistan. The disciplines they represent range from agricultural economics and botany to solar energy use and political economics.

If interested visit: www.humboldt-foundation.de/web/icf.html

Applications may be submitted immediately. 

The closing date is 15 December 2011.


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