Tuesday, September 13, 2011


POSITION: AdministrativeAssistant

DUTY STATION: Dares Salaam

Under the generalsupervision of the Administrative Officer, the Administrative Assistant servesas principal assistant for carrying out broad administrative support functionswhich may include coordination and supervision of clerical and administrativestaff engaged in fields of work such as personnel, finance, registry, supplyand transportation, as indicated by the requirements and structure of theorganisation. The incumbent of the postis required to perform the following duties:1. Analyse and maintain anoverview of the work of the office to ensure that timely administrative supportis provided in general and specialised areas. Participates in the recruitment and training of general service stafffor specialised and non specialised work and assigns general service staff towork requirements. Review and evaluatework of subordinates directly or through lower level supervisors;2. In addition to generaladministration responsibilities, may also supervise, directly and indirectly, contractorsresponsible for office and grounds maintenance, security, transport and similarservices;
3. Brief internationalpersonnel on general administrative matters, provides advice and ensureadministrative support as required;4. Advise and assistsenior staff in the area of office management. Arrange for and/or attend meetings on day to day administrative matters,participate in discussions of new or revised procedures and practices,interpret and assess the impact of changes and make recommendations for followup action;5. Preparecorrespondence, special reports, evaluations and justifications as required ongeneral administrative or specialised tasks that may be of a confidentialnature within assigned area of responsibility;
6. Handle the e-imprestaccounts, preparation of Imprest Purchase orders, inventory control, monitoringfuel consumption, supervise the duties of secretaries, drivers and messengers,scrutinise requests from Government, scrutinise the financial reports, attendOne UN theme group meetings, attend management meeting in the absence of AO andtaking care of all office equipment
7. Put in place a propersystem of financial records, monitor and follow up on financial reports andpreparation of monthly financial implementation report.
8. Maintain the trackingsystem and management of DFCs, also make follow up on DFCs accountability. 9. Perform other dutiesas required.
KNOWLEDGE/QUALIFICATIONS(a) Knowledge and skills:Thorough knowledge andunderstanding of a wide range of administrative policies and procedures isrequired, together with well developed management and supervisory skills. Progressive responsible work experience inseveral administrative areas, including supervisory responsibilities, is aprerequisite. A good knowledge of computer applications.(b) Education and special training: Bachelors degree or advanced Diploma inBusiness Administration, Management or Accounting or other related trainingcourse in finance and business administration is desirable.(c) Experience (length and nature) A minimum of seven years experience ofprogressive responsible work in Administration and Finance. Experience in UNAgencies/International NGO is an advantage.(d) Languages: Excellent knowledge/Good command of both spokenand written English, and a very good knowledge of the local language(s). Knowledgeof French will be additional advantageSalary: GS 7 as per United Nations GeneralService scales.Contract Type: FixedTermClosing Date: 23rd September, 2011
Candidates who meet theabove requirements are requested to apply including a detailed CV, passportsize photograph, copies of certificates and testimonials should be sent to WHORepresentative, Attention: Administrative Officer, P.O. Box 9292, Dar Es SalaamTanzania by mail. Applications receivedafter the closing date will not be considered. Applications by email or fax arenot acceptable.
This Application isopen to candidates of either sex. Womenapplicants are encouraged. Onlycandidates who meet all these requirements will be considered for andshortlisted for tests and interview.

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