Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Funds for Agriculture researchers and natural resource managers

Deadline-June 29, 2011

THE CRAWFORD FUND seeks nominations for the DEREK TRIBE AWARD from agriculture researchers and natural resource managers

THE CRAWFORD FUND seeks nominations for The DEREK TRIBE Award aimed at recognizing distinguished contributions to the application of research in agriculture and natural resource management in a developing country or countries.

The Crawford Fund was established in June 1987 by The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. It was named in honour of the late Sir John Crawford and commemorates his outstanding services to international agricultural research. The Crawford Fund is a non-profit, non-government organisation, dedicated to raising awareness of the benefits to developing countries and to Australia of International Agricultural Research. The Fund depends on grants and donations from governments, private companies, corporations, charitable trusts and individual Australians. It also welcomes partnerships with agencies and organisations in Australia and overseas.

The Fund promotes and supports international R&D activities in which Australian research organisations and companies are active participants. It supports the work of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and other international research centres.

Eligibility for the DEREK TRIBE AWARD

The Award is open to citizens of developing countries.


Nominations for the Award, which must be seconded, must include the candidate's full name and title, a short biography, a curriculum vitae and a citation generally supporting the nomination. The Selection Committee will consider the candidate's professional reputation and the impact of his/her contributions in the application of research in agriculture and natural resource management in a developing country or countries. All nominations are confidential.

Responsibilities of Recipient

The recipient shall be required to undertake a visit of about two weeks to agricultural centres in Australia with the intention of enhancing networking and linkages between the recipient's home institution and country with similar bodies and individuals in Australia. The recipient shall be requested to extend those networks within his or her home country. The recipient shall be required to attend a seminar, or other public event, nominated by The Crawford Fund, to receive the Award and to deliver an address to be termed The Crawford Fund Derek Tribe Award Address.

Deadline for submitting the nomination is June 29, 2011


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