Monday, March 30, 2015

Public Finance Management Development Partners Group- Coordinator, Dar es Salaam

Public Finance Management Development Partners Group- Coordinator, Dar es Salaam
Closing date: Monday, 6 April 2015
Location : Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA
Application Deadline : 06-Apr-15
Additional Category
Millennium Development Goals
Type of Contract : Service Contract
Post Level : SB-4
Languages Required : English
Starting Date : (date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract : One Year
Expected Duration of Assignment : Renewable
The Public Finance Management Development Partners Group (PFM DPG) is a subgroup under Cluster working group 4. The PFM DPG is currently co - chaired by DFID and EU and supported by the PFM DPG secretariat and currently housed by the Ministry of Finance. The members of the PFM DPG are drawn from 16 Donor agencies. (Current list is on website The group interacts regularly and has mandatory monthly meetings where donors share, engage and discuss various PFM opportunities and challenges and how coordinated efforts can be made by donors to support government in addressing them. The PFM DPG operates under the Development Partner Group Tanzania whose details are set out their website
The main strategic document outlining PFM reforms in Tanzania is the Public Financial Management Reform Program Phase IV (PFMRP IV) launched in June 2012 with a basket fund set up to support the implementation of the reforms. So far, six (6) donors (CIDA, Denmark, DFID, Finland, Ireland and KfW) provide support to the basket while a number of other donors have bilateral programmes (AfDB, JICA, Norway, SIDA, UNDP among others) that are aligned to PFMRP IV. The program is result driven based on a solid and comprehensive M&E framework covering 6 key result areas from revenue management to cross-cutting change management. The PFMRP IV is co-funded by Government and under the supervision of Permanent Secretary Treasury, Ministry of Finance. Key stakeholders outside the Ministry of Finance include PMORALG with a specific key result area on support PFM reforms at local government and POPSM. Beneficiaries of the programme extend to sector ministries and Local Government Authorities.
The PFM DPG interfaces with the Government on various levels. There is a PFMRP secretariat (headed by a coordinator) within the Ministry of Finance supervised by the Director of Planning under the leadership of the Deputy Permanent Secretary PFM. The Programme Management Committee, PMC, is called by the Government of Tanzania, chaired by the Deputy Permanent Secretary for PFM reforms and co-chaired by the co-Chairs of the PFMDPG. The PMC prepares deliberations for final decision making at the level of the Joint Steering Committee, JSC, chaired by Permanent Secretary Treasury.
Scope of work
The PFM coordinator will be responsible for supporting the co-Chairs to smoothly run and deliver the work plans of the PFM DPG.
The PFM Coordinator will work under the direction of the PFM DPG co-Chairs to help them exercise their responsibilities to meet the PFM DPG's purpose and objectives as set out below. This will entail the maintenance of close contact with KRA leads and members of PFM DPG and other sector groups such as GBS, DPG main and sector programmes/groups with whom the PFM DPG collaboration is critical. With the Government of Tanzania, this will include working relations with MoF, President's and Prime Ministers Offices, the Chief Secretary's Reform Coordination Unit, Planning Division within MoF, the PFMRP secretariat and PFMRP component managers.
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Participate in meetings with the PFM DP group providing inputs and support as necessary to facilitate the DPs active participation and input into PFM RP Phase IV (PFM RP IV);
  • Keep abreast of the country's PFM policy reforms and general developments in the PFM area, as well as liaise with IMF and related other donor missions so as to brief DPs accordingly;
  • Prepare PFM DPG meeting agenda in draft for the Co-Chairs and attend all PFM DP meetings as secretary/observer maintaining minutes and records of the issues discussed and decisions taken as well as ensuring that minutes are distributed within an appropriate time frame (i.e. not more than one week after the event);
  • Assist in the development of an annual PFM DPG work programme / KRA meeting agendas for the PFM DPG;
  • Establish a milestone calendar (gant chart), based on the PHASE IV M&E that can be used by the PFM KRA leads and the Co-Chairs to guide their interactions with GoT counterparts;
