Tuesday, March 15, 2016


TENDER NO. PA/005/205-16/C/17

1. The Public Service Pensions Fund (PSPF) has set aside funds in its budget for the financial year 2015/16 for procurement of goods, services and works. It is intended that part of the funds will be applied to cover eligible payments under the contract for provision of consultancy services for designing and supervision of automation of PSPF registry.
2. In carrying out the assignment the firm shall develop, implement, maintain and support File Tracking and Storage Systems for the Fund so as to implement a web based File Tracking System, which will comprise of the, following;
i. Web Interface that provides a browser-based user interface to log in and to perform searching, requesting items from storage facilities, and check location history. It functions across platforms and could be accessed via desktop PC, Mac, Tablet and Smartphone.
ii. Mobile Interface that should run on a Mobile based device with software pre-loaded for users to conduct item management on the go. Users should be able to carry out remote audits, find missing items, move and confirm item locations and other related mobile activities. Data should be able to sync with via USB or Wi-Fi network.
iii. Middleware that performs RFID data collection from network-based readers and other scanning devices. It should provide central control of the RFID system including configuration, zone definition, variable reader power and range, plus sensor location mapping and more.
iv. Generally, the system should track the current location of any file whether it is in the file area, checked out to a user, or has been archived to storage or another media type. This Eliminates time consuming manual searches of files.
3. The public service pension fund now invites consulting firms to express their interest in providing the services. Interested firms must provide the following:-
i. At least one personnel with MSc in a related/relevant subject, i.e. software coding, software integration, system development system analysis
ii. At least 3years experience/understanding of RFID industry
iii. At least 3 years' experience of programing in VB.NET environment, C++ Java, Java script, PHP, RDBMS
iv. The bidder must have successful undertaken two RFID projects within last 5years
v. Proven project management skills after 3years
vi. At least 3 years' experience/understanding of system development and integration with database
4. This is not a request for proposal (RFP). After a review of the Expression of Interest, shortlisted firms will be invited to submit their proposals. Short listing will be done in accordance with the National Competitive Selection as set out in the Public Procurement Act No.7 of 2011 and its Regulations (Selection and Employment of Consultants, 2013).


5. Written expressions of interest in one original plus two copies must be delivered to the address below at or before 14.30 hours on Wednesday 30th March 2016. Late Expression of interest will be rejected. Expression of interest will be opened in the presence of the Consultants' representatives who choose to attend at the address below immediately after 14.30 hours.

Secretary to the Tender Board;
Public Service Pensions Fund (PSPF),
Golden Jubilee Towers, 11th Floor, Wing A,
Ohio Street, 11101 KIVUKONI
P.O. Box 4843,
Dar es Salaam.
6. The envelopes should be sealed and clearly marked EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR DESIGNING AND SUPERVISION OF AUTOMATION OF PSPF REGISTRY - TENDER NO. PA/005/201 5- 16/C/17" - Do not open before Wednesday 30th March 2016, 14:30 hours.

7. Expression of interest in form of Telegraphic, Telex, Telefax and e-mail will not be accepted and those which will not be received and not opened in public at the public bid opening ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.

The Director General
Public Service Pensions Fund (PSPF).

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