Thursday, December 31, 2015

Call for Applications: Information Management Expert

  • Background: The East Africa Trade and Investment Hub (the Hub) is the U.S. government's flagship project under the presidential Trade Africa initiative, launched in 2013 to boost trade and investment with and within Africa.
    The Hub partners with East African and U.S. businesses to attract investment needed to transform the East African private sector into vibrant global trading partners.
    Improving the region's trade competitiveness, encouraging the diversification of exports beyond natural resources, and promoting broader, more-inclusive economic growth will lead to more food secure and resilient East African communities.
    The goal of the Hub is to deepen regional integration, increase the competitiveness of select regional agricultural value chains, promote two-way trade with the U.S. under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and facilitate investment and technology to drive trade growth intra-regionally and to global markets.
    Objectives: The Information Management Expert will support the Hub to gather and distill relevant technical information for use in trade and investment facilitation.
    This information must be accurate and up-to-date with an educational focus, presented in an attractive and readable form for use by stakeholders and partners.
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    Content Development:
  • Review enquiries received by Hub from stakeholders and develop standard responses in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical guides and briefs.
  • Review databases of reports, studies, statistics, policies, strategies and journals relevant to the work of the Hub, and showcase helpful material in original or summarized user friendly form for dissemination to stakeholders and partners.
  • Liaise with Hub component leads to develop component specific information briefs and technical guides, tool kits and other material for education and outreach, delivered via various platforms.
  • Prepare thought leadership articles with the help of component leads.
  • Support the development and management of the Hub's web-based knowledge management system including identifying information needs of various components for inclusion in the knowledge management system.Communication:
  • Manage the Hub's AGOA Hotline service to receive and respond to requests for information from various stakeholders covering all Hub components.
  • Respond to enquiries from stakeholders with help of component staff.
  • Other duties as assigned.Qualifications:
  • Bachelor's degree in communication, journalism, economics, information sciences or related discipline.
  • Postgraduate diploma or Master's degree in communication, journalism or related discipline is an added advantage.
  • Practical knowledge and skills in use of Information Management Systems and other related information technologies/techniques.
  • At least 5 years of communication work experience in an organization involved in economic development, economic policy or trade development.
  • Excellent writing, speaking, and reading skills in English, with a particular ability to condense lengthy, technical material into user-friendly summaries.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication and interpersonal skills.Supervisory Responsibilities:
  • The Information Management Expert will have no supervisory responsibilities.Base of Operations: Nairobi, Kenya
    Reporting: The IM Expert will report to the Director of Communications
    Interested applicants should apply via the link
    Information Management Expert Job in Nairobi, Kenya - East Africa Trade & Investment Hub by January 13, 2016, 5.00pm East Africa Local time.
    Only candidates who send their information by applying through the link and by the deadline will be eligible.
    Visit to view the scope of work and learn more about The Trade hub.
    DAI is an equal opportunity employer.


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