Monday, June 1, 2015

Information to Tanzanians for Mauritius Scholarships 2015

The Government of Mauritius is offering scholarships for undergraduate studies in Public Tertiary Education Institutions in Mauritius deserving Tanzanian students in 2015.


1. Financial Conditions of the Scholarship 

1.1 The Scholarship will cover:

(i) A monthly living allowance,

(ii) Tuition fees, and

(iii) Student airfare (economy class) by the most economical route to and from Mauritius at the start and the end of the studies. 

1.2 The duration of the scholarship will be for a maximum of four (4) years depending on the course. 

2. Eligibility

2.1 Be resident citizens of Tanzania

2.2 Scholarships shall not be awarded for:

(i) Top-up degree programmes;

(ii) Foundation programmes; and

(iii) Mixed modes (distance and on-campus learning) 

2.3 Age Limit:

Candidates should not be below 18 years and not more than 25 years of age at the date of application. 

3.0. Procedure for submitting applications

3.1 The Procedure for submitting applications is as detailed below: 

3.2 ALL candidates must submit the fully completed application forms and certified copies of the following documents as part of their application by 10th June 2015: 

(i) Birth certificate 

(ii) O-Level and A-Level Secondary Education Certificates or Equivalent Diploma Certificate with B+ grade , (iii)transcripts of secondary school results/Diploma,

(iv) Mark sheets relating to the qualifications, 

(v) Medical certificate mentioning that applicant is free from any contagious disease eg.HIV/AIDS

(vi) Letter of conditional offer by a public tertiary education institution in Mauritius (if available at time of submission).


Non-submission of the above documents mentioned at (i) to (vi) by 10 June 2015, or incorrect or incomplete filling of application form will result in the elimination of the candidate from being considered for the scholarship. 

Education certificates and transcripts, if not in French or in English language, must be submitted along with a certified translation in one of these two languages. 

3.2 Candidates should indicate in their applications, the name of the institution and the title and course code of the programme to which they have/wish to be admitted. 


Institution Website

1. University of Mauritius -

2. University of Technology, Mauritius -

3. Université des Mascareignes -

4. Open University of Mauritius -

5. Fashion and Design Institute -

6. Mauritius Institute of Education -

7. Mahatma Gandhi Institute - www.

8. Rabindranath Tagore Institute -

3.3 All applications should be made through the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training

4. Other conditions

4.1 The selection of candidates for the scholarships will be made on the basis of merit. 

4.2 Self-financing candidates already studying in Mauritius in an undergraduate programme before July 2015 will not be eligible for such a scholarship. 

4.3 The scholarship holders would be required to sign an undertaking to return to their home country as soon as the studentship comes to an end. 

4.4 The candidates, once selected, should – 

a) Be available to commence their academic studies in Mauritius by the start of the academic year of the respective institution where they have been admitted;

b) Be enrolled in a full-time and on-campus (not distance learning) programme;

c) Not be in receipt of a full fee scholarship from any other source in Mauritius; and 

d) Be able to pay any costs not covered by the scholarship.

5. Tuition fees and Course related costs

5.1 A provision of up to MUR 100,000 will be allocated yearly directly to the institution for this scholarship to meet tuition fees and related course costs.

5.2 Candidates will not be allowed to change their course or move to another institution once they have been granted scholarships. 

6. Living allowance
6.1 An all-inclusive living allowance will be paid at an approved rate of MUR 8,300 monthly for daily expenses for the full academic year and renewed upon submission of evidence from the institution of having successfully enrolled for the following academic year.

6.2 No stipend will be released during any period of vacation leave abroad except for the house rent which should not be for more than two months during the leave. 

6.3 Awardees will have to inform the Tertiary Education Commission and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research in case they have to leave Mauritius for any personal reason or otherwise. During the period of their stay outside Mauritius, they will not be eligible to the stipend. 

7. Travel to Mauritius

7.1 International student air travel (economy class fare) by the most economical route will be provided at the start and end of studentship only. 

7.2 Students should inform the university or institution to which they have been admitted of their travel schedule well in advance. 

8. Medical and Travel Insurance

8.1 Arrangements for Medical and Travel insurance in Mauritius will have to be borne by the students themselves.

8.2 Students will have access to public hospitals for medical treatment.

9. Student Visa

9.1 Application for student visa will be made to the Passport and Immigration office by the tertiary education institution where the student is enrolled prior to arrival in Mauritius.

9.2 The Passport and Immigration Office will process the application and issue a provisional entry permit valid for three months to enable the student to travel to Mauritius. 

10. Passport 

10.1 Students must have a valid passport for the duration of course applied for. 

11. Accommodation 

11.1 Students who will be selected will make prior arrangements with the institution in Mauritius with regards to accommodation facilities available and to make arrangements accordingly.

11.2 The institution receiving the student will make all the necessary arrangements concerning facilitation of the visa application and assisting the student to obtain appropriate accommodation.

12. Submission of Annual progress report

12.1 Students will have to submit annual/academic/attendance progress reports for continuation of scholarship payments. 

12.2 A bi-annual report on the students should be submitted by each institution to the Study Mauritius Office of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research by the institution concerned.

13. Travelling 

13.1 If a student decides to return to his/her country before the completion of the course, he/she would not be entitled to a return passage. The expenditure would have to be met by the student himself/herself. 

13.2 The student will not be entitled to a refund of any expenses related to his/her travel outside Mauritius during vacations for the duration of the course. 

14. Applications for Additional Grants

14.1 No application for additional grants will be entertained. 

14.2 Students pursuing science courses will have to bear the expenditure on laboratory chemicals and other incidental expenses. 

15. Fieldwork/Leave to work away

15.1 Any cost pertaining to fieldwork or leave will have to be borne by the student. 

16. Renewal of Scholarship

16.1 Scholarships are provided on a yearly basis to students subject to successful completion of each year of study. 

16.2 The Government of Mauritius will discontinue scholarship payments in case the student fails his/her examinations but will resume them on submission of documents certifying that he/she has succeeded in resit examinations.

17. Termination of studentship 

17.1 The scholarship may be terminated at any time for reasons of unsatisfactory conduct, progress, or attendance. The detailed guidelines and application form for the scholarships are available and


(i) Completed application form with endorsement from the Ministry of Education and Vocational training;

(ii) Certified copy of birth certificate 

(iii) Photocopy of biodata page of passport 

(iv) Certified copies of O-Level and A-level Secondary educational certificates or Diploma Certificate with B+ Grade,

(v) Transcripts of secondary school results/Diploma, and 

(viii) Medical certificate mentioning that student is free of contagious diseases eg HIV/AIDS. 

Address for forwarding of completed application Forms

Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
Office No.28 Director of Higher Education –Registry 
7 Magogoni Street
Code 11479 
P.O.Box 9121
Dar es Salaam

NoteAll academic credentials and qualifications must be duly certified by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training •

All certificates/ transcripts and mark sheets must be either translated in English or French before submission. •

The deadline 10/06/2015 at 10:00am

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