The primary role of the African Development Bank's Financial Sector Development Department is to help the regional member countries (RMCs) increase reach (e.g. financial inclusion), depth (e.g. financial intermediation), and breadth of financial systems (e.g. capital market, cross-border development). The mission of the Department has four long-term objectives: (i) development of a vibrant private sector through an inclusive access by households and enterprises to financial services; (ii) strengthening markets participants; (iii) developing efficient capital markets, and (iv) deepening regional financial integration.
The Financial Sector Development Department (OFSD) seeks to fill the following vacant positions for three of its divisions. All positions are based in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.
Financial Markets Officers will assist the Financial Markets Division of OFSD to create more efficient financial markets and institutions capable of mobilizing domestic savings and allocating scarce capital. Because investment finance provided by the development community supplies only a minute fraction of the capital used by private agents across Africa, OFSD3 will endeavor to channel the Bank Group's resources in ways that develop Africa's financial markets.
Investment Officers will assist the Financial Institutions Division of OFSD to support FIs to on-lend to infrastructure, agribusiness, women businesses, SMEs, etc. In particular the Division: (1) engages in intermediation through FIs (primarily commercial Banks as well as credit unions, savings banks, post offices, etc.); (2) Conducts rigorous evaluations of FIs to extends support to enhance FIs on-lending to SMEs; (3) Engages in dialogue with apex bodies and initiatives to promote access to finance; (4) Supports equity investments in the FSD ecosystem, and incubates work on remittances, collateral registries, credit bureaus, etc.
Financial Inclusion Officers will assist the Financial Inclusion Division of OFSD to support the Bank's RMCs in their aim for near universal access of essential financial services. The Incumbent will promote inclusive finance policies and support country and regional programs and projects to facilitate affordable access to basic financial services for the unbanked and underserved populations, leveraging innovative and technology-led solutions to achieve the ultimate goals of near universal access in RMCs.
More information on each of these roles is available on the African Development Bank Group's website: The closing date for applications is 29 May 2015. Interested applicants should please apply for the appropriate position on the website: Applicants should complete the Online Form and attach copies of their complete Curriculum Vitae in MS Word format or PDF. The African Development Bank is an equal opportunities employer and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
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