  • Participate with KRA leads in meetings with GoT component managers in order to remain current and up to date on the performance status against the approved M&E framework. In this context, the coordinator will be charged with a) coordinating DP feedback on PFMRPIV budgets, plans and reports (narrative and financial) and b) provide own comments and analysis of these budgets, plans and reports to the DPG. The coordinator will keep track of this feedback process to ensure that comments are integrated in to subsequent versions of these plans/budgets/reports;
  • Work closely with the PFMRP Secretariat within the MoF's Planning Division, providing technical support as required to facilitate the execution of their work plan and the work performed in support of component managers;
  • Monitor progress against both the M&E framework, actions and indicators highlighting noteworthy issues and recommending possible courses of action where necessary;
  • Track compliance to the PFM RP MOU with basket funders and to the operations manual and providing warning signals of any deviations from these;
  • Support the PFM Co-Chairs designated to lead DPs for the PFM RP to participate in the GBS Annual Reviews, including preparatory work on the Underlying Principles assessment and the GBS PAF set-up and monitoring;
  • Maintain contact with the Reform Coordination Unit (RCU) in the Office of the Chief Secretary, Planning Division and other relevant Government Units;
  • Prepare briefs on PFM and related matters for DPG and other fora as directed periodically;
  • Contribute to other internal and external reviews as appropriate;
  • Maintain contact with other relevant DP / GoT groupings as necessary;
  • Assist in the coordination and delivery of workshops, conferences and seminars at the request of the co-chairs (eg with Parliamentary Committees, the CAG, MDAs, Non-State Actors etc.);
  • Manage any additional consultants or staff that may be engaged by or assigned to the Secretariat to help carry out any of the duties listed above, as required;
  • Keep informed and abreast of the full range of PFM related issues and activities in Tanzania;
  • Maintain the PFM DPG home page and store key documents.
Management arrangements
The PFM coordinator will work under direct supervision of the PFM DPG co-Chairs, but seek to support the PFMRP IV and wider PFM DPG group.
UNDP/ DPG Secretariat has the overall supervisory responsibility for contract management and funds utilization. Any performance issue and annual performance rating is arranged jointly with the DPG PFM Co-Chairs and approved by UNDP.
As part of the management setup, the DP PFM Coordinator is expected to be housed together with the PFMRP Secretariat in MoF and potentially with the PFM DPG Co-Chairs or PFM DPG members.
Management and Leadership
  • Focuses on impact and results for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Demonstrates strong management and networking skills in order to build strong relationships with partners and external actors;
  • Have the stature to work and communicate with senior representatives of the Government, the DPG members, civil society and the private sector.
Development and Operational Effectiveness
  • Ability to work comfortably and effectively with the PFM partners and stakeholders;
  • Possess excellent organisational and management skills supporting the DP PFM Co-Chairs monitor and deliver results from the PFM DPG, the Budget Support PAF and other processes as needed;
  • Provide high quality support to the Co-Chair management of the PFM DPG.
Required Skills and Experience
  • Master's level in International Development, Economics, Political Science, Public Administration or any other relevant field.
  • 5 years of relevant experience;
  • Sound knowledge of and ability to apply public financial management principles, including knowledge of international practices in areas of Integrated Financial Management Systems, cash management, fund flows, reporting and budget management (including experience in budget analysis);
  • General understanding of the importance of PFM vis-à-vis government, politicians, DPs, civil society and the private sector in Tanzania. Particular knowledge of (i) Tanzania's National Framework for Good Governance, its component programmes and the Mkukuta, (ii) DPs' economic and social development assistance programmes, (iii) the modus operandi of Government and of Development Partners in Tanzania, and (iv) general development principles, administration and experience in the same is required. Particularly the PFM coordinator will foster close links with the Ministry of Finance and PMORALG with whom co-ordination of PFM policy and implementation is critical.
  • Excellent written and spoken English;
  • Fluent written and spoken Kiswahili will be considered as an advantage.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

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