Tuesday, June 2, 2015

F & E/ Wash Situation Analysis for Tanzania

F & E/ Wash Situation Analysis for Tanzania
TERMS OF REFERENCE (restricted call)


HKI is seeking a short-term consultant to conduct a face washing and environmental improvement situational analysis on in the three selected regions of Arusha, Lindi, and Dodoma for the DFID/Trust Trachoma SAFE project.
The face washing and environmental improvement (F & E) situational analysis is composed of several information gathering activities ranging from collation of quantitative data to conducting qualitative interviews with key stakeholders who influence face washing and environmental improvement. The collective information for this activity will be used to further guide decisions regarding any F & E programing and activities in these districts. An F & E analysis has already been performed in the three regions supported by DfID funding; now a consultant is sought to perform the same analysis in the three Trust funded regions.
Data collection methods will include desk reviews and in-person interviews to gather information. Interviews with key informants at the regional and district level will be required. Upon completion of the work, the consultant will submit a final report to HKI/Sightsavers/MOHSW. Timeline will consist of 2-3 weeks. Deadline of submission to HKI is July 15, 2015.  
Overview of the program:
The Department For International Development (DfID) of the UK government and the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust (The Trust) have awarded Sightsavers-UK contracts for a Trachoma SAFE (Surgery, Antibiotics, Facial cleanliness and Environmental improvement) implementation program in six countries. In Tanzania the focus of the program is on trichiasis surgery in three regions to manage, in total, 21,265 TT cases in 5 years.  Helen Keller International (HKI)-Tanzania has been selected by SS-UK (under the auspices of the International Coalition for Trachoma Control) to assume the coordinating role for this project.
The Trust funded portion of this trachoma elimination program focuses on districts in Dodoma, Lindi, and Arusha regions. In close collaboration with the MOHSW- National NTD Control program (NTDCP), three implementing partners have been selected to conduct surgical outreach in the identified regions: Kongwa Trachoma Project in Dodoma, Sightsavers-TZ in Lindi, and KCCO in Arusha. The program aims to reach a significant proportion of the trichiasis cases in these areas and provide surgical services or other case management in order to help relieve pain, enable people to return to work, and prevent further vision loss and blindness. 

DfID/Trust support to Tanzania is currently limited to TT case management, with other components of the full SAFE Strategy being carried out by other organisations and funding sources. However, DfID/Trust have requested that a full F & E / WASH Situational Analysis be conducted in the districts in which TT case management will occur. If it is found that the current WASH/ BCC interventions in these districts are insufficient, there may be opportunities in the future for further funding from DfID/Trust in these areas.
Key Tasks to be Performed:
1.       Review previous F & E analysis (performed in DfID regions only) for gaps in the report in relation to desk review of existing studies, campaigns, NTD master plans, WASH strategies, etc.
2.       Work with relevant members of established county-, region- and/or district-level Trachoma, WASH, and/or NTD Task Force teams to review the relevant F&E / WASH strategies currently in place as described in the current report, and fill any gaps in the report as needed.
3.       Meet with representatives of the following entities to discuss current F&E / WASH activities undertaken or being undertaken in and around the three regions supported by the Trust portion of the Programme:
o   Implementing Partners
o   National, Regional and District-level Trachoma, WASH, and/or NTD Task Force teams
o   Organizations / Agencies engaging in behaviour change interventions and initiatives
These discussions should also gather input from these representatives regarding what works, what doesn't work and why (in both cases) with regard to F&E / WASH and behaviour change initiatives.
4.       Incorporate all information gathered into a final six-region F&E Situational Analysis Final Report to be submitted to Coordinating Partner Helen Keller International, Sightsavers International, and MOHSW.

  1. Outline of travel schedule
  2. List of planned meetings with organizations/stakeholders/government officials
  3. List of gaps found in current analysis and plan to fill in the missing information
  4. F & E Situational Analysis 6-Region final report and bibliography
Proposed Time Frame:

Proposed Time Frame
Consultant start project / meet with HKI
June 14
Review current report and formulate list of interviewees
June 15
Travel to Regions to conduct interviews and in-depth research
June 18 - 28
Conduct phone interviews and further research
June 28-July 4
Submit first draft and bibliography
July 8
Submit final report and bibliography
July 15

  • At least a Master's degree in a related field or equivalent
  • Experience in Behaviour Change Interventions, NTDs, and/or WASH.  Specific experience in Tanzania is a plus.
·         An effective, innovative, and energetic team player with cultural sensitivity and the ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment and interact with different level actors
·         Proven ability to engage and communicate effectively with executives and senior level officials
·         Strong oral communication and writing skills in English and ability to express complex issues in simple terms
·         Organized, motivated and confident individual with ability to analyse complex information


How to Apply

Consultants that meet the requirements should submit an expression of interest which should include the following:
  1. Cover letter including the consultant's suitability for the assignment and current contact information;
  2. CV, including detailed work experience, education.
  3. Proposal with budget

Offers should be submitted by email to Fatuma Mbagga (fmbagga@hki.org) with the email subject Trust Situation Analyses F&E not later than June8, 2015


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