Monday, February 22, 2016

Senior financial analyst, ONEC2

  • Position title: Senior financial analyst, ONEC2
  • Grade: PL-5
  • Position N°: 50067323
  • Reference: ADB/16/032
  • Publication date: 15/02/2016
  • Closing date: 07/03/2016
  • Country: Côte d'Ivoire


The Energy, Environment and Climate Change Department (ONEC) is in charge of managing the Bank Group energy operations in Regional Member Countries (RMCs). It helps address climate change and environmental issues by incorporating them into Bank Group supported operations and giving them the visibility required. ONEC Department includes two energy divisions and a third division which is responsible for climate change and environment issues. The main objective of the Eastern and Southern Africa Energy Division (ONEC.2) is to build on the Bank's sector skills and strengthen its capacity to become the leader in strategy, development, financing and implementation of energy projects and programs in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Duties and responsibilities

The Senior Financial Analyst will work under the general supervision and guidance of the Manager, Eastern and Southern Africa Energy Sector (ONEC.2). His/her core duties/responsibilities will include the following:
  • Conduct financial analysis of projects in the energy and mining sectors as well as the executing agencies at various stages of the project cycle, namely identification, preparation, appraisal, implementation and completion, by: 
    • Collecting and analyzing all financial data and appropriate performance indicators, in order to determine the investment potential of projects;
    • Evaluating the commercial performance, tariffs and tariff policy of the executing agency and its capacity to ensure project sustainability;
    • Estimating and calculating the detailed project cost in foreign exchange and local currency; 
    • Calculating the Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) based on logical hypotheses and project estimated cash flow;
    • Evaluating financial projections, income statements and balance sheets of the executing agency; 
    • Evaluating the overall performance of the project and the executing agency to determine the project's financial viability and sustainability;
    • Evaluating the financial policies and procedures as well as those related to risk management;
    • Proposing loan conditions that contribute to project viability and sustainability;
    • Participating in Bank missions at each stage of the project cycle to gather data necessary for undertaking the above tasks and discussing the project with the relevant authorities;
    • Liaising with the economist to calculate the Internal Economic Rate of Return (IERR) based on the project's logical hypotheses and the FIRR.
  • Assess the legal institutional and organizational framework of the executing agency by:
    • Evaluating the legal framework of the sector and the executing agency;
    • Analyzing the adequacy of the executing agency's organizational structure in terms of hierarchy and staffing;
    • Evaluating the staff training needs of the executing agency;
    • Evaluating sector reforms, including privatization;
    • Preparing loan conditions in connection with the institutional status of the executing agency;
    • Discussing the above issues with the relevant authorities during missions.
  • Ensure continued project supervision by:
    • Analyzing the audited financial statements of the executing agency;
    • Evaluating the accounting system used in keeping project accounts;
    • Reviewing compliance with Bank rules and guidelines;
    • Reviewing fulfillment of Bank loan conditions;
    • Reviewing compliance with the project's estimated implementation schedule;
    • Participating in missions to undertake the above tasks and discuss with the relevant authorities.
  • Successfully conduct portfolio management and loan administration activities by:
    • Assisting Management in implementing projects;
    • Advising project managers, government representatives, executing agencies and Bank Management on various aspects of projects and current alternatives;
    • Writing regularly to project managers, governmental authorities and co-financiers on all project-related issues;
    • Reviewing bidding documents and bid assessment reports submitted to the Bank for information, with a view to concluding contracts for projects managed by the Division;
    • Participating in meetings of various working groups within the Bank, loan negotiations with borrowers and presentation of projects to the Bank's Board of Directors;
    • Evaluating the CVs of consultants for the provision of services on some of the Division's short-term missions.
  • Participate in preparing country strategy papers and operational policies, and if necessary, present and defend them before the Board of Directors.

Selection Criteria

  • A minimum of a Master's degree in finance, business administration, financial accounting or other related fields;
  • A minimum of five (5) years of relevant experience in project infrastructure financial analysis;
  • Ability to grasp details and work without supervision;
  • Ability to work as part of a team, present and promote ideas;
  • Ability to build partnerships and produce results to match the long-term needs and interests of clients both within and outside the Institution;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English with a practical knowledge of French;
  • Considerable knowledge of IT tools. Knowledge of SAP is desirable.

Apply online

To apply for this position, you need to be national of one of AfDB member countries.

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