Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Quality Management At Lower Moshi Irrigation Scheme


Terms of Reference (TOR) for Assessment of the existing quality management structure/system throughout the rice value chain at Lower Moshi irrigation scheme, Kilimanjaro Region-Tanzania

1.0 Background:

Vredeseilanden is a Belgium NGO working in 18 countries globally (in Africa, Latin America, Asia and in Europe) with family farmers to improve their livelihoods through economic interventions and by strengthening the voice of these farmers in the markets. VECO East Africa has been working in Tanzania since the mid 1970s to support local partners to deliver appropriate services to farmers and to improve their livelihoods.


According to various market studies done in Tanzania including the recently done marketing survey , wholesale and retailers cited poor quality of rice from local producers is a major challenge as the markets continue to modernize and customers are becoming more conscious in terms of rice quality .The fact was supported by the market survey done on August 2014 which has revealed that poor quality rice from Lower Moshi irrigation scheme is the main factor that made the rice from the scheme less competitive in local market as compared with rice from other places like Kahama-Shinyanga in Arusha and Moshi markets and elsewhere.

To achieve this, VECO EA aims to:

1. Strengthen quality management structure /system throughout rice value chain, this will done by identifying weak links along the rice value chain.
2. Increasing the capacity of rice farmers on producing quality rice and become competitive in the markets and increase their income
VECO EA will focus on rice value chain.
VECO EA seeks to hire a consultant to undertake assessment of existing quality management system throughout the rice value chain for the purpose of helping rice farmers and other actors along the chain to produce high quality rice and become market competitive .This will result to an increase market share of rice coming from Lower Moshi irrigation scheme.

2.0 Scope of Work:
The main objective of this consultancy is to develop a quality management system for use throughout the rice value chain.
The consultant will be required to:

• To review existing literature on rice quality management in Tanzania including government policies and strategies, Tanzania Bureau of Standards, East African Community Protocols and standards, Global Gap general practices on quality management among other relevant documents.
• To conduct a market study in order to understand the quality demands of the different actors in the rice market of Lower Moshi.
• To conduct a study on rice quality needs and required standards in the whole value chain including all actors ( From production to marketing)
• To assess value chain actors' awareness of quality management
• Pre audit of the quality management system based on the acceptable rice standards
• Rectification of anomalies and final audit

3.0 Required Qualifications:

• At least 5 years' experience on rice value chain .Preferably working on rice research institute with a strong experience on rice quality standards;
• Advanced training, PhD in food science, agric economics or agribusiness.
• Demonstrated writing, analytical, presentation and reporting skills

4.0 Expected Outputs and Reporting:

• An inception report and a work plan for the duration of the consultancy thus bringing refinement, specificity and elaboration to the TOR
• Draft report developed and presented to VECO EA for comments and feedback;
• A final detailed report after incorporating comments and feedback from stakeholders.

4.0 Consultancy timeframe:
Total contract period will be for a period of 20 days including field work and report writing.

5.0 Logistics:
The consultant will prepare an itinerary and arrange all the visits proposed and agreed sites. VECO EA will take charge of all the logistics for travel and accommodation costs.

Call for proposals:

1. Please send as your proposal detailing
2. Profile of the consultant/firm
3. A detailed work plan on the implementation of the above activities with clear time frames
4. Qualifications and experience of the individual/consultant proposed execute the assignments
5. Names and contact details of referee for three QMS assignments carried out preferably in the last years

Qualified firm or individual should send the proposal to veco-ea@veco-eastafrica.org(link sends e-mail) or Gerald.sakaya@veco-eastafrica.org(link sends e-mail) not later than 10th of April 2015.

